I can't let this one go, either. Terry Cohen made a motion last night to release some information out of a closed session in which something got said about ambulance response time from Station 16. Now maybe some firefighters will come on here saying I'm disrespecting the department but not at all. The issue is whether or not ambulances and fire engines can get out of Station 16 and where they are going in time if the bridge goes up. Respectfully, Isabella Street isn't the answer because trucks that heavy aren't supposed to be going down that street. It's weight restricted! The ambulances are another story, but still, Isabella gets backed up when the bridges are up too because everybody and their brother is taking that as the "alternate" route too.
So what's in that tape? If Terry Cohen says it's public information or should be, I believe her. Reminds me of when Debbie Campbell was trying to get some Wastewater Treatment Plant document released and Louise, Gary and Shanie said "no.' Now look what's going on with that plant, another $52 million about to go down the wastewater drain. What was worse was Gary Comegys playing his illness card that he hadn't had an opportunity to listen to the tape. Again, don't get me wrong, folks, nobody and I mean NOBODY, wants to see Gary having to battle cancer. You know where I'm coming from so I'm not going there again. But this is the same man who had no sympathy for Terry Cohen missing a session due to a parent dying and told her it was her job to "catch up" on what went on while she was gone. Sorry, I call it like I see it and Gary should have just sat out the vote.
Not that his vote changed anything because Louise Smith and Shanie Shields -- who were THERE at the meeting and so know exactly what Terry was referring to -- said "no." Where's the transparency, Louise? You could have been the third vote. You were supposed to be the "swing vote," remember? When you look at how the votes went last night, you have to wonder why Gary picked this night of all nights to attend, and again, with all due respect I think it's great that he was able to get out there even though it's obvious it took a toll on him. I'll let that one simmer in your minds awhile and maybe you tell me what you think.
I can't believe three stooges don't have any ethics , morals or religion. Gary , as sick as he's suppose to be makes me a little ill. Of course shanie will be shanie , dumb as a brick.
If there is somthing to know about ambulance service, the public has a right to know!
What more is there to say about Louise Smith? She is all about transparency unless she doesn't want it. She is all about accountability except for herself. She is all about fiscal responsibility until she wants to blow money.
We all know this. She lied to get elected. She just wants to appear powerful and in control. All ego, no cattle.
Terry is right. The fire palace is the flop they said it would be. There are few few volunteers there and they refuse to handle any EMS calls.When the bridge is up or just rush hour traffic these guys are screwed.Dont let the old station go just yet. Its too costly to replace and once its gone its gone.
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