When I went to the same place in Annapolis the meat patties were much larger. Look, I don't mind paying extra money for a really big burger but when I went there last night with my Wife and Grandson, our bill came to $27.00. Now, our Grandson had the small burger, I had the large burger and my Wife ordered the veggie samich. Within 3 minutes they were calling out our number and I though, wow, that was quick.
The reason they were calling our number was to tell me, you do realize the veggie samich is just veggies with cheese on a hamburger bun, right? I replied, you're not serious, are you. Yes! I went back to our table and Jennifer said, isn't it a veggie wrap, or something like that. I told her it was simply veggies cooked with cheese on a hamburger roll. That was $2.99! We thought, what the heck, we'll give it a try. We also ordered two fries and three drinks.
Well, the veggie samich was CRAP. Jennifer took one bite and threw it back in the aluminum foil and threw it in the trash. My burger was just an ok burger and our Grandson, well, he was in heaven. He was munching on the free peanuts and enjoying the burger as well.
The fries also sucked! The only crisp ones were in the bag and the ones in the cups were soggy and so loaded with salt, even our Grandson wouldn't eat them. The parking was horrible as we actually had to sit on Rt. 13 for a few minutes before we could even pull in.
I did ask if they were as busy last night as they were tonight and they replied, NO! They said, we don't know what happened but we have a much larger crowd tonight. The funny part was, at one point I knew about 50% of the people in there who frequent Salisbury News.
I hope the rest of you didn't end up on the toilet several times last night like some of us did. We won't return. They need to add a chicken samich to their menu if they want to satisfy those people who don't eat burgers or hot dogs.

Joe, don't give up on the place. Personally, I don't try a new place for at least a month after it opens, so they can work all the kinks out and I don't feel like a guinea pig.
As a Family we will not return, period.
Joe, I have been twice and was there when you were there. i liked the burger and the fries, but you are right about one thing, i almost crapped on myself both times after i left. I wont go to often due to the fact its very unhealthy. and i have had better.
as stated by 9:08, i never go to a place until they have been open at least a month
and as to adding shicken to the menu, i dont think any five guys has chicken, at least ive never seen. its a burger place, and not a great one, just an ok one.
id prefer to see fudruckers come back they way they were when they opened, not like they were at the end.
or even better boston chicken
Joe, I agree with you one hundred percent
I disagree
I'm not surprised you don't like it, because Obama really does.
So what's new?
anonymous 9:18, they do not have chicken on their menu.
I personally cannot believe they located in an older building when so much is available throughout Salisbury.
Nevertheless, once inside it looks just like every other restaurant they own.
You can go to Station 7 Restaurant in Pittsville and get an unbelievable burger for far less money and support a locally owned business. That's where I'll continue to enjoy a great burger while my Wife enjoys whatever else she wants on the menu.
What some of the nay sayers don't understand is this is about satisfying everyone in the Family, not just one person. Adding a chicken samich would not only increase their business, it would keep people coming back, maybe.
For the money we spent, it simply sucked, period. Now, the pople working there were very nice but if I go out to eat and spend the rest of the night on the toilet, I'm not going back.
Others have made the same statement about their experience and if so many people go through that after they've eaten there, something is obviously wrong with their food.
A review is something we can share to let our readers know what to expect. A comment is your opinion as well. If you want to attack me, (I mean others who's comments I've rejected) then don't waste your time. We ALL know who you are anyway.
Please teach your grandson to avoid burger joints like this one and MacDonalds, etc. If you must have a burger buy extra lean ground beef and grill it at home to reduce fat and grease. Better yet grill chicken on the barbie instead -- help maintain your health and Delmarva's poultry industry, too!
anonymous 9:21, you're a flaming Idiot. Go back to your handicap reviews JT. By the way, they have double doors in front just for you.
Dag, I was on the toilet too.
It is absurd:
Obama eats and raves about their fat ladened food and smokes while preaching about better health care practices and universal coverage at the taxpayers expense for those who smoke and eat junk food.
The parking sucked so we never went in. Thanks for the heads up though Joe.
Who are you to tell them what kind of menu to have Joe? This place is insanely successful all across the country with exactly what they have. People love Five Guys burgers and fries! Since I have been at work this morning I have heard so many people talk about how happy they were with their meal. I agree, Station 7 is fantastic and it sounds like that's the place you need to stick to. But if people want an actual review of the place just Yelp it, you can can a more balanced review than this one.
Maybe it was a bug and not the food that did you in.
D 9:34, what would you like me to do, LIE?
The place sucked, period. What is it about my article and comments that you don't understand?
