In a letter to the editor in today's Daily Times, Mary E. Ashanti pulls the race card once again. This time it's about the PIO position a WHITE MAN is holding, Jim Fineran.
Salisbury News got word recently that the "race card" was going to be played but not by Mary. We heard it would be Rudy Cane instead. We did learn that Rudy did send a letter to the County Council but we have not seen the content.
"Randolph Outen, an African-American, challenged Wicomico County's leadership to create a position that would be informational to the public and serve as an opportunity to fill a high-level management position with an African-American."
"The purpose of this commentary is to rally against the decision to ignore the vision of a well-respected African-American educator who served the county in many capacities and was instrumental in creating the position, without which our link to public information is weakened."
"Through a federal lawsuit, a group of determined community leaders successfully changed the county's voting districts to include a minority district. We realize our voice in government only spans two at-large seats unless we chose to engage in the democratic process. Simply stated, I request our County Council continue funding the position our community helped to establish and our county executive endorses -- the public information officer."
"Of all positions cut in the budget, the only high-level management position eliminated in a $112 million budget was created by an African-American." Another high position in the County was eliminated Mary. The Parks & Recreation Superintendent was eliminated, so your claim is inaccurate.
The majority of the County Council felt that the $60,000.00 salary for the PIO was not a necessity, especially based on the current position Wicomico County is currently in fiscally.
Considering the circumstances of the former PIO, (in which I will not get into in this Post) went vacant for several years, yet Mary nor Rudy made any formal complaints. The former position was held by an African American and then filled by an Irish White man. Again, no complaints.
The true bottom line, (as I see it) is that the public has clearly spoken. Our County Executive mainly removed some employees from their payroll but most of them were low paying jobs. It is also my belief that Mr. Pollitt has encouraged both Rudy and Mary to play this race card in the hopes of securing Mr. Fineran's job.
In closing I'd like to add that I felt it was unfair of Mary to make it sound as if this PIO position was a part of the NAACP's lawsuit and settlement. I just want to make this clear to all of our readers. The two at large positions are what the NAACP settled on with the County and not the PIO position.
correct, the PIO position was offered to Finneran because of his close friendship to Pollitt. He is totally worthless and does not contribute one, single, positive, or worthwhile service to ALL of you - the taxpayers who are supposed to be his boss.
Make it two part-time positions, both without benefits, each at about $20,000.
Then a "White" person can have one and an "African American" can have the other.
Might be interesting, if nothing else, to see how the spin goes.
Why an african american? If we are going to have a PIO position (which we SHOULD NOT), wouldn't it make sense to be the most qualified person for the level of compensation? Irreguardless of their race or gender? Hey folks, it's time to bury affirmative action.
I hope someone in Administration knows what to do in a cardiopulmonary situation. Rick needs to test his blood pressure. Get ready community to eat more health care costs.
couple of questions. and if this sounds racists, i do apoligize its not meant to be.
1. Why should a position be created just to provide a job for a minority? shouldnt it go to the best qualified candidate regardless of race?
2. Why are voting districts mentioned? I do not beleive that distrits shouild look like a rorschach test. they should be based on neighborhoods where people have similar ideas. The practie of creating a district just to see a person of a particular minority group elected is a racist idea. it divides people more then it brings them together imho.
The Best person for the job. Who cares if they are pink, blue, or purple. The best qualified is the best qualified. Can't argue those facts at all. If a white person wants it, be the best qualified. If a black person wants it, be the best qualified. Period end of discussion. Want is best is best for all.
You all are fooling yourselves if you think that Mary Ashanti wrote that letter all by herself. It didn't happen. Some one wrote that for her.
They had an african american in the position and the dude gave all the women the willies. Remember-he got fired for feeling up a prisoner.
11:21 Who, Rick or Fineran?
11:26 --
I'll bet it was Bill McCain and Phil Tilghman.
How about a 1-2 punch --
Dump Fineran now and Pollitt in November!
Where's "Sonny" Henry, that world class whiner, these days?
11:24 --
What's become of "Georgeous George"?
I'm just sick of all of it. Sick of the wasteful spending, sick of unnecessary positions, sick of the cavalier attitude people have towards the current fiscal situation- in the county, in the state, in the nation. I'm sick of politicians who are elected because of race or creed or status.
Why can't a secretary provide the PIO releases? Or even Pollitt himself?? $60,000 per year is a lot of money. We have our priorities screwed up. I work in public child welfare, with a Master's degree, and I don't make close to that amount of money. And, I'm furloughed, which has been quite stressful.
