Yesterday a registered commenter on WBOC sent in several messages referencing the oil leak in the Gulf. They provided the below comment several times, yet WBOC published and then rejected the information over and over again.
Now why would WBOC do such a thing, censor comments. They put these questions out there for their loyal readers to review, yet there's no curse words, no attack.
Before the Blogs came along, YOU never knew such things happened. Oh sure, there was talk about it but there was never a place, (until now) for tens of thousands of people to read such things and then spread the word.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with the below comment, do you?
"Keep America Beautiful...write to Mr. President Obama and tell him the OIL SPILL CLEANUP PROCESS IS UNACCEPTABLE. http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact
The White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
Please include your e-mail address
Phone Numbers
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414... See More.........
FAX: 202-456-2461
TTY/TDD Comments: 202-456-6213
Visitors Office: 202-456-2121"
Delmarva's censorship leader.
Yellow journalism
Why does everyone come crying to you about problems? People, instead of taking up Joe's time, be resourceful and find the answers yourself.
To all the ones who called Joe about Julie, the solution would have been to look on the web and than call Julie with the facts
To the person who doesn't know why WBOC deleted his remarks, how would Joe know why. If it bothered you why not contct WBOC
for the answer
People, start going to the Horses Mouth and stop going to the Horses Ass.
anonymous 2:29, get your head out of your ass.
First of all, no one really wants to know WHY WBOC did what they did. What OUR intent here at Salisbury News is to let everyone know that it IS happening. WBOC is censoring their news and information.
While many have tried ragging on me on this post as to my rejecting so many comments, glad to know I'm rejecting the right ones. Not hard to tell when someone is an anti Albero blogger.
To the rest of you, stop using all capital letters and cursing and your comments will go through. Don't like it, don't return, it's that simple.
As for Julie, I did try to call Julie and it went immediately into voice mail. Julie made a monsterous mistake yesterday and put a lot of people into panic. She has done this numerous times, especially recently. She went after Stevie Prettyman and LIED every single time she challenged Stevie and I even proved that to other AFP Members by producing ALL of the minutes and language proving everything Julie stated was untrue and a lie.
Julie can be a loose cannon. I love her spunk and drive but it's one thing to be a leader, it's another when you do so and not tell the truth. That kind of person is dangerous. Sorry, it's just the truth.
Now who's the horses ass.
To the "horses ass" commentor, this was posted to show there is censorship, who cares WHY WBOC did it, it is the simple FACT that it occured. Joe is trying to tell YOU, where to go to look for the REAL news.
Joe I thank you for leaving the information on your site. I sent a letter to the white house. Your a good person and you care about what is happenning. I like that your not afraid to say it like it is. God Bless You.
Did WBOC do it intentionally or was there a glitch in their system?
Unless you or the person involved contacted WBOC there is no way of knowing why. You are accusing them and finding them guilty of a something before getting all the facts. To my way of thinking that is wrong.
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