Today Salisbury News came to learn of two new situations at hand, both referencing the Salisbury Police Department.
It has been reported that Mayor Ireton will be furloughing Police Officers. As if it isn't bad enough that these Officers are some of the lowest paid Officers in the state of Maryland, now he wants to cut even more out of their pay.
We have watched TWO Mayor's within the City of Salisbury ignore SPD requests to increase their budget in order to tackle crime head on by putting in new Officers. Jim Ireton ran a campaign based on showing support to the SPD, yet all of his actions since he has been in Office have turned out quite the opposite. Again, "Mr. One Term Mayor."
Are you ready for this though. Now Mayor Ireton, (even though he publicly stated Ivan Barkley could remain Chief as long as he was interested in the position) wants to ask the Council to EXTEND Ivan's current position for another 6 months.
OK Jim, what's the deal. Either you support Chief Barkley or you don't. The word I was receiving throughout the weekend was that Ernie Leatherbury was going to replace Chief Barkley and now we're seeing yet another extension rather than fixing the position for Ivan Barkley.
Here's what I personally think. I think the City Council should demand that Ireton either fill this position with Ivan Barkley or in the very least simply extend the temporary position for 3 months, instead of 6.
The City Charter states that the Mayor "SHALL" appoint a new Police Chief. It doesn't say he MAY. So based on the Charter, Jim needs to get on the ball with both the Police Department and the Fire Department and hire new Chief's.
Let me close with this thought. Since I challenged Mary Ashonti in an earlier Post, I should do the same to Ireton. Is it more important to have Lore' Chambers in her high payed position, or more Police Officers on the streets and not being furloughed? Will the AFP get a hold of this one and run with it as well? Let's see where this takes us.
UPDATE: The proposed resolution to extend Ivan Barkley's acting status is open ended -- no expiration is provided -- and is intended to continue until whenever Ireton appoints a permanent police chief "with the advice and consent of the Council" as the Charter mandates ("shall appoint").
He's extending it because jimbo wants Leatherbury, who he's promised it to and the council wants Barkley. jim needs to step up and act on the one right decision he's made and make Barkley the permanent Chief. What happened the last time a mayor went outside the agency and hired someone from a large agency to work at SPD? Leatherbury is a great leader, very knowledgeable and well respected, BUT, SPD does not need the trooper mentality (tickets/quotas) to fix what is wrong. Barkley came up through the ranks, is well respected, knowledgable and has been getting the job done, do the right thing and appoint him chief!
I just want to add; I told you all so... Again this is just more evidence that proves my theory correct... Either all politicians are corrupt and do what the want or they just tell you what you want to hear to get elected...
Instead of complaining how bad at a job someone is, try actually using action and get him removed wither we have to force him out or wait till re-elections... oh but then u will have to choose from the lesser of 2 evils again so why vote...
Joe, I'm not sure if this has happened anywhere before, but couldn't the City modify its charter so that the City police chief is an elected official in lieu of an appointed position-Similar to the Sheriff's position? Don't you think that could solve some of the nit picking between the Mayor and Council?
The Council should give Ireton 60 days to ____ or get off the pot!
It is because Ms. Ashanti makes statements like her comment in the Daily Times that she has no influence in the African-American community. Playing the race card, especially in this case, is ridiculous.
11:26 my thoughts exactly. But your problem is your argument makes too much sense. And if it is common sense, then the ego-inflated wannabe politicos such as Jimmyboy will not even consider doing the right thing. The funny thing is while all this stuff is going on with Barkley, the SFD chief search fiasco, the WWTP disaster, the rampart drugs and gang problem, the nationally ranked crime hotbed, the mayor thinks its appropriate to try to spend money to have Salisbury designated an "all american city". Thats the biggest joke of them all.
Furlough days, the health insurance has gone up and no raise.
So I guess the AFP and this blog will support a tax hike to pay for more officers at higher pay, right? Or you will come up with specific cuts that can be made (not just a few thousand bucks--you would need several hundred thousand dollars to do what you all want). So either agree to raise taxes or explain exactly how you will fund more officers and give raises to others when city income has plummeted. I'm serious, if you have good suggestions, put them up.
anonymous 12:20, You need your head examined.
