Ocean City Police are investigating the fatal pedestrian death of a 22-year-old male
identified as Zackary Gerald Knight, of Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
The preliminary investigation has revealed that at 1:36 a.m., Knight was attempting to cross Coastal Highway from east to west in the area of 36th Street. A car travelling south on Coastal Highway in lane 3 struck Knight. The collision did not occur at an intersection or a cross walk.
The driver of the car (whose name is not being released) remained at the scene. The driver of the car was determined to be sober and no charges are pending at this time. The pedestrian was treated at the scene by Ocean City Paramedics and flown to Peninsula Regional Medical Center where he died of his injuries.
Ocean City Police are advising citizens to please use caution when crossing streets and roadways. Pedestrians should always use well-marked crosswalks that are controlled by pedestrian lights and to take your time and be alert to traffic when crossing. The OCPD recommends that adults hold children’s hands when crossing as well.
Sad... But when will people learn to cross in designated areas? Jaywalking is a crime, and it will cost you your life!
This, unfortunately, is the first of many that will probably occur as pedestrians continue to cross wherever they want. There is always a crosswalk nearby. Summer season has started so ALL people need to be attentive.
The last two comments make it sounds like the young mans fault?? Are you kidding me....Drivers need to slow down and be more aware and STOP talking and texting while driving. This young man was a friend of my son's and our prayers go out to his family.
2:11 be serious... Of course its a tragedy and its very sad to lose someone close to you. But the truth of the matter is if he had went to a crosswalk, waited for the very clear walk signal, then crossed coastal highway, he'd be alive today. Don't dare blame the driver, he has to live with what happened the rest of his life. It also said he was sober and not charged with any crime. I saw a girl 20 feet away from me get hit by a taxi on coastal last summer when I was leaving work. Its sad and scary as hell to witness in person, but it is also very avoidable.
Rob S
2:11, Soory for the loss of this young man, but your wrong, it was the ped's fault, not the driver, I saw it! Get your facts straight
And I wish these facts would make it to the Salisbury "powers-that-be" who continue to do nothing about the elementary students crossing 50 wherever they want to each morning, and making it a crime for traffic to continue flowing. It IS EVERY pedestrians' responsibility to look both ways BEFORE crossing and NOT cross until the road is CLEAR! It is NOT the driver's responsibility to play pinball with pedestrians and get blamed for the ensuing accidents. VERY sorry for the young man who lost his life, and for his family. But NOT the driver's fault.
I agree with Rob S. - very well put. It is a sad loss, but avoidable.
I'm sorry, but all of you are dead wrong. How can you blame the ped? Costal Highway is and always has been a pedestrians nightmare. No one follows the speed limit, a good portion of drivers are intoxicated or distracted in some mannor. Most drivers are high school/college kids that are more concerned with how they look in their car and how loud their music is or tourists that could care less about safety outside of their own town. The problem is Ocean City and that road itself. Don't you dare say it was his fault; there's so many other factors that you have all ignored. RIP, you will be missed
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