Acting Lieutenant Jeremy Gordy, (Son of the Deputy Fire Chief Bill Gordy) has allegedly been suspended for disobeying a direct order from a superior.
Salisbury News learned that Jeremy wanted to take out the brand new Hazmat Truck and was flat out told, NO.
The next thing the SFD knew, the truck was gone along with a Joel Dixon who had only received his Class A License a month ago.
We have been told by numerous sources that Jeremy was immediately suspended.
UPDATE: I have come to learn the driver only had his license for one week, not one month. We were also informed Mr. Gordy has a serious track record of doing this same very thing over and over again. There were many issues of him taking out the brand new Tower Truck regularly, (without permission) and it would come back with things completely tore up.
Maryland and Department Law states anyone driving a Class A Vehicle must have their license for at least 3 years or have someone in the vehicle that has had their license for 3 years. This was not the case, hence Mr. Gordy getting suspended. More to come, I'm sure.
if truck was taken without permission, would that lean towards unauthorised use or stealing? are charges to follow?
Like father, like son!
not the first time he has been suspended for similar reasons.this boy is going to get himself or another firefighter hurt.
With all his screw-ups that should have been the last straw and kicked out of the SFD
True story.. However, admin still let him take it and get his license today.. He passed btw..
I saw it on the bypass today
The nut don't fall far from the tree!
Gee, wonder if he will get fired?.....
Na! No way ! This punk does what he wants and always gets away with it. Daddy will get whoever did this to his boy. Its OK to take that truck out for whatever he wants to do with it and I said so. Could Salisbury FD be growing a set ?
This same scenario has played out countless times over the past 1 1/2 years. The boy takes the tower or whatever he wants and goes for a joyride all over town. Officers tried to stop it and got slammed by the his father or the acting chief. Shame he didnt tear it up like the tower truck. Its just a laugh to him cause he dont care and he'll do it again. Hats off to the officer that suspended him.
Y didja move this to top- Whats 8:09 mean
Well where are the Criminal Charges??? I have noticed Career FF's getting fired, suspended, ect. for not following the rules and regs, what makes Jeremy Gordy any different or exception to policy and law?
Rewarding soeone for insubordinate behavior in the work place. What's going on?
Suspension X 5 = EXPOLSION!!
8:08, by your own theory, i'm guessing your father was a english teacher.
This is not a career vs. volunteer comment ok. My next pay check says I would be fired if I did the crap Gordy has done as a volunteer. Come on acting fire chief do something about it you know Ireton will back you on this one.
A/C Scott (career) A/C S. Records (volunteer) suspended him. They had no choice so I hear for being totally defient. Think chief Hoppes made them suspend him.
Gordy is a spoiled little brat that daddy takes care of even though he’s an embarrassment to his mother & father. He is a rude, arrogant little chump that questions authority constantly. He does exactly what he wants with no regard for rules or regulations. Because of his fathers retaliation he’s still here should I say anymore?
Did he have a CDL permit?
Those chiefs did what is expected of them in their position when one refuses to follow the rules. Kudos’ to the chiefs good job now throw him out on the street where he belongs. Gordy should’ve been long ago but nobody had the balls.
Hats off to Scott and Records.
Chunk him out! Chunk him out! Chunk him out!
Oh Joe, You never cease to amaze me bashing Jeremy. Its so funny to me, that it was just last night sitting with Jeremy at dinner when he had told me the occurrences of the suspension, I said "ha you'll be on Salisbury news tomorrow" and sure enough he is.... Why because you have nothing better to do... The funny thing about this is, he got suspended yesterday, and passed the test to get his license today.... and you want to bash Jeremy for taking fire department property without approval, but wait how about the times I have seen the Ladder in Brew River parking lot at 1:00 a.m. and there is no fire in site? Or when the ladder truck is in the college apartment parking lot, doing nothing but circles.... do you want to blame this on Jeremy to? Oh wait its not possible because each time I have seen those occurences Jeremy has been with me... Pretty funny, so please BASH someone other than one of the Gordy's. I bet you'll write a damn blog post when Jeremy becomes a dad to... and lets hope its a little boy so that you can bash him like you do his daddy and grandfather... Obviously people in Salisbury have nothing better to do than bash people for ridiculous things that are none of the public's business... Why don't you help fight crime, or donate your time to help the children and communities of Salisbury..... anything that is worth a damn... because I sure as h*ll don't enjoy reading articles concerning Jeremy.... It honestly humors me... If Jeremy wasn't in the fire department, you all would have no one to bash.... and wait do you all ever think of how much revenue Mr. & Mrs. Gordy's business's bring to Salisbury? No that's right you don't see the good in anyone...
anonymous 9:59, whether he got his license today or not does not excuse the fact that he, (again) disrespected a direct order. Not only that, he, (and the person with him) are required BY LAW to have a Class A License for 3+ years, not one week or not even at all, as was Gordy's case here.
