Local attorney Charles Jannace may just be up to his old games by returning to the Blogosphere.
Charles used to own the Blog Justice For All but after making a run for County Executive he gave it up and stopped. Charles was successful for quite some time remaining anonymous but he slipped up too many times and people figured him out. ;-)
Some habits are hard to break. More to come.....
Is Charles delusional?
DWI or DUI lawyer. Protects the drunk society.
He's goin after your people joe.
He helped me with my divorce.
he did my divorce and my now husbands but i would not call it help!!!! He took alot of money and did not do much of all to earn it!!
A little double dippin huh?
He handled (if you can call it that) a divorce and custody case for me. I wound up having to fire him, but I had to get his permission before I could. That's right, for those of you who don't know how rigged the system is. Before I could pursue MY OWN CASE, I had to get him to sign a piece of paper first. The system is all about protecting these leaches. They do absolutely nothing but take your money, and then they have you over a barrel when you try to get rid of them. They are all lower than whale shit, and you know where that is. By the way, Charles Jannace is only one-there are many, including the one who calls himself a "Christian". I could tell some stories on him too, but I would rather just forget the whole money sucking experience.
So this is the sick guy with the nasty blog. Take him to the cleaners Joe.
That man is one sorry excuse for an attorney! He was hired to handle a custody/divorce case for me. HUGE MISTAKE! Before we ever went to court he used my $1500.oo retainer. Then billed me another $1500.00 that had to be paid PRIOR to going to court or he would with draw his appearance. I fired his A$$, what a joke. I should have taken that $1500 & set it on fire!
John Robinson is his go to guy!! When Charlie needs cash, Robinson goes out and does something stupid like get arrested while on probation. What an assclown. The latest--- Maryland Judiciary Case Search--- case#0H00055412,0H00055181 & 1H00055182. The last two involve two clowns that work for our hero and are related to the first case.
I know Charlie will twist the truth to get a drug dealer off charges. He is really a low ball defense att. Karma, what comes around goes around.
takeit easy on the guy,,,,,,,he gifted me a terrific red velvet cake and i paid him in designer socks for my case.
I had a run in with this guy ago. He is scum and I never hated someone so much in my life. He is the poster child for revenge. "IN MY OPINION, NOT FACT"
Has anybody saw him lately?
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