Based on numerous phone calls and e-mail messages, I will not be attending the AFP Meeting this evening.
Considering the comments I have rejected with additional and personal threats on my life, it's not worth taking the risk. I have consulted with those in the position to give proper advice and I will follow their wisdom.
So keep your guns and beer muscles at home boys, I won't be there. While I'm at it I'd just like to add the following.
Isn't it interesting how this group, (AFP) was plugging along just fine attacking Stevie Prettyman, yet as soon as I challenge THEM, they have to physically threaten and even go so far as threaten my life to keep me away. So it's OK for them to attack others but God Forbid someone challenge them back, this is what you get.
And I thought Obama was bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe, good for you. Don't stoop down to their level anyway. It sounds like a horrific waste of time.
They haven't done anything that you don't do regularly. PUNK!!
Green Beret
You made the right decision. They are going to Crash & Burn all by themselves.
FUJA we win you lose
Joe dont even mention them on your site any more. They dont deserve the time it takes to write up the post. Ignore them and they will go away.
Joe dont lose. You 4:52 just think he has.
Thank god.
Don't think they want your perverted, stalkin, ass there anyway.
I thought you were a tough guy Joe.
I'd go anyway Joe. Its probably Julie's husband making the threats and he's not going to do anything to you.
Joe, you've brought all this on yourself.
The beginning of the end?
This is how government gets away with what it does. It knows and treats the people as the irrational children they are.
What a pussy
How drunk will Julie be tonight. Someone should put bells on her kids so she doesn't lose them again.
I'm shocked at you Joe.... that you'd let them intimidate and scare you like this. Your always such a bad ass when writing a blog. You could have asked JA/sbynews supporters to be with you and we would have been there with you.
Blogger J.Albero said...
anonymous 11:08, another anonymous wussy wanna be tough guy. Well anonymous, I'll be there tonight and my name is Joe Albero.
politics of personal destruction alive and well here huh. I wonder if any of this has to do with the buzz about someone who ran unaffiliated that people are talking about today on some other blogs? Either way, I see a lot of unprovable drivel spelled out here to try and sway opinions.
just another reason groups like this and tea party fail. they are only out for themselves and have no sense of community. hilarious
...and this is what I am talking about, if they threatened you enough - you will stay away -- which is what they want They is NOT AFP (and it is a shame that this could destroy this organization in Wicomico) or Jonathon Taylor, John Robinson, Charles Jannance or the others on your hit list. "Best Bud" is in charge of this deal. Of course all the ones you think of as enemies are just sitting backing waiting for your demise.
WOW talk about "true colors", why does this group feel the need to be so agressive and actually threaten peoples lives?
Stay safe Joe. With out you we would never know the crap they try to pull on us.
They are worth your time nor mine. It's funny that the name they go by isn't what they preach. Stay safe, your worth more than any one of them. Don't bother with them any more. Dont't give them any time on here. If you do or don't thats your business. I'll ignore them from here on out.
You are just a pussy Albero. Do you really think someone would kill you at a political meeting. Long live AFP. Julie Brewington for President.
I am assuming they involved your family and not just you...I can't imagine you backing down unless they involve your family. And I hear they did, but I don't see where you make that clear?
Joe go anyway. Those punks won't do anything.
Take Fernando with you! They wont do anything then.
Julie brewington is the greatest thing to happen in politics since sarah palin. God bless her. You are a weak man albero
another fight at Brew River. what else is new.
No shower for you to run and hide in eh wussy boy? You're a yellow bellied coward. You're not a Bronx Bully. You're a Bowie Pussey.
Threats on your life? HAHAHAHAHA! Yea right. Like someone would actually take a chance on going to jail over your retarded ass.
You fucking delusional as ever. Grow up Joe. You're a fucking embarassment to the human race.
this is sad.
Craig Theobald
I can't believe Joe is allowing comments like these wtf
i'll have my go then
Joe you are a lying SOB, no one likes you, go die some where k thanks
They are a bunch of cry baby wannabies. Who can not remeber the pledge to their own flag. The whole crew should stick their heads up the arse and jump up and down until they disapear.