Serious criminal charges could come of this, but we all know that won't happen because of Daddy. For what it's worth, I'd save my kids ass too.
As for the rest of your comment, I won't even waste my time.
How is this not theft? And not any Misdemeanor either...that rig is approximately 300K. That's a felony. Part of Knapp and McCrorey's firing was based on misappropriation of SFD equipment which might have totaled $20 for the pair! And they were messing around, not being totally insubordinate and defiant.
Tell me this, how did Gordy get to use any SFD truck to take his test and get his license if he was suspended? I wonder if Bobby and Wayne would have been given that same deal had they asked to when they were on suspension waiting to be fired. Wouldn't think anyone that's suspended would be allowed such a privilege by any employer.
10:12 Just as I suspected, you don't have respect for your kids or yourself using language like that to describe a situation. For what it is worth, the firemen had wagers on what time your post would go up about Jeremy - nobody won because they all chose a time much earler than your posting. You have sure become the pits with "Breaking News".
You won't waste your time because you don't have a good answer.
If he isnt kicked out I see a discrimination lawsuit happining.
Anonymous said...
if truck was taken without permission, would that lean towards unauthorised use or stealing? are charges to follow?
7:16 PM
You are exactly right on that one. BM and WK were accused of stealing when they used an Intubation Tube in that prank that got them in hot water. I think stealing a $125,000+ HazMat truck is a more serious violation then using a $5 tube that can be replaced at the hospital.
Joe, does the three year law only apply to fire dept. equipment? I know it does not apply to every vehicle requiring a A-CDL.
You don't need a CDL to drive a firetruck.
Mayor Ireton you promised the members of the department you would get rid of Gordy. Apparently you have no balls and you lied to us!!
Ireton lies everytime he opens his mouth in case you haven't noticed.
What's up with the fire department? As a Salisbury taxpayer I'm getting tired of hearing about these antics and wonder, again, WHO'S IN CHARGE?
If one of my employees continually disregarded my wishes or orders, they'd be gone in a flash.
Are the inmates running the jail here, so to speak?
@5:27 actually you do need a CDL to operate the equipment when it is NOT an emergency. Joy riding around Salisbury to get used to the vehicle does not constitute an emergency. Joy riding around town in a tractor and trailer without a Class A permit does not constitute an emergency. That being said, DOT usually doesn't bother municipalities because they expect them to be in compliance. However, this being Salisbury everyone must be in compliance with all laws with exception of government leadership, municipal employees and volunteer fire fighters.
If you think this is wrong, call the scale house and talk to any of the DOT inspectors. Better yet, do your own research get a copy of the Federal CFR's, available at most truck stops or DOT offices.
Jeremy was told very clearly by two officers he was not allowed to use the DMV test lot for practice. The identical course is painted on the parking lot across the street from station 16 at the old DMV where the rest of us practiced but that wasn’t good enough. So after being told not to take it he said I’m going to take it anyway. Jeremy calls his partner in crime Joel Dixon who has a week old CDL drivers license mind you and away they go without telling anyone. With Gordy it’s all about doing what he wants and father Gordy covers him every single time. If I did this I would be fired without question just like Wayne and Bobby. So you see the double standard good ole boy system is running strong here in the Bury.
anonymous 7:04, you are wrong. Your own internal laws do not allow it, period.
How is it that 2 excellent clean-record FFs get fired for using poor judgment but no disobedience, a first offense (and it was nothing sexual like some said on this blog) but a guy like this who wrecks equipment and disobeys a direct order gets away with it over and over until finally somebody does something but it's just a suspension?
Kudos to Scott and Records for suspending him but Jesus, we lost 2 good FF's including a paramedic over what a suspension would have been enough. How does SFD get away with dropping the hammer on some but letting others have chance after chance?
I live in development on Nanticoke road, my wife and i see a Fire truck once every 2 weeks going up to "The Deli" on such schedule, I always wondered WHO is using a Fire Truck for their personal vehicle, is there anything smaller?
Just because someone is a volunteer, that doesn't mean they should spend TAXPAYER GAS dollars driving around Salisbury, this pisses me off. Fiscal responsibility? I understand practice driving as well, but stories such as this are just enlightening to the "regular folk"
Firefighter Scott for CHIEF!!!!
This is the crime of motor vehicle theft. Criminal law, title 7, Subtitle 1, s/s 7-105. This crime is a felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a $5000.00 fine. Lube up Jeremy.
Good job, Darrin and Brian. About time sombody stepped up to this nonsense. Now work on whatever process it takes to get this kid out of the firehouse. It will protect other firefighters (insubordination on fire scene gets people hurt or killed)and it will protect our tax dollars.
