President Obama stated he would have fired Tony Hayward for downplaying the Gulf oil spill.
You know Folks, here's the problem with hiring a wanna be politician with absolutely NO POLITICAL EXPERIENCE and especially no corporate experience. Obama, (IMHO) has a big mouth. You see Folks, If I were President of the United States, I would have fired the guy or made damn sure he didn't return to work. Let me remind you, I'd be the most powerful man in the world and if I couldn't get rid of one executive responsible for killing Lord knows how many animals and destroying our future economy, well, I guess I wouldn't be the most powerful man in the world now, would I.
Now let's take this example right here to the Eastern Shore. Let's take a look at Mayor Ireton and our little major disaster right here in Salisbury. The taxpayers have fronted $84,000,000.00 for a brand spanking new Waste Water Treatment Plant, yet the former Mayor and Paul Wilber signed off on a $1,000,000.00 liability clause. Am I the only one with balls enough to flat out state that I believe this was what I would consider a criminal act? Now I'm no lawyer but to purposely relieve a company for delivering a complete disaster that just doesn't work at all, $84,000,000.00 later, I'm Pissed!
So how is it our little Obama, Jim Ireton hasn't fired Paul Wilber over this. How is it he continues to allow such a person to protect the citizens when in fact he has proven time and time again to do just the opposite. I don't care if Barrie Tilghman demanded this move forward, Wilber knew his rear end was on the line and I say fire the SOB.
Oh, that's right, I forgot. Wet pants liberals see hope in people like Wilber and Tilghman. So when Obama sticks out his chest as the most powerful man in the world and says I would have fired him by now, PLEASE, don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining outside.
We need a Republican Congress and we need to vote out every single incumbent known to government, local and national. Hopefully the next time around, whether it references the Mayor or President, everyone look a whole lot closer to a corporate man/woman with EXPERIENCE in business.
"Help Is On The Way", "CHANGE", all BS sound bites. YOU'RE FIRED is LEADERSHIP. Who's with me on this?
Maybe the citizens should come together and file a lawsuit against Wilber and Tilghman.
I'm with you Joe.
i crack up everytime i seeing the whining Oblama lama ding dong!!
Sure Joe. If Obama "fired" BP's CEO, or anyone else, you and other conservatives would be having a fit over his tactics and how dare government intrude on a private corporation, i.e. GM.
so you want the Presiden to fire the head of a private company?
Wouldn't you be the first one to scream socialism?
Group comment!
J: I'm a "wet pants liberal" and I can tell you I have never had hope in either Wilber or Tilghman!
M: Difference is, Obama really can't fire the head of BP, but Jim Ireton really can fire Wilber.
F: Since BP is a corporation that is destroying a whole ecosystem, wanting a corporate leader as a politician doesn't make sense. Better to have a well-rounded person who has worked in the real world, is smart and has common sense. Corporations already run Congress and the White House, Joe.
There you have it from our little work group. Our break is over and we're glad we spent it with you, Joe!
anonymous 10:40 & 10:46, You're damn right I want Obama to FIRE him.
I'll tell you what A-Hole, how about we send a dozen animals soaked in oil to your homes and let YOU clean up the mess. How many wet pants liberals are lining up to race down there and help clean up. Where are all the protests in the media. You guys screwed up in the biggest way ever throughout ALL of American History and YOUR President is too afraid to step up to the plate and do something about it.
Oh, yeah, lets fine BP, like Obama or any taxpayer would see actual relief from what this will cost us.
Obama and Ireton are jokes, period. I have tried over and over again to give Obama a chance but you know what, he's a bigger Idiot than even Bush was. He has absolutely no clue what he's doing but too many of you Idiots out there just wanted a black man in office and that's all that mattered. No track record, nothing! How's it working for you now Democrats!
In Japan, the owner/president of this company would have made life easy for everyone, he would have taken his own life.
Coulden't agree anymore.
They need every able body in the prisons down there on the shores helping to clean up and save the animals. Why should we just let them sit in jail doing nothing. Put them to WORK. Why hasn't there been any concerts or telethons to help the people of the gulf?
please 10:55. You'll be the first one thumping your copy of constitution and screaming socialism.
Don't get me wrong I can't stand Obama. However, isn't what you are suggesting a step toward socialism at best and fascism at worst? The government has no place telling a private company which CEO's should come and go.
During WW2 oil had washed up on beaches around the world from Oil Tankers being destroyed. Do you think no human or bird or beast was not affected by this. How many species became extinct?
I am sorry this happened and it is a mess BUT it was an accident, in my opinion. I think MSM is making too much news out of the situation.
It is not Obama's place to fire Tony Hayward. Why should you be able to fire someone you did not hire?
What would you do if a loved one was in danger? - call Tony Hayward , wait for an enviromental impact study or help with the rescue yourself?
President Obama should have loved the USA enough to get teams and equipment in there immediately for the clean up BUT what has Obama done so far but bitch and moan and try to place blame and wait for the Corp of Engineers to do an enviromental impact study, and wait for BP to come to the rescue. God helps those who help themselves.
There is a saying I like -- "If it is to be, it is up to me". Too bad most people do not think that way. Obama should take care of protecting the USA first - get feet on the ground and in the water and not wait for BP to come up with the solution. I've said before (which you saw no need to post Joe) the world is resourceful and a solution will be found.
Wonder what happened with all that oil floating in the water, on beaches and in marshes after WW2?
Joe, we do not need a Republican congress - are you forgetting 8 years ago - or a Democrat Congress. We need to clean house, vote for Term Limits and vote in people who care about this country and the people.
anonymous 11:08, there was no oil coming ashore in the United States during WWII.
The solution is to rid of this arrogant CEO before things get even worse. No time to wait, as government tends to do.
So much for being the alleged most powerful position in the entire world. Thanks Again Obama!
Democrat or Republican, you cannot escape (nor deny) the fact that Obama has NO EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE. He has no experience at all in dealing with any national or even regional or local catastrophe. These are the FACTS. Now does anyone believe he can, like magic,acquire the ability to lead or coordinate a response to something of this magnitude, which is likely to go down in history perhaps the worst environmental disaster in the world?? Could ANY of you reading this just step into the presidency and deal with all the issues on his plate?? Think about that ----that is what Obama is having to do. WHAT in his background gives him this ability? Oh thats right--- he HIDES, SEALS RECORDS and closes, by executive order, all information concerning his life...HMMMMM.. His "drive-by" Senate expeience was a joke and getting grants for poor folk in Chicago means NOTHING. He still hasn't bothered to visit the Nashville area (unprecedented damages- over a billion dollars worth) and has mismanaged everthing from our national economy to our world leadership position. he seems to think that every problem can be handled like its Chicago politics...I'm not sure if he should be allowed to fire the CEO of a foreign company (THAT is a REAL stretch of presidential power), but he CAN start putting the hammer down on their assests in this country. Bottom line? He has no clue and it is KILLING our country...God help us....
I'm with you on this , I'll take it step further. obamie needs to go.I don't care where he goes or how.
You've never given Obama a break, Joe. And you're telling us that the President has the right to fire a private employee now? You're a socialist.
anonymous 2:58, Get a life.
Obama can't fire Hayward but I like the guy who said seize BP's assets!
Obama and Hayward work for the same people.
So far, the two are doing exactly as they have been told. You can bet on that.
Wake up people.
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