Why are our priorities so screwed up? We don't have a fire chief, we don't have a police chief, crime is rampant, and our citizens are struggling to make ends meet and have some sort of basic life, and yet we are still arguing about this stupid crap??? Our government was created by white men- does that mean that government positions should be held by white men only? I mean, following the logic of this letter...
Mary E. Ashanti- it would appear that you have FAR too much time on your hands. Perhaps you could use that time for the betterment of ALL, as opposed to thinking of ways to play the race card.
Today's History Lesson:
Monday, October 26, 2009
Mary Ashanti, President of Wicomico County NAACP announced today that the topic for the November meeting will be the Revenue Cap in Wicomico County. Ms. Ashanti said that the presenters will be James V. Fineran, Wicomico County Public Information Officer and Patricia B. Petersen, Wicomico County Director of Finance. The meeting will be held on November 19th at 7:00P.M., First Baptist Church, Corner of Delaware and 528
Booth Street, Salisbury, MD.
According to Ms. Ashanti, the presenters will describe the history of the Revenue Cap, how it works and the affect that it has had on the county’s income derived from property taxes. Also, she said that the presenters will comment on how the Cap could be changed or modified if needed.
What ever happened to the best person for the job ? Are you afraid of playing on a level playing field ?
I am sick of this whole county gov't. I supported and voted for the change to the executive form and what a screwed up mess it has been. I didn't realize that the top man couldn't/wouldn't handle speaking for himself. What the heck does he do all day? He has 2 secretaries, 2 administrators and someone to talk for him. Now just tell me what the hell is doing with his time. Rick, I have been your supporter but times are tight and the council needs to be financially responsible to the taxpayers. Get over it and get on with doing the job or just step aside and let someone that can do the job, take over. I'm fed up!
Also, let us not forget how Rick hired his other buddy, Rocky Burnett as the Employee Relations Officer. What a joke. Burnett needed a knee operation and only wanted to be there for the health benefits. After the operation he was let go. More of my tax dollars wasted. That position was never replaced. The favors just keep coming.
Let them use the city's new queen Lore Chambers who is getting a TONE of money from city and just got another 10K increase!!!!
Lore' didn't get the pay increase. At least, that is, on the books.
Glad to know she didn't get it Joe, cause she doesn't deserve it. She's already overpaid. The fact that it was even proposed aught to make everyone furious!
Is there something about being black, white, indian, latino/hispanic or asian that makes one specifically qualified for these jobs? Unless it is specifically stated that being a specific race is a BFOQ (Bona-fide Occupational Qualification), then all this is, is racism. Hiring a person just because he/she is black? Total crock of (it). That's not a qualification: that's just racism. Why is it ok for folks to be racist just because they aren't white/caucasian?
A: It isn't. Break out the lawyers: this is lawsuit material.
Another one not to forget is the sweet retirement deal the county attorney received by Rick and the majority of the members of the council. I think Prettyman and Holloway voted against that one last year or the year before. Rick better be looking for a new job before November comes around. As Donald Trump would say: You're Fired!
It is because Ms. Ashanti makes statements like her comment in the Daily Times that she has no influence in the African-American community. Playing the race card, especially in this case, is ridiculous.
11:40 last I heard he was "homeless" and living on the streets. I wouldn't have believed it since he has a Masters Degree but two reliable people told me that. That was last winter so I don't know where he is now. Whereever it is, I feel sorry for the women there. He is very predatory in nature.
I noticed Pollitt hasn't filed for re-election. Maybe he is waiting to hear from a job application. Somebody please, hire Mr. Pollitt. He is a nice guy.
And now, the rest of the story:
Roache in court
James Fisher. Daily Times. Salisbury, Md.: Mar 18, 2006. pg. 2
Abstract (Summary)
The fourth-degree sex offense charge against Roache carries a maximum penalty of a year's imprisonment, and the second-degree assault charge he faces carries a maximum 10-year sentence.
Full Text (358 words)
Copyright 2006 - Daily Times Salisbury, MD - All Rights Reverved
Daily Times Staff Writer
SALISBURY -- George Roache, the Wicomico County government public spokesman, formally acknowledged the sexual assault charges against him in a short court hearing Friday and made his first public comments about the accusation, saying it was false.
A trial date was set for Roache to answer charges that he sexually harassed and placed his hand on the chest of a female inmate at Wicomico County Detention Center in January. The incident allegedly occurred when Roache was eating lunch in the jail's cafeteria and the inmate was serving food there.
After the preliminary inquiry, Roache said he had done nothing wrong.
"There were 12 other people in the room when it allegedly occurred," Roache said. "I just have to shrug my shoulders."