Since he was born he has been fully indulged by both parents and has so little respect for authority, or others in general, it is a wonder he has not found his way to jail.
The tractor-trailer requires a class “A” non-commercial CDL license to operate for fire departments in the state of Maryland. Secondly who ever was riding with Gordy must have his/her class “A” license for “3” years to train someone else. In this case Gordy had his class “A” learners permit and J. Dixon obtained his license 30 days ago. No matter how you look at it they both were wrong and knew better especially after being told not to do what they did. Jeremy does not understand what no means just like his father.
Anon 7:33 The Engine at the Deli is being driven by the duty crew of paid Firefighters assigned to that apparatus for the shift. The reason they drive their piece to lunch is to respond to a call if one occurs.
If they took another vehicle they would have to respond to the Station and then to the call. People then complain about long response times.
THe SFD is a mess and its stuff like this that makes the public lose respect for the organization. Its time for someone(the ball-less mayor doesnt seem able to do it) to clean up this mess. Get rid of all the trouble makers ; maybe Gordy could show some class and suspend his son for 60 days as an example.
thanks for the clarification on the on duty peeps,
i wonder many things now
Here’s one better that was pushed under the carpet like so many other things surrounding Gordy. How about the 16 year old girl he gave alcohol to then had sex with in the hospitality room at Ocean City during firemans convention week. And he is still a member? Hello are you listening?
Jeremys parents couldn’t control him when he was younger just like now so he was sent off to some kind of boarding school or something for troubled kids.
Joe, this needs full attention please keep it at the top for the weekend. Maybe this will force something be done about it this time.
If the kid was sent to boarding school that is irrelevant.
Disobeying an order is relevant.
Driving a vehicle illegally is relevant.
Stealing a vehicle is relevant.
The fact that most of us are angry that he is in his position when there are better qualified people to do the job is relevant.
I cant imagine a way in which he is allowed to remain in the Fire Department.
There is no way to make this OK. He must be separated from the department.
The public outcry will be huge but the outcry from inside the department will be rediculus.
Anonymous said...
Joe, does the three year law only apply to fire dept. equipment? I know it does not apply to every vehicle requiring a A-CDL.
12:45 AM
Anonymous said...
You don't need a CDL to drive a firetruck.
5:27 AM
You don't need a CDL to drive a fire truck as stated, but you at least need a Non Commercial drivers license which none of these had.
By the way Joel Dixon didn't obtain his Class A license 30 days ago, he has failed the practical test several times.
He is not a kid any more. He is over 21 years old. Most kids are graduating college now, but he is still out breaking laws?
Why is he a Leutinent? That sounds like an important title. Is it?
I assumed he is busy running his family's business, so how does he have time for this kind of nonsense?
So many questions
Is this the same gordy who owns the Exxon stations? Or is this the Gordy family who does drywall work?
Which is it
Mr. Albero the Salisbury Fire Department is such an important issue to the city of Salisbury and the users of the service. Could you please keep your article near the top so that Mayor Ireton will read it and send us the "Help" that he promised. BTW I know for a fact that he reads your blog.
Best Regards
Please post a picture of this little punk!!
Case Number Name Date of Birth Party Type Court Case Type Case Status Filing Date Case Caption
000000EU33856 Gordy, Jeremy William 12/1983 Defendant Wicomico County District Court Traffic Closed 09/17/2009
000000FH07370 Gordy, Jeremy William 12/1983 Defendant Wicomico County District Court Traffic Closed 09/02/2009
6Z33721883 Gordy, Jeremy William 12/1983 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CV Closed 12/17/2003
0Z33677931 Gordy, Jeremy Defendant Wicomico County District Court MI Closed 08/20/2007
22K02000709 Gordy, Jeremy Other Wicomico County Circuit Court Information Closed/Inactive 07/05/2002 State of Maryland vs Shannon Lee Hilton
3H00050319 Gordy, Jeremy Plaintiff Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 01/15/2009
For what it is worth, I see a hook and ladder truck at Panara Bread almost every time I go there. Usually around noon and there are usually at least two or three fireman on the truck that go in and get lunch. Doesn't seem like this should be acceptable use of a major piece of equipment.
There has been no mention of FF Dixon getting any disciplinary action at all. Why is this ? He knew he was taking the truck without permission. He is a sneaky SOB and flies under the radar all the time. They should have both been suspended without question or thrown out alltogether. No loss there for sure. The duty officers made it clear to not take the truck and he defiantly took it anyway. Toss the both.
Why wont his father step up to the plate and handle this kid. Hes a Deputy Chief of the Volunteers isnt he. Throw the rule book out and take him out back and let his father handle it. If my kid did this I would wear him out and my business wouldnt have to worry about any rule book. Thats the problem here it seems. The top dogs are turning their heads and expecting the junior men to handle the problems.
