Location: Maple and Willow Roads, Frederica, Kent County, DE
Date of Occurrence: Sunday May 16, 2010
Gino Alfonso Laflora, 20, Fayetteville, NC
Delaware State Police have charged a 20 year-old North Carolina man with sexually assaulting a 14 year-old girl.
On Friday, May 28, 2010 a 14 year-old Frederica girl reported to state troopers that she was sexually assaulted by a male who lives in North Carolina but was visiting family members who were living in the neighborhood. The victim told troopers that the assault occurred near an open lot between Willow Drive and Maple Drive. The victim said she knew the suspect from a friend from the neighborhood.
The victim said she was alone with the suspect in his car when the assault happened.
State police worked with family members and North Carolina authorities to obtain the suspect’s identity.
On June 2, 2010 state police were able to identify the suspect as Gino Alfonso Laflora.
On Thursday June 3rd Laflora returned to Kent County, Delaware and turned himself into state police at Troop 3. Troopers gathered evidence that implicated Laflora in the crime. He was charged with Rape 1st and Unlawful Imprisonment. He was committed to the Department of Correction in default of $52,000 bail pending a preliminary hearing in the Court of Common Pleas in and for Kent County.
illegals :(
hang em high!
wonder how many more of our girls are going to be sexually assaulted before we start to do something about the illegals? seriously...even if this dude isn't here illegally...MANY are...and they believe that it is fine to live in OUR culture just as they live in theirs. Well...it's not. I, for one, am sicj of them raping our country--women, medical system, schools, whatever it is....they are forever raping something. And then they have the nerve to PROTEST to demand thinga be given to them???? Lemme get off my soapbox now...but I say put an immigration offical at the entrance of every WalMart on any given Saturday or Sunday and our illegals issue will be resolved.
$52,000???? that's all the life and innocence of a child is worth in Delaware? they didn't do much about Leggs either.
Sorry I guess I missed the part where it said he was an illegal...
or is North Carolina no longer a part of the United states?
Not saying he shouldn't be punished that part I agree with,
just don't get the illegal comments.
Maybe we should get all the facts before passing judgement. This could be a case of she had sex with him and then lied about the fact of it being consensual. Yea, I know age of consent issues but face your "lil darlings" are out there having sex at 13/14. He did voluntarily return to the area and turn himself in.....most "rapists" would run away and keep going
2:04, are you also sick of the beautiful, intelligent white women who consent and submit to the mexicans, blacks and the "others" ? Yea, I thought so. BTW, they are not "our" women or "our" girls.
8:26 what in the world are you talking about? I never made any comment about his race....I spoke of illegals. And if you READ the post again...it clearly states that I have no clue whether this person is illegal or not. Consentual or non-consentual....she was 14. When you are an "adult" it is your responsibility to know the age of the people you are having sex with.
BTW---did it mention anywhere that this girl was white??? Nope...so...now WHO brought race into this??
Quit using that card....it is invalid at this point in our society.
Oh my god its so funny how people just jump to think that he did it... cuz he didnt ... i no who he is and that girl wanted it just as much as he did... and men being just a man didnt say no.... just like any other man would do... but if it was the other way around they wouldnt give that gurl a second look.... gino laflora didnt do what people think he did... she was willing to do it!!!!!!!!
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