On June 30, 2010 the following suspects were arrested for the Murder of Jackie Dewayne Hopkins which occurred in the 800 block of West Main Street, Salisbury, MD on June 28, 2010 just after midnight.
Marquis Cortez Williams, 19yoa of Salisbury, MD was charged with 1st & 2nd Degree Murder, 1st & 2nd Degree Assault, Reckless Endangerment, Dangerous Weapon with Intent
to Injure, Conceal Dangerous Weapon, and Use of a Handgun during a Violent Crime.
Taquez Chanel Price, 18yoa of Salisbury, MD was charged with 1st & 2nd Degree Murder, 1st & 2nd Degree Assault, and Reckless Endangerment.
The Salisbury Police Department was assisted by members of the Maryland State Police, Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, Wicomico Bureau of Investigation, and the Wicomico County Office of State’s Attorney.
Way to go SPD!!
Is anyone else tired of paying for these peices of @$#!?
search them out on md court records.these three have been the pillar of the crime community.
hope it doesn't take long before the state ends your lives like you ended his...
oh baby momma's are so original with the names. Taquez Chanel and Marquis Cortez, oh please. they should be put in jail just for having these names, lol
It was great to see all the agencies working together. Good things happen when we all work as a team. Maybe Jim Ireton can actually see what comes from a joint task force approach.
M.S.P. S.P.D.& W.C.S.O. worked around the clock on this one and it paid off. Awesome work by all.
The sad truth is thugs killing thugs and we still care. Why ?
When I started this job 23 years ago we did for the mother or father. There was a family member that was suffering. Today you cant the mother or father to tell them we have arrested the killer of your child. They are dead or in jail. Out smoking crack. I am sorry there is a segment of our community that needs to be put on an island so they can live like the animals they are.
I am in no way detracting from the great work these officers have done. I am just disgusted with 12 year olds that can not speak a sentence without "f" this or "f" that. Gold teeth and no food in the house. My tax dollars paying for crime. Women who are twenty years old and five children by five different men. It speaks volumes of the men and women that worked around the clock to close this case. I salute you.
To you gun toting thugs keep shooting baby. Two birds with one stone. You gotta love it.
neither one of these gansta's should have been on the street. Price already had a handgun case in District Court and Williams has prior arrests and convictions. What a joke. Two more punks that we have to foot the bill for while they (hopefully) rot in prison to the tune of $20,000 EACH per YEAR.
I would also like to thank the neighborhood and community they grew up in for taking them under their wings and teaching them respect, manners, work ethic, and good citizenship - NOT. What do you expect from broken homes and the lack of fathers in their upbringing. Just like cockroaches unfortunately. Until the community - especially the African American community - changes their priorities and DEMANDS more from their neighbors and neighborhoods - especially with input and help from the churches - those cesspools will only continue to fill up with the blood of punks, ganstas, and wannabes. But - hey, don't forget - we are an All American city. Yeah -- go Salisbury
Death penalty !
What bank will it be today?
Mmmmm , another group of the black panthers maybe. May God help you when it starts.
12:26 here's why I care! One dead and two to have to feed and take care of all their life. Guess what their real punishment is............they get a private or semi private room with TV, 3 meals a day, microwaves, basketball, college classes, weights, a library, free meds, free health care, and if they get too hot they just act crazy or say they are going to harm themselves and they get to be put in an air conditioned cell. Now if you never had to worry about a job or working or any responsibility wouldn't you just love this set up? You can thank the state of Maryland for this - they cater to inmates. You can also blame the upper ranking officers at ECI who are afraid of them and will give them whatever they want. They don't even protect their officers ( which several have been hurt lately) because they can't offend the criminal! What a mess~ Write your governor, senator or whoever and complain about this bull****.
Hmmm...I believe Taquez has an Uncle that was convicted of Murder several years ago. His Uncle's name is Brian Dutton. Taquez's father is a drug dealing low life thug too. It was just a matter of time, destiny has it's say...
Way to go fella's! Keep shooting each other please! No loss here
If they have alot on their court records, lets go to the real problem....poor judges! I bet if it was these judges families they would send down different sentences and they wouldn't be getting another chance to be out doing more crime. We need all NEW judges in this county.
Marquis Williams shouldn't even be walking the streets. These two have been a member of the system since soon after their births. But, hey...maybe a Judge or Master can hug some more thugs and they can kill more people
Look in the eyes, no light on.
Picture these two in a classroom about 3-4 years ago. Can you imagine the disruption, disrespect and complete interuption of teaching they would create? Well..I can. Unfortunately, the number of 'students' like these two are becoming more of an issue. The complete lack of home support, acceptance of the gang life style and the law that insists we 'EDUCATE' these low lifes are only the tip of the reasons why it isn't going to get better for the schools, community and country.
Don't forget that we will pay for the defense lawyer that will say these were good boys. The schools let them down, couldn't get jobs b/c they didn't get a good education...blah, blah, blah.
12:26 don't forget the "tats". Most of these thugs put more credence into their tatoos than they do the Bible, U.S. Constitution, or the emancipation proclamation. Instead of dealing with this, the media, liberals, and Rev. Wright's of the world focus more on paranoid racism and hiding behind the "race" card.