Anonymous said...
For what it is worth, I see a hook and ladder truck at Panara Bread almost every time I go there. Usually around noon and there are usually at least two or three fireman on the truck that go in and get lunch. Doesn't seem like this should be acceptable use of a major piece of equipment.
10:24 AM
Do you expect these men and women to not eat all day? Someone else explained why the duty crew takes equipment to get lunch is because if they get a call, they can respond. If they did not do that it would delay response time.... Makes perfect sense to me. You can't expect these men and women to go all day without eating lunch.
9:54 & others:
The pass the "word" to Jim Ireton, this is the e:mail address:
I wonder what will work out with the Gordy's if Ed Werkhieser gets the chiefs job?
FYI the fire dept is rarely at the deli they r at food lion or ledos
my cousin and i were talking the other day about frivilous spending at fire departments. big screen TVs, new digital sign at hebron, a new firetruck virtually at anyones whim, etc...its frustrating after a while that they then scream for more pay. if you stop spending all the money, maybe therell be a little leftover to give raises.
Whats the insurance company say about it, drug test him.
Somebody has a very dirty computer.
Now thats a picture that tells it all Joe. Look at the picture and you can understand what everyone here is saying. When is the Chief going to get rid of this trouble maker and his father. They have ruined the fire department.
That is a perfect picture of Little Gordo. He is a typical drunk and he is always partying and drinking and driving then coming up to the fire house. He should be drug and alcohol tested just like the career firefighters are.
Anonymous said...
I wonder what will work out with the Gordy's if Ed Werkhieser gets the chiefs job?
11:10 AM
Nothing. Gordy and Hoppes have been having secret meetings with Eddie Werkhieser. It will be and even bigger mess.
There is no such thing as a non-commercial CDL. You either have a commercial drivers license or a non commercial drivers license.
Fire department emergency equipment drivers are NOT required to have a commercial drivers license anytime they are driving emergency equipment, whether they are driving to an emergency or not.
If they were only allowed to drive during an "emergency i:e lights and sirens, they would have to get someone else to drive the truck back to the station. Common sense.
The three year requirement is for anyone who has a learners permit. The licensed operator who is with the lerning driver must have his license in that class for at least three years. For example, I get my class C 10 years ago. I get my class B 2 years ago. I am not allowed to ride along with someone training for there class B because I held this class license for less than 3 years.
Gordy was a loser back in high school, apparently still is. Gotta love the Good Ol' Boy network.
Why do the firefighters need to go out for lunch? I thought the new firehouse had a brand new kitchen with all the latest cooking equipment. If they don't feel like cooking they can brown bag it, like most of the rest of us.
The drunken, womanizing Gordy's are what gives fire departments a bad name. The Salisbury Fire Department was a great place to work and volunteer until those 2 came into the picture. It will take a long time to crawl out of the deep hole those to put us into, along with the help of their few a$$ clown friends and Mayor Ireton.
Hey Jim wasn't over a year ago that you promised us "Help Is On The Way?"
Anonymous said...
Why do the firefighters need to go out for lunch? I thought the new firehouse had a brand new kitchen with all the latest cooking equipment. If they don't feel like cooking they can brown bag it, like most of the rest of us.
12:17 PM
If most of the "rest of us" brown bagged our lunch then why are all the restaurants packed at lunch time. What an idiot trying to attack hardworking firefighters and paramedics that are there to serve you. My guess is that this commentor is a typical voluntir FARMIN!
Bill Gordy came to this fire department after the Delmar Fire Department kicked him out. He left like a pu$$y with his tail between his legs because they wouldn't let him go lifetime. He was the main person that got Station 2 worked up to seceed from the city. Now look what happened his plan worked and he is running the Salisbury Fire Department.
Anonymous said...
Why do the firefighters need to go out for lunch? I thought the new firehouse had a brand new kitchen with all the latest cooking equipment. If they don't feel like cooking they can brown bag it, like most of the rest of us.
That would work until they are running calls all day and don't have time to cook, or for that matter go get their lunch out of the fridge.... Use some common sense.
9:25 pm....that's "an" english teacher. I am guessing your father was not.
Bill Gordy, Owner and Proprietor of the BGFD has been flying under the radar alot except for the fact that he, Hoppes and Bragg have been holding daily secret meetings with the doors closed in Hoppes' temporary office. It has been said that they are strategizing on what to do about the new chief and where to bury the bodies. For Gods sake I hope the Mayor and Council makes the right decision soon.
Is he related to Mike Gordon at the westside fire dept? They certainly act the same. Both are drunks, both depend on their parents, both are ugly , both have criminal records etc. , etc.. Oh well , just another fireman.
how about this...have 1 person leave to pick up food (in their own vehicle) and bring it back to the station for the others. The truck and equipment stays at the station and the guys are already there to respond if something does come up. No need for 3+ guys AND a fire truck/equipment to get food is it? Just a waste of taxpayers money taking out a fire truck over your own vehicle.