Julie B looks like she has been hitting the bottle again. The pill bottle. Get some help.
Joe they suck J.R. & J.T are hard at work. On eachother
Well thanks a lot. Now because of idiots like these many of us won't be going tonight because we don't want to get caught up in the drama.
these type of personal attacks and squabbleings are case book tactical infections implemented to keep organizations in their place..........in this case NO WHERE
As a citizen of Salisbury, this behavior saddens me. Julie has always been full of herself! She's too slutty to be in politics anyway. If she does not know the pledge and cannot watch her kids that is disgraceful enough in itself.
Nutcases - just what us libs have been saying for months now. Funny how your life has to be threatened before you understand what we have been saying all along.
Man, you girls/guys are "dirty G"
Wow. Thanks for posting all the comments. Apparently they are not for Prosperity....they need to change their group name to: Americans for Hate. They should be ashamed of themselves. Just another hate group. Americans For Prosperity and Westboro Baptist Church... fancy names for Hate Groups.
You people have some serious issues. You all are the reason why the people of Salisbury and the rest of the eastern shore are regarded as "less than" intelligent. Livin' in the dark ages!
Wow.... I can't believe adults act like this. Very Sad
"Fiscal Conservatives" = Tea Party
Tea Party = AFP
AFP = Violent Thugs
Reading these comments I am literally floored. Joe, I am a 22 yo female and I don't engage in behavior like this whatsoever, nor do I associate with those who do. Sometimes, you have to be the bigger person (even though it doesn't feel like it, being called a p*ssy and whatnot) and just let it go. Turn the other cheek. These people that "hate" you are obviously angry that you've exposed something about them which is most likely the TRUTH, which is why they are so upset. Sometimes it's easier to sling words like they are rather than taking a hard look in the mirror at themselves. And for that, they are the p*ssies. They can't even face what awful and low human beings they are, therefore they direct their attention to you. Honestly, just blow it off. They have serious issues and whether or not you address these people, their issues will continue to stay. Unfortunately, you cannot save them. So just go about doing the amazing things you do for this community and ignore those that hate. They will only bring you down. I guess some people never leave high school - I just can't believe it's adults in their 40's.
these horrible posts are being shown just so the public can see what they will be associating with if they support this group (AFP). that is helpful information to civilized people and even to the losers who think these posts are "cool". every pos in town will know who to hang out with if they want to find more losers like themselves.
I am so embarassed for our community that we have to expose our ignorance and immature tendencies to all the people reading this blog, who btw are not just from Salisbury. I am a conservative who has believed in the Tea Party Movement from the beginning, so I'm very ashamed of the people who supposedly have my same political beliefs acting like children. I am not saying the Joe is right or wrong. That is not the issue for me here. If he is wrong, there are better ways of handling it than showing your ass in such a public forum, and thereby besmirching the name of what might be a very good organization, one that may have helped us all if it were not brought down to such a low level by such ignorant people.
I think I may know why Joe is letting these posts go through. It just shows how childish those individuals are. Honestly people, you truly believe you are acting like grown adults? Again, maybe I might not agree with EVERYTHING Joe may say, but you guys take it way too far.
I've never personally met either of you, to be honest... I hope I never do. I hope you do not teach your children these acts of hate, slander, and bullying. It will all catch up to you one way or another.
And again... why post under anonymous??? are you just too scared to say who you are? If you can't put your name... don't say it. EVERY post I make on here will be with my name. Don't be afraid to stand behind your opinion...again that's what this is.
They will come after you like they do everyone, be prepared. What they wont do is stand face to face with you and do what they do. I think they are afraid they might get their skulls crushed. Pain only reminds me that I aint dead yet.
Im talking about all of them, just the ones who know who they are.
Shut up Dougy. You keyboard muscled idiot!
WTH? Why cant anyone get along? Humans are the reason I like cats so much....
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