Read the post again and you'll see where I suggested removing Lore' Chambers to help offset furloughs and yes, even additional Officers.
YOU and IRETON want exactly that. You want to plant the seed everywhere you can that IF he doesn't do this, taxes will go up.
Sadly, FOR YOU, we're not that stupid. By the way, your name wouldn't happen to be CHUCK, would it?
How much is he paying some of his people and what do they do????
Furlough = pay cut. Is he gettigna pay cut or anyone in hs department?
This whole thing is sad. Barkley is well respected by SPD. Heres a suggestion, get rid of the major and a few more 3rd floor people, add a few more officers with that. Stop putting sworn officers in to handle a job that can be done by a civilian for much less money.
Not Chuck. Even if you fired Lore Chambers and reassigned all of her duties (without giving anyone a pay raise to do it), you would at best be able to hire 1 1/2 police officer positions (I'm guessing--don't know the exact details). Ok. You still haven't stopped furloughs, let alone had a pay raise for any police officers. Where does the money come from? The economy stinks, revenues are down dramatically, so how is the government supposed to fund more with less?
The mayor should do a ride-along with one of the officers for a full night shift and see what SPD has to deal with on a daily basis. Give them a raise, not furloughs.
$800'000 Fire boat $10,000,000 fire house
I agree that Mayor Ireton needs to request that the Council consent to making Chief Barkley permanent. There is nothing to be gained that I can see by extending his "acting" status. He appears to be quite qualified for the position of chief and has the support of his fellow officers.
As far as furloughs are concerned, of course no one wants to see them, but somehow the budget has to be balanced. If a modest tax increase is necessary to preserve the number of policemen we now have, so be it.
As far as Ernie Leatherbury becoming Salisbury Police Chief, I cannot imagine his leaving his post as commander of the Salisbury Barracks of the State Police. Nor can I imagine his usurping his friend, Barkley, in the position. That's just not Leatherbury's style, and I've known him since high school.
Come on, Mayor Ireton, make Barkley permanent and, while you're at it, fill the Salisbury Fire Department chief position! That's what we elected you for.
The SPD officers at this point are not expecting a raise. But to furlough on top of that when there are too many people on the third floor, and ranking officers doing the jobs that in other departments civilians do? Come on.. this is an easy fix. The officers want 0 furlows and a little more help on the road. Retiring one 3rd floor position would be enough to hire two new officers.
politicians in every race in the past 24 years has run as a friend of the police, only to turn down and vote against EVERY proposed raise or equipment upgrade requested. No suprise here.
I found it most interesting that according to the Daily Times, Ireton said that Barkley could retain the acting police chief position as long as he agreed with Ireton's values. Is Ireton keeping Barkley as "acting" so he can just appoint someone else if Barkley disagrees with him in the future?
HMmmmmmm gives one pause to think.
SPD does not need the MSP way of doing things. Barkley knows the people in SPD and knows which ones need to be promoted or go. KEEP BARKLEY
Barkley, YES!
2:41, you are almost right. Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen have fought to get police their raises, their cars, more officers. Guess you didn't watch the budget meetings. Campbell and Cohen were practically begging the two bimbos to use money C&C found in the budget to cut down or eliminate public safety furloughs. Would Smith or Shields budge? No! Those two sacrificed police for non-necessities like PAC14. This is like the zoo all over again. If you get mugged, call a cameraman. If you have a heart attack, call your llama.
How about he grows a pair and just hires someone?
Need it be said, again? Same old, same old!
In a police department that for years had to operate under Webster, who did nothing to bring respect to the department and crime was worse, and digging in even deeper. The change in a large part we can give credit to Ivan Barkley, the officers are proud of him and have become a good working police department, it is a totally different day, and we need to do the right thing and make Ivan Barkley the Chief permanently. It would be a win win for the police and the city. he is the choice and move on it Jim
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