I am not a fire fighter and I do not know the Gordys. I do read this blog and know some of the F.Fs here in Salisbury. This Gordy person who is continually refered to as a kid. Is not a kid at all. He is an adult who defied a direct order. Period. In the life saving business the paramilatary structure is paramount. Gordy and his father should be put out. I know this may sound harsh. I have heard way to much to say less should happen.
The liability this puts on the City of Salisbury is overwhelming. So he goes joy riding and kills a family while doing it. Who pays ?? If he is not following the orders of a superior standing in front of him. What is he doing when no one is watching ? The sad fact is he is no good for the fire company. Sound like mom and dad made this kid think he is entitled because they have a few dollars.
As for the poster that stated what about the money they bring in to the community. I would guess you are a money grubbing whore that dates him or his mother. That made me sick to read it. Who gives a shit about the money they bring in. Does that give he and his father the right to do what they want. I guess money means you do not obey orders, you do not obey the law.
I would also suggest a urine test from time to time on young Gordy. It might end his F.F. career.
Joe keep posting about this guy and others like him. Great work the good ole boys would sweep this under the rug.
I am like you. I am sick and disgusted with people who think they do not have to comply with the laws of the land because they know someone or have money.
This should be a wake up call for the city of salisbury, and the council and mayor- why is this allowed to go on. It doesn't matter how much money his family has or contributes- right is right and wrong is wrong.
Makes sense doesnt it?! said...
how about this...have 1 person leave to pick up food (in their own vehicle) and bring it back to the station for the others. The truck and equipment stays at the station and the guys are already there to respond if something does come up. No need for 3+ guys AND a fire truck/equipment to get food is it? Just a waste of taxpayers money taking out a fire truck over your own vehicle.
1:15 PM
How about this, minimum staffing is 3 or the fire engine doesn't respond to you house burning with 2 people while the third person gets dinner. With the 3 already on the road makes better since they can be in the area and respond to your emergency. Leave the staffing issues to the Fire Department please.
There is something called minimal staffing. On an engine you only have three people most of the time, a drive an officer and a firefighter. If one leaves what good are 2 people going to do if a call comes in?
I dont mind people having a debate about the fire service, but please educate yourselves about it before you critize what happens. I bet if you came by or called a fire house you would find someone more then willing to explain things to you.
No Mayor Ireton it's not up to the career and volunteer firefighters to come up with an "agreement" for YOUR department head. Get some damn guts and do the right thing!!!
I don't remember the public works employees coming up with an agreement for their new department head?
"That would work until they are running calls all day and don't have time to cook, or for that matter go get their lunch out of the fridge.... Use some common sense."
WTF???? Apparently you have no common sense. If you don't have time to get food out of a fridge you sure as hell don't have time to go out to lunch.
If they "don't have time to cook", then what is the chef's kitchen for?
you go have a good point 1:39, i know many days i have left and ran an errand while using my own personal vehicle while on clock. it was my decision to leave so if something was to happen to my POV then it would be up to me to pay for it. i wouldnt be like most sue-happy americans and pin it on my boss for them to pay because it was my choice to drive. But if workers comp and insurance were the issue, dont they have suvs parked at the stations? why not drive them as they are business owned equipment and should be insured properly. To me it just doesnt make any sense at all to drag out a giant fire truck to go pick up some subs!
This is just the tip of the iceberg that is the morass at the Salisbury Fire Department. It is not getting better what with Ireton unable to appoint a fire chief without others doing the heavy lifting first. If he expects the career FF's and vollies to concur on someone Ireton must be smoking something illegal.
now before you chastise me: this actually DOES NOT apply in this situation but want to clarify a few things.
Persons who drive fire trucks are NOT REQUIRED to have any more than a Non-Commercial CLASS C License in Maryland. If they complete mandatory training and testing by their "Political Subdivision" then they are authorized to operate emergency vehicles. Understand fully that an Emergency Vehicle in this subtitle only means that its registered as an emergency vehicle, not that its an emergency.
As I stated above: I KNOW THIS DOES NOT APPLY IN THIS SITUATION, but wanted to clear up this whole CDL, Non CDL, debate... I do not know of a Fire Department in the area that does this, but it is something that could happen...
Heres it straight from the MD Transportation Article:
16-102 Persons Exempt from licensing requirements; penalty for violation
(12) A member or employee of a fire department, rescue squad, emergency medical services unit, or volunteer fire company while driving an emergency vehicle if the driver:
(i) Holds a valid Class C license issued to the driver under § 16-104.1 of this subtitle;
(ii) Has been authorized by the political subdivision that operates a fire department, rescue squad, emergency medical services unit, or volunteer fire department to operate the type of emergency vehicle being driven; and
(iii) Is driving the emergency vehicle in the performance of the official duties of the driver in or out of this State.
