The images above are comments that have come in today alone. This is from my delete box.
I received a phone call not long ago telling me someone out there is claiming that I'm writing my own comments anonymously. I think it's only fair I provide evidence to each and every one of you that this is absolutely not the case.
I'll add, if you don't realize by now just how busy I am from 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM and think I'd have the spare time to sit here and write my own comments anonymously, well, I'd personally say you're nuts if you believe I actually have the time.
While I realize this is not the type of Post 99% of you want to see, I'd rather prove to every one that what I'm being challenged with is completely false. Blogger doesn't send out an e-mail to me personally on ANY comment I make. It bypasses the e-mail all together and only does so if YOU write the comment. Those people challenging me know this to be a fact. Oh, unless I'm not logged in, like I have the time to log in and out in between moderating comments, making Posts, dealing with my Grandson, (who is now out of school for the summer) going out and taking pictures, you get my drift.
While I again don't expect all of you to understand what I'm saying here, the ones I DO want to understand will look at these comments and sh!t a brick. They don't get this kind of volume of comments in an entire month, let alone a few hours in one morning.
By the way. Yes, I do have to read each and every one of them, accept them or delete them, one by one. Please don't ask me to post an entire day's worth because there wouldn't be any other posts up for the day, that's how many images it would take.
I thank you for allowing me to put up this Post and clear the air. I will delete it in time, when I feel comfortable those to whom it is intended for will see it.
I do NOT have the time to write my own anonymous comments and one thing I have ALWAYS taken pride in is that I ONLY put up comments in my own name. Oh, one last thing. Blogger does not have a new system for comments. There is still a problem, (look at ANY Blog out there) with comments no matter where you go.
Nice try Boys.
Joe, I'm curious as to who(m) you're referring to making these deleted comments- SAPOA and co.? If that's the case, it's a compliment to SBYNEWS's popularity. The majority ( not all) of it's members are bloodsucking ticks engorging themselves at the expense of our fair city.
Just a question...what would be grounds for rejecting a post. I have on many occasions commented and have had many rejected that were not offensive to anyone. They were my opinion. Yes, I have had many posted, but just wondering why you reject comments.
You do not write your own comments, however, you do pick and choose which comments you want to post which really is one in the same. People at my work including myself have made several comments to you that never get posted (probably because they disagree with your logic). But after all, isn't this supposed to be a blog? Not everyone will agree with each other. Unfortunately you are the best news source on the shore so we are left no other choice but to keep visiting if we want to stay current with local news.
Joe, your gold with most of us, dont even worry about the rest.You are the hardest working blogger I have ever seen.You have it down to a fine art.. keep doing what you do.It's working
Who cares? Even if you did write the comments, it's your blog.
Joe only ones that matter are your fans and god.
BP's Hayward is relieved of managerial duties
OK, let's clear the air on rejected comments as well.
I reject comments that are just too aggressive, defame without using a name, (that includes defaming me as well) capital letters and or comments that just have absolutely nothing to do wityh the post/topic at hand.
Now, let's also get something very clear here as well. IF you were upset because I did not publish your comment, why didn't you e-mail me and tell me so. We ALL know the answer to that.
I have had THREE e-mail messages in SIX years of doing this. I'd say with the hundreds of comments that come in per day and only THREE complaints in six years, I'm doing pretty darned good.
Now, do we make mistakes, absolutely. There have been times when we meant to hit publish and hit reject instead, it happens.
I'll close with this. Based on the absolute fact that we continue to grow each and every day tells me that the mass majority of our visitors are pretty darned satisfied with what we do. Based on the list of advertisers and the retention, (even after Tom McGuire and JT place multiple phone calls to them) we keep, we're doing pretty darned good.
It's OK to disagree with me on Posts but if you think you're going to get verbally abusive towards me and me be stupid enough to allow the comment through, you're wrong. If you don't like it, don't return. If you want to be aggressive, USE YOUR REGISTERED BLOGGER NAME, I ALWAYS PUBLISH THOSE.
Have a nice weekend.
Hey Joe T.M. here I know we do not see eye to eye .That being said comments are messed up on blogger period.If anyone disagrees just look at blogger or any blog mine included.Joe now back to us disagreeing on things.
Here's ANOTHER type of comment I just rejected. I'll share it now so you get an idea as to why.
"Waaaaaaa Waaaaa Waaaaaa. Get over it you have been paid back in spades. It called welfare. Reperations my butt. Just go to Wal-Mart the 1st of every month. Maybe we should honor the brothers that shot a brother over an unpaid Applbee's bill. Clean up your race first then we can talk about the past. The present day issues in the Black culture far outweigh the deeds of our forefathers.
There have been slaves since the start of mankind. The Chinese built the rail roads. Most of Rome and Eygpt built by slaves.
Lets clean up the present mess."
Do you people have ANY idea just how many screwed up comments I get just like this every day.
JT and others are constantly sending in such comment to make the attempt to call me a racist. They're so stupid, they don't realize the comments are someone else's and they try to claim because I let something up, I believe in it.
So you see Folks, this is a LOT of work and we do a lot to keep SBYNews as clean as possible.
Another prime example of a rejected comment that just came in.....
"I am a cop and i am terried of Blacks that do not pay their Applebee's bills. 70% of the police officers killed in this country are killed by people of color. Hmmmmmmmm
Where is N.W.P.A. when a white guys needs them. Thats right we do that have that it would be racist.
Waaaa Waaa Waaaa"
Now, who believes a Cop would actually say such a thing. Are you getting my drift now? Are you having fun Jonathan Taylor?
Another quick example of a rejected comment on the dog locked in the car post.
"Worry about yourself! It is a dog!And by the looks it is still alive!"
You see Folks, I just don't tolorate such comments.
Being an Anon is a complete enigma.
The very act is a sign of insecurity with self, thought, and moral judgement. Posting as an ANON immediately discredits the value of your words.
If you cannot take credit for your words or actions, you show no faith in what you believe to be true. In the end, you stand for nothing.
I like the rejected comments section.
It could be a whole new post type: dumbest comments of the day/week/month.
btw - my previous comment wasn't directed at Joe.
Here he shares with us an entire blog displaying his views. Why would he want to comment as an anon? Just wouldn't add up by my calculator.
You da man joe!
Yh8 If your name is Ron, you owe me money.
Yh8 (Ron) wheres my bear skull, remember.
I, like many out there, don't know how you keep up with all this anyway!! Any one with any brain would know you don't have time to type in so many opinions-----I don't know how you even read them all ----let alone live your life with family! EW
Hey Joe, JT took his article down about you making up your own comments. You really showed him.
Whats wrong YH8 did you walk into the wrong room?
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