The black gentleman above in a white tee shirt, black shorts, socks and sandals robbed the Dollar Tree at knife point last night in Fruitland.
WalMart has a better video image but we wanted to share what we have for now until we are able to obtain that image from WalMart.
He left the scene in a Baily's Taxi to a white vehicle at Super Fresh in south Salisbury on College Ave and then he disappeared. If anyone knows this gentleman please contact the Fruitland Police Department at 410-548-2804.
Press Release:
The Fruitland Police Department is investigating the following Armed Robbery:
On 6-17-10 an unidentified black male entered the Dollar Tree located at 411 N. Fruitland Blvd, Fruitland , Maryland. The b/m approached an employee of the business, produced a knife and demanded money. Suspect obtained an undisclosed amount of US currency and fled in a Bailey’s Taxi. Suspect is described as a B/M 20-30 years old, approx 5’8 180 lbs wearing a white tee shirt, black shorts and flip flops with white socks. The suspect fled to the area of the Super Fresh on College Ave.
No injuries reported during the incident.
gentleman? looks more like a criminal
I know everyone does it, but robbers are not "gentlemen." It's really okay to just call him a man. I know, not relevant to the story; just a pet peeve.
What kind of idiot robs a DOLLAR store?
If he left in a cab, don't they have some liabilty for driving him after commiting the crime??
Robbing a dollar store. Maybe he should try Goodwill next.
9:52 I agree 100%. Anyone robbing a store is not a "gentleman"-they are criminals and deserve no respect. Joe, please tell us that someone posted that " gentleman" comment other than you; always thought that you werent afraid to call a POS a piece of sh#t !
"gentleman"? Come on now, we don't have to be politically correct when announcing a thug who held someone at knife point for crack money.
OMG that's my Mom he's standing behind! :( Can't wait to move out of this ridiculous town...the crime rate here is unbelievable, and I am so sick of paying high taxes for the priviege of living in this armpit of the Eastern Shore.
To Funny the duma$$ robs a dollar tree COME ON!!!!
Worcester and Wicomico Counties are filled with coke, meth and crack addicts doing this type of shit. Lets get rid of public housing because it is a breeding ground for criminal activity. At least with Habitat Housing the applicants have background check.
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