(b) (1) The Administration shall adopt regulations that establish mandatory training and testing requirements that a political subdivision that operates a fire department, rescue squad, emergency medical services unit, or volunteer fire department must implement before the political subdivision may authorize an individual to operate an emergency vehicle in accordance with subsection (a)(12) of this section.
(2) The Administration shall adopt the regulations required under this subsection in consultation with:
(i) The Maryland Firemen's Association;
(ii) The Maryland Fire Chief's Association;
(iii) The Professional Firefighters Association of Maryland;
(iv) The Metropolitan Fire Chief's Council; and
(v) The Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute of the University of Maryland.
(c) An individual who is subject to the provisions of this section and who fails to comply with the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Whattcha gonna do Jimbo???
I would disagree that it doesn't make sense... Rule should be that the entire crew goes and they take a piece of equipment so that they are ready to respond. If they are in an SUV it won't be effective to put out a fire or cut someone from a car... and when that SUV passes the fire to get back to the station to get a fire truck, whats Joe gonna Post then? I am only talking career guys here... The vollies can drive their own stuff if they are just "hanging out"
Some times entitled little pukes with rich daddies screw up so much that daddy's money can no longer keep them out of jail. It's to bad that their daddy's money lets them get away with so much that the rest of us wouldn't get away with for a second. Entitled little pukes don't fall far from the tree. Most time their daddy showed them how to think they don't have to live by the same rules as the rest of us.
Leaving to run an errand is fine. These men and women are paid to be available 24/7 however, and not run errands. They are still "on the clock" so to speak even if they leave the station to pick up food etc.
Also I can rest fairly assured that your job doesn't involve fire/rescue/medical emergencies where a minimum staffing requirement on a vehicle must be met before it can respond.
The fire dept sounds like a bunch of whining cry babies .
You people have truely lost it.
How would you feel if these men and women took the SUV to get meals, and then YOUR house caught on fire and they had to go all the way back to the Firehouse, get a peice of equipment and THEN respond to YOUR emergency.
If these guys are at 16, take the SUV to get lunch up north and get a call for a true emergency just how long do you think that would take?
Do YOU want to be laid out in the street somewhere because you've been thrown from your vehicle and wait for Fire Fighters to go across town and then back?
Or better yet how would you feel if they took a personal vehichle to get lunch and this happened and they had to wait for the 3rd person to get back BEFORE they can respond.
You need a little more knowledge of the Fire service......
Wah wah goes the firetruck and career fireman.
Anonymous said...
This is just the tip of the iceberg that is the morass at the Salisbury Fire Department. It is not getting better what with Ireton unable to appoint a fire chief without others doing the heavy lifting first. If he expects the career FF's and vollies to concur on someone Ireton must be smoking something illegal.
2:10 PM
I agree with this statement. It is not up to the career firefighter and the volunteers to pick their boss. This is not a hillbilly volunteer fire department annual election for God's sake. No one gets to pick there boss, no one! By Charter it is up to the Mayor to pick the right department head to be confirmed by the city council. This is a dereliction of duties by the sitting Mayor.
I am so glad we don't have Barrie Tilghman as mayor any longer(or do we?), but Jim Ireton is by far the worst mayor this city has ever had!!
i smell jealousy : )
Listen people this is your opportunity to set the bar and make things right. This J. Gordy punk has to be removed from the city fire department I pay taxes toward. After reading this it has become very clear that volunteers aren’t held to the same standard as career yet work together side by side on emergencies. Now I see something wrong with that and it’s wrong just wrong. I don’t know how you fire a volunteer if there is such a thing but I am here to tell you I want this person gone as a fireman. I appreciate the time and effort volunteer fireman and ambulance people offer to the community but this person needs to go. I want to know why something hasn’t been done before now and why this person is still allowed to participate as a fire person. Mr. Hoppes or Mr. Ireton somebody I want to know why this person is allowed to be a part of this organization and I want to know now. I see nothing but corruption and cover up written all over this article and I bet you there is already a plan in place to cover this up too. I for one will not stand for this I’m here to tell you.
Bill Bates
Salisbury Md.
You do know Jeremy has not completed his mandatory classes by the deadline to remain an acting lieutenant don’t you?
Please keep this at the top for recogition. thank you
Anonymous said...
The fire dept sounds like a bunch of whining cry babies .
3:24 PM
Par for the course. So is the Mayor and Council.
2:10, I agree and I hope that Ireton and his handlers are reading this. To let the disobiedient children choose who will supervise the, come on. You have a strong local candidate with the experience and education. He has been a part of the department for years and knows where the strengths and weaknesses are. Get on wiht it. Hoppes has to go.