Roache told District Court Judge Daniel Mumford that he had not yet arranged to be represented by an attorney.
"Yes, sir, I'm working to retain one," he said, after Mumford reminded him of his right to a lawyer. Mumford set May 1 as a trial date for Roache's case and urged him to get a lawyer by that date.
The fourth-degree sex offense charge against Roache carries a maximum penalty of a year's imprisonment, and the second-degree assault charge he faces carries a maximum 10-year sentence. Both charges could also merit fines upon conviction.
The State's Attorney's Office filed a criminal summons against Roache on Feb. 16, saying Roache committed the offenses on either Jan. 20 or Jan. 23. The inmate told investigators that Roache pulled out the lining of a pocket on the front of her shirt and put his hand in it. The woman was not called to appear at Friday's morning hearing.
Roache said he occasionally eats at the jail's dining room for officers because he has a "special tasking" which would designate him a public spokesman based in the facility in an emergency. Charging documents said some female inmates have said his behavior in the past had made them uncomfortable.
The county government placed Roache on paid administrative leave Feb. 22. Officials have not named a temporary replacement in his absence.
11:46, you suggested exactly what I as going to suggest: A secretary/administrative assistant can certainly take care of public information. A $60K position is not needed for that. At best, it can be a part-time job; after all, how much "information" can one dispense in a day's time? It would be interesting to know how much the salaries of Rick Pollitt and all the ones in his office--county administrator, etc--total. I bet there's a lot of fat there that can be cut!
Over $400,000 is what I have heard. If this is incorrect, then someone please make a correction. We people need to know what that office is costing us.
What do you expect. The President plays this all the time and is GETTING away with it. Why not the local gov.
1:18 --
We don't want him back in Fruitland. Once is enough.
Thanks to the persons pointing out that this position was originally filled by an African-American, George Roache, who was dismissed for "groping."
Race has nothing to do with this.
It's a fluff position to begin with and should be done away with or at least brought down to its real level. Local pols do not need "press secretaries."
Approx. 425K for 6 people, sleepy Ted leveling off at 125K. Estimate another 150K for benefits.
George also had a drinking problem, bouncing some checks at the county liquor store.
So, when faced with serious budget cuts the first consideration anybody made was the race of the person who created the position to begin with???? What a dumb argument!! If we were smart, there would be AT MOST one PIO that could service all local goverment, muncipalities, and service departments (i.e. police and fire). It's time to consolidate resources and pass on the savings to the taxpayers. Otherwise, the job sure doesn't warrant a fat $60K salary.
While I agree that this woman's position of why to retain the PIO is irrelevant, doesn't anyone have concerns about the council's disregard for the rules regarding discussing personnel in public? I believe this is astounding and certainly reeks of election year shenanegans. Why didn't these republicans cut this money last year or the year before? Is it all of a sudden unnecessary this year?
How can you claim you want equal treatment, when in fact, you really want SPECIAL treatment...
anonymous 4:21, I believe it was the general taxpayers/public that brought it to their attention. They cannot ignore it. The DT's did articles on it as well as multiple articles right here on SBYNews.com.
While things are so tight financially, our Council Members serve us. If we the people publicly request fiscal responsibility, especially it being an election year, something needed to be done.
It was not the Council who brought this issue to the table. It was the citizens.
There are no "rules" against the council discussing personnel matters in public. What the "rules" do allow, however, is discussion of personnel matters in private, should the council decide to do so. They have the option to go private but are not required to.
Rick needs to stay clear from this controversy if he wants to be reelected. This all is a BS story made up by the same old, same old who cries race in almost all situations. Shame of them and shame on Rick if he continues to play the race card with them.
anonymous 5:23, don't kid yourself. This was all orchistrated by Rick Pollitt!
Yeah Joe also Rick went ahead and paid for the PIO to go to the MACO conference for crabs in August after he had orders from Council that the position was cut.
Ricky-you planning on letting Jim keep the undertoe going with the NAACP?
I agree. Randy Outten was a great person and would be very upset that his name is being used by the likes of Rick Pollitt, Mary Ashanti and Rudy Cane. Randy wasn't a racist and didn't have the tolerance for such. Out of the above named, Pollitt should be ashamed of himself to put this man's name to shame. The other two use the race card all the time so there is no shame.
Ashanti always has been a racist and apparently always will be. Worked at the same place she did some years ago and she pulled the same stuff there - all the time. Mary you really need to get over yourself.
The county even cut the budget to have a street sweeper in Delmar.
It makes sense to eliminate non-essential personnel in this time of economic upheaval.
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