Louise Smith thinks you are stupid. At last night's city council meeting, Louise Smith talked her usual game of "transparency" even as she shot down at least two motions from Terry Cohen to do just that - keep the public in the know. First she failed repeatedly to answer Terry's simple question about why the appointment of a new person to the Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals was taken off the agenda. All Louise kept saying was "there were questions" and Terry kept asking what questions. You know, whenever Debbie and Terry ask for something to go to work session first, they ALWAYS tell you why or what the questions are.
What's Louise Smith hiding? A single committee appointment has never, I repeat, NEVER, gone to a work session. Why now? Why won't she discuss it at an evening meeting on PAC14? No, Louise Smith has to bury it in a 1:30 work session on June 24 when nobody can attend. In fact - GET THIS - this is yet ANOTHER additional work session that Louise Smith knows Debbie Campbell can NOT attend. So that's the plan, a 2 against 1 so that this appointment never sees the light of day!
In case you haven't notice, Louise Smith is back on her broken record of "transparency" and "fiscal responsibility" in which she tries to sound like Debbie Campbell or Terry Cohen to try to fool you people into thinking she really is those things, just like when she lied to you during her campaign. Her votes prove she is not and never will be a Debbie or a Terry who are the real thing, not just words. Louise couldn't even do the real thing in the same session last night!
Yes, she's going to run again and she's going to try the same old blah blah blah she did before thinking you'll fall for for it again. Don't fall for it.
Louise "Government in the Sunshine - NOT!" Smith needs to be a one-termer, just like Jim Ireton is a "one term mayor."
I had the unfortunate pleasure of listening to her speak at a lunch event a couple of years ago.
She showed up late, spoke for 15 minutes (no one understood what she was talking about, pure BS)and then left halfway through lunch while real discussions where taking place.
I was completely baffled by her lack of connection towards the people and the topic of event. I couldn't even figure out why she was even there in the first place. I am fed up with these wanna be politicians and their BS.
Do they really think we are this stupid?
11:22, welcome to "tell me I'm a pretty girl" smith.
g.a. harrison pegged her perfectly.
she made a grand entrance at your luncheon, performed, then left all aglow with delusions of adulation dancing in her head.
wish i were kidding!
She is a fool if she runs for re-election. How will she react to doors being slammed in her face this time around? How many people does she think will let her into their living room to lie to their faces, like she did the last time? She'll have to put her signs out alone this time because she won't have Cohen and Spies coat tail to ride on.
I know I won't vote for her again.
What IS the big deal about this appointment? All of a sudden, the Rubber Stamp Trio has questions?
Something is smelly! Joe, please get us the scoop!
Louise is lost in a fog of self-delusion.
You've got to feel sorry for her. If she's foolish enough to run again, she'll lose.
Time to pack it in, Weezie
They don't want Insley to be replaced, that's why! SAPOA is desperately trying to maintain its power.
Insley's time has been up for a while now. His term is over. Anything he presides over is illegal.
SAPOA showed up in numberrs to support their votes on council (Smith, Shields & Comegys). Public comment was like the SAPOA show. this reminds me f the times when they managed to defeat attempts by the city at licensing and regulating their industry. they have bullied elected officials so that they can continue to operate as they like for about 20 years. I have some lovely neighbors who are tenants and the owners of the homes keep them well, but I don't think they are SAPOA members and I doubt that they would refuse one of theinspections. SAPOA worked hard to gut the legislation that was passed so that licensing and registration would be nearly meaningless. Richard insley, please go home. Take your SAPOA buddies with you and just concentrate on running good properties. Everyone will be happy, but your profits may diminish a little. No matter, Leer said on the TV that he is making plenty of money in rentals.
Louweasal can run all she wants, but her best bet would be to run home and stay there. She has lied, thrown her temper tantrums, rudely interrupted anyone and everyone and banged that stupid gavel so much that people are plain stupid if they vote for her again. She may have fooled me once but she'll not do it again and if she were to come to my door I'd shut it in her face and show her just how rude I can be too.
I said my piece about Louise Smith in the post above. But one more thing since someone else brought it up. How many times is she going to let this Leer guy tell the entire history of his woes with the city for 10, 15, 20 minutes at a stretch.
She counted down the clock -- out loud -- on G.A. Harrison's 3 minutes.
She is the most biased person I've ever seen in that chair, even worse than Mike Dunn if that is possible.
Every single one of them needs to go! What they've done to the city employees is unforgivable! We've taken pay cuts for the last 4 years and now they throw furlough days on us and raise insurance. This mayor and council do NOT care one iota about the welfare of city employees.
I have a question that needs looked intoo Joe; do the people in the upper staff that ok'ed this wastewater fiasco that guarantees employees no raise for the next 10 years still have their "cushy" jobs? Heads should have rolled over this financial monstrosity that was obviously engineered ny people that knew NOTHING of what they were doing! I wanna know if they still have their jobs and why the employees have to take the "hit" for the engineers STUPIDITY!
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