Nice Picture of Jeremy JOE!! I forgot your not aloud to drink on your own time... How pathetic are you? This is hilarious and its even better that the people in Salisbury and the fire department think your a JOKE and take bets on how long different ridiculous things will hit your post... Why don;t you write blogs about crime and violence in Salisbury and how OUR tax dollars should be paying to help fix that... o yah thats right your not on here bashing the SPD are you.... nope just the fire department and the Gordy's..... I can't wait for the day when someone actually does something about the critical bashing of someones name... i think its against the law and its called SLANDER!
what does the picture of Jeremy drinking a beer have to do with this? I understand why hes suspended for but why the second picture
Joe, do you think you could hook me up with Gordy's autograph.... he is getting sorta famous in the bury..
pack a lunch! ha ha..
Go all day without eating.. ha ha
Eat from somewhere that delivers..
ha ha
you guys kill me.
I just saw gordy signing autographs at brew river... any chance we can get some pics joe?
WILLIAM BATES, Salisbury, MD. The best thing you can do is fart and hope that relieves your pain because your list of demands aren't going to be met or even addressed. If you don't think that who or what that can change this mess doesn't already know about it then you're dumber than you sounded while making your comment.
Why don't you just put all those demands in one hand and poop in the other hand and see which one gets filled first?!
Both gentlemen should receive the same punishment - both were wrong! P E R I O D
Dixon is another one that does what he wants - another spoiled brat - grandson of Rev. J. Harvey Dixon (Faith Community Church) and State Fire Chaplin.
Lesson Learned: Encourage family members to join the SFD so you all can do what you damn well please....the hell with the "regular folk" busting their ass every day for the community
You may not think its up to the Career and Volunteers to decide on a Chief, but your wrong. If you try and put a P.O.S. as Chief like the Mayor is then you'll get blogged everyday. The firefighters deserve a leader an not a political puppet jerk. We take orders and direction from competant leaders and wont listen to any crap from anyone else. Get it right Ireton or you'll hear from us everyday.
The photo represents what Gordy is all about. Young, dumb, irresponsible and spoiled. Just what the fire department doesnt need and their members dont want. They have been forced to sit and watch his antics for years with no repercussions for bad behavior. Paid guys get fired and this bum just keeps coming back for more. Its time for someone to step in and finish him off to prevent any further damage.
Anonymous said...
You do know Jeremy has not completed his mandatory classes by the deadline to remain an acting lieutenant don’t you?
5:17 PM
But as long as Ireton and a few of the council members refuse to appoint the right fire chief this corruption will continue!!
HAHA Good ole lil dick got in trouble again huh? Thats hillarious. The little spoiled bastard....
I say get rid of all the career people since they seem to be the ones who keep crying, that will save the city some money then and a whole lot of crying. Just seems to me they are jealous of the volunteers. And when was the last time the paid maids were to busy to cook I always hear them bragging about getting paid to do nothing.
I have an idea. Lets get a Chief that has honor , dignity, respect and leadership skills. Go back to what worked for 127 years before Brezler and make this a respectful fire department again.
You cant expect this young man to respect others when he has no respect for himself. What you see is a pattern that he has followed all his life. Live wildly, get in trouble and get bailed out. Then he starts all over again. His last suspension was for a drunken outburst at PRMC with a police officer. He had just returned from a previous suspension just 24 hours before. Nothing ever changes.
The duty crews not only ride around to Ritas and Wawa and Food Lion, but do personel bussiness like banking and grocery shopping in fire engines every day. So taxpayer start winning about that. 75% of the milage on the trucks are ride around for non fire dept bussiness.
do away with the volunteer system make all sby fireman paid
From what I remember, Jeremy has always been a handful! And how does he keep getting off easy?
Because he comes from the good ole boy company.
I am not from here but have been here over 30 years and still see the good ole boy mentality going on....not as much but it still prevails. Congratulations to Scott and Records for finally standing up to this dude!
i have really enjoyed watching this forum the past 2 days :)
If any of you think Dodd is the answer to the chief problem you've lost your marbles! If you want more problems then a little bit, then he's your man. If you don't want a bigger mess than you already have, pick either of the others Mayor Ireton. Dodd is a joke. A degree in something that he doesn't use for anything and a wrap sheet a foot thick. He even went AWOL once a grieved it when he got written up. He's never so much as been in charge of one single fire and this is what you want to consider for fire chief? There's a reason he only served one term on the county council people!
anon 1:02 PM said, "do away with the volunteer system make all sby firemen paid."
Oh yeah, now there's an intelligent statement - you idiot.
Let's turn away free labor and manpower and pay to have the stations manned, not to mention losing the substantial amount of money the volunteers spend buying equipment and fire trucks.