Look at these thugs folks. This is our furture if we are not careful. These animals commit crime after crime and still they are out free to kill-luckily another fool, not you or me-this time. The system fails us as a people-it is not the severity of the punishment but the certainty-set a jail time for the crime and if they are guilty that is what they get-no plea, no deal, no probation- it's DONE. That goes for everything-DUI's, you name it. After a while people will think twice-but oh yeah-that is too harsh isn't it??-Not if you are a law abiding citizen its not-and until this "fair treatment" way of thinking is finally laid to rest, that is the way it's gonna be-you might meet one of those thugs up close one day.
God forgive me for saying this,but thugs like these make you almost wish abortion was retroactive.They arent even old enough to grow a decent beard and already have lengthy histories of violent antisocial behavior.Now they have taken a life,and they think it makes them a man because thats how the pisspoor role models in their lives have showed them to live.Years ago people like them (psychopaths)were put away in institutions and the public was safe from them.Now we medicate them,reward them with SSI checks for their "disability" and let them roam the streets.Unfortunately by the time they self destruct they end up taking other people,innocent people,with them.Enough is enough.
we need to start giving the death penalty.
Psycopaths they are not, just idiots.
Huge props to the police on this one....good work...and having to deal with all the "I don't know's" and "I didn't see nuthin's" from all the potential witnesses who likely DID know something and DID see something makes it even more rewarding to have solved this....and I wholeheartedly agree with 2:12 about these low-lifes in a classroom..."no child left behind"??? Hold teachers --TEACHERS??-- accountable??? Teachers are under the gun to make punks like these just stay in their seat! But punks like these are coddled by the system, because if they are suspended or expelled, its not because they disrupted the class or started a fight or threatened the teacher...it's because they are black...so we fire teachers because these students can't/won't pass a test...
Great job SPD. Get these dumb@$$es off the st.
But to all of you that would like to make this a "black community" issue, you should realize that there are far more AA kids out there doing well in school and making moves in life. These kids DON'T stick around the area because they know that they grew up in crap neighborhoods often times with shady peers that may still be hanging on the same corner. Just as I got out of my small podunk town, gained higher education, and am now working to make a better life for myself somewhere else, the best and brightest of the black community does the same. Unless you are intimately familiar with the families of these neighborhoods, you won't hear about the stories of so and so doing well at College Park, or so and so defending his country in Iraq. What you will see is these two dumb@$$es on the six oclock news. Just remember that they are not representative of the whole, just like Thomas "Bubba's future B!+ch" Leggs is not representative of the white community.
we need to go back to public executions. swift justice. them the other pieces of crap see what they'll get
they're lucky Sam Vincent is no longer with us. He would have made them pay.
Low life POS of the world ..Got nothing else better to do .Living off the system and thinking they are all that..Heres to you you worthless peice of garbage...fry them
Garbage is putting it mildly! They are not worth another breath of air and need to put down a few pegs (the death penalty sounds fair to me for these two worthless hoodlums!)
these young black men never had a chance at life do to the neighborhoods they were forced into. there actions were not acceptable but when you call them animals what are you really saying about yourself they act the way they are treated so continue sitting on your high horse and creating more and more animals that are by the way coming to a hood near you lol and in closing lets remember these"animals"are attacking each other at a point in life that they can defend themselves one thing you can count on never seeing is a little girl beat up raped and burned to death in the neighborhoods these animals are raised in
4:15 PM
Good for you and others like you. But I believe there are more of these thugs than there are of those doing the right thing.
You're a minority within a minority.
Millions of dollars are spend on students like these every day in Wicomico County schools. They get away with doing nothing except raising the devil. No one can learn when they're in class, but we have to get the African American category up to par so we all put up with the disrespect, cursing, bullying, stealing, fighting, etc. Why waste the education dollars? Spend them on the kids who'll be supporting these thugs on welfare and in prison. They don't intend to do any work, starting in pre-K and for the next 75 years.
hurry up folks, there are two immediate job openings. These two won't be able to continue working for the next 10-15 years. Maybe Obama can count these as saved or created jobs. Call Jesse Jackass and AL "tawana Brawley" SHarpton. Just one more example of black youth by the man. I know, no opportunity, poor black kids. Let's just put a bullet in their dome and anyone else that behaves this way. I am so tired of all the excuses for bad behavior. Let's also put their parents in jail for child neglect. I asure that the writing has been on the wall with guys like this for a while..damn this country is going to hell
Flavor of the month.
7:47, you are absolutely wrong, the numbers don't support your statement. But your misperception of the facts illustrates my point exactly.
As for these two, I have absolutely no sympathy (poor black kid story line). Salisbury is not "the hood" like Baltimore. These kids go to decent schools, can see students and professionals that look like them (UMES/SU), live in a town with several engines for job growth, and have the same opportunities to grow up and get out like anyone else (despite single parent homes). But trust and believe that there are kids in other locations that are not as lucky.
WOW why are we not talking about the guy that lost his life. From my understanding he was just enjoying the evening with his girlfriend and these dudes shot him. The people who are saying let them shoot each other...that guy didnt have a gun, he wasnt looking for trouble. HE is the victim here what about him.
Great Job To SPD and all contributing agencies!!
I am appalled at some of these comments. It goes to show how ignorant some people are. We try to act like it"s a black problem, but look at all of the crimes that white people commit! Chopping people up and storing them in freezers. Let's get real. It's not a race thing! And don't try to blame it on the parents. Some children rebel even when they have good upbringing.
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