You're a clown and the type idiot that make people want to do away with the paid division and man the stations with volunteers. Why not? Less than 3% of the time is spent actually fighting fires or being the hero they brag about.
It works very well every where else on the Eastern Shore and if you don't think so check out Ocean City's Volunteer Fire Department and how well they do protecting the 2nd biggest City in the state 80% of the year.
Arrr mateys!! This is Dru Bragg Here..Stop picking on my boy!! He is the best fireman we got. I'm gonna keep him around and get rid of all the people I don't like.
(Bobby and Wayne), hahaha arrrr!
Well, gotta go.. The pookie monster is calling me. Then I'm off to the turtle for my beer aboard the "I'm gonna screw you" ship. arrrrr
How did they take over a year, two different selection commitees, and not have come up with a candidate that the majority of the fire dept can rally behind ? Whoever gets the job will be stepping in somebodys sh#t from the get-go and anyone wanting that job must be desperate or crazy. Hope whoever it is has some balls to get rid of the worst of the bad apples but I doubt it. We need a hero !!
these volunteers are a joke.hire real firemen.make salisbury safer.oh and put that Gordy boy in jail
Can you imagine how hot that brew would be by the time you got to the bottom of her? I like my beers cold, prep them in the freezer.
Yep. Those volunteers are on it. Especially at the fire palace! Campbell said they had been assured the volunteers would respond and cover the paid crews furloughs. NOT! At least not there! Earlier today they couldn't even get an engine out to help with a priority patient. The chief in charge left his vehicle at the scene and helped the ambulance guys with a patient and then drove the ambulance to the hospital. And while he was doing that he managed to handle a bunch of other calls at the same time. Someone gave him a little help but it was after the fact. No piece left station 16. I heard it on my scanner and I don't know who the guy was but he did a good job under trying conditions. I don't think we need an all paid department, but those guys ran about 10 calls in about half an hour and they sure earn their money when they have to. Both sides need to get along and realize they need each other. The city should take care of them.
Looks like a Senior Frogs beer. If it is I do believe they come with ice buckets so you don't have to worry about the brew going bad aka warm.
Joe, inquiring minds want to know: What do the training records for these two individuals look like and does the department have software that can compare the amount of calls they go to as oppose to the other volunteers at their station. A simple risk vs benefit. Do they carry their weight/provide a benefit to the department or are they the individuals that just seeks a tax break?
cook and /or store the food for your meals in the kitchen the taxpayers bought for you. Agree with the poster that said if you haven't got time to retrieve your food from the on site kitchen, then you don't have time to ride and pick it up. We are not as stupid as you think we are. Perhaps there can be a policy regarding this. I have a kitchen on site at my work place, and I shop for my food to bring in ON MY OWN TIME.
Insubordination should be disciplined immediately and harshly.
People need to stop bashing Joel Dixon. The man is a veteran, and a paid firefighter in AA County. He donates countless hours to ensure people in this county are safe. From what I understand, the reason he was not suspended is because he was acting under orders from one of his officers. I think people need to get the facts straight. The issue was Joel receiver permission from an officer, while Gordy did not. Joel did nothing wrong, and that is why he is not being suspended.
"cook and /or store the food for your meals in the kitchen the taxpayers bought for you. Agree with the poster that said if you haven't got time to retrieve your food from the on site kitchen, then you don't have time to ride and pick it up. We are not as stupid as you think we are. Perhaps there can be a policy regarding this. I have a kitchen on site at my work place, and I shop for my food to bring in ON MY OWN TIME.
Insubordination should be disciplined immediately and harshly."
What is insubordinate about whats going on now? Nothing. All the shifts, unless its to busy, do get their food for dinner and cook it at the fire house every shift. These guys are kept way to busy between calls and "busy work", they are already out so whats the big deal? You can't respond on a call with only 2 people on an engine so count sending the 3rd person running out to get lunch out. Find something worth while to complain about unless you totally understand. These guys are doing their jobs and spending their money in the city at restaurants and grocerie stores while still getting their jobs done. Give it a break already.
Joe why don't you ever have the balls to walk into one of these Depts. and face these guys? here you go again hiding on your wifes ranch starting crap.
Joel may be a "paid union man" somewhere else but like other 2 hatters in the SFD he goes back to being a vollie and likes to stir shit up. Wouldnt trust him any further then I could thow him, just my opinion.
Joe could come in and talk to us and has in the past. Most paid people wont talk openly at the dept with fear of punishment of some sort anymore. To much back stabbing going on.
lose the zero, and get a hero!
Well I see it's time to shut this Post down - Doug Wilkerson is involved now. He got billy goat in him.
The Career guys and their pretend union should go. We would save tax payer money, have better fire fighters and we wouldn't have to listen to these whiney bitches everytime they don't get what they want. Try a real job in the real world and see how far you get doing this.
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