You are more than welcome to start your own blog and come up with your own views of other restaurants but while this one is mine I'll tell it like it is and I'll tell our readers the TRUTH.
As for the chicken recommendation, Red Lobster has steak on their menu as well as all sorts of other food, including chicken fingers for the kids.
I've been in the restaurant business, have you?
Adams Ribs in Fruitland has the best burgers around! cj
Joe. I have been in the restaurant business. Spent the majority of my life in it. You opnion is not "the truth" it is "your opinion". I normally actually agree with you but you are so full of yourself it is unreal. And good for Red Lobster too, but they have nothing to do with this. Five Guys makes it clearly known they are a burger and fries spot.
Look D 9:49, you are calling me a liar and quite frankly I could give a rats A$$ if you normally, (allegedly) agree with me, or not. The fact remains I did tell the truth on my experience. I will also remind you that YOU brought up Red Lobster, not me.
I'll not sit here and waste any of my time with someone who calls me a liar simply because we had a horrible experience there last night. Get over yourself.
You said: "I personally cannot believe they located in an older building when so much is available throughout Salisbury."
They took this site because it was available and in a great location. The customers will be mostly walk-in from Salisbury U. and it has good highway exposure, too. People don't go to this type of place for ambiance, and the building is more than adequate. The parking is crowded now because of the opening "boom" that will run for another few weeks.
Please specify any better location in Salisbury for this operation.
PS -- yesterday I overheard some folks who had just been there raving about the food and planning to return today to try the dogs.
The one in Bethany Beach has been there the longest of any on the shore. If you ever get you're nerve up, try that one, it is very good. Don't judge that one by the "Bury" store.
I'm usually a big fan of Five Guys. I'll have to give it a try myself. Who knows, maybe I'll run into Cornbrooks (the young, hot one).
This is exactly the review I would expect from a guy who doesn't like Ponzettis Pizza
Five Guys is in a different segment of the restaurant market than Red Lobster and its ilk -- Olive Garden, Ruby Tuesday's, Appleby's, etc. -- the "something for everyone" segment. Fiver is essentially doing a one up on Mac. and that type in fairly small (and low budget) stores in quasi convenience store locations such as the one in Salisbury is for the college students.
Their gimmick is fresh (not frozen) meat with no trans fat and very good taste and quality.
It has been a winner -- already about 500 stores -- including several along the beach in OC and Delaware.
If for whatever reason you got bad product, the problem will probably be solved before the week is over.
Normally, they have a number of "inspectors" (selected by the headquarters) who eat there during the early days to detect problems and assure quality control.
If you complain to the store manager, you will probably get a coupon worth $25 or $50 dollars.
Joe is not a professional food critic, he is just providing his opinion. His opinion is just more valuable, hopefully, to 5 Guys becauase he has a wider avenue of delivering his opinion.
I happen to disagree. I like 5 guys, and that's my opinion. I am surprised that Joe had a bad experience and am convinced that the management will do their best to fix whatever is wrong. Although, I doubt they will add chicken to the menu.
I dont eat fryed burgers, only flame broiled. Give credit where credit is due, no illegals in sight(?), thank-you.
doug wilkerson,
In living color at the end, perfect Joe. I couldn't stop laughing.
Backstreet Grill has the yummiest of everything! Except for this one time I went with a small group of friends and had a waitress who made it clear that we inconvienienced her by waiting on us. We had to keep telling the bus boy to tell her to come wait on us lol. Other than that, I love that place!
We haven't tried the Five Guys in Salisbury but LOVE the Bethany Beach and Lewes locations. I don't consider it overpriced for a fresh burger and generous serving of fries. Five Guys is a great BURGER place and if your looking for a chicken sandwich I would try Chick-fil-a. : )
Did we go to the same place?
My husband I went on Monday for lunch - the place was so packed they had someone directing traffic in the parking lot.
It was the first time we had been to any Five Guys. We LOVED it. Our burgers were so large that we couldn't finish them. We made the mistake of getting two large fries. One large fry is enough for four people. My husband also got a hot dog because he wanted to try it.
Thrashers fries aren't crisp either - that's the way boardwalk fries are.
Can't wait to go back.
I think you have had a bad experience for your first visit. I have been to several Five Guys in the Philly area and have had great food. The burgers are juicy and flavorful and the fries are second to Thrashers in my opinion. They have received many accolades such as Best Burger in DC/Balt area since 1999 and there are A LOT of burger joints in that area. Give them a second chance someday. Let them work out the kinks (new workers) and I think you will enjoy yourself next time.
All five guys suck. It’s just a nasty subpar burger, just like Mc.D. You all can eat it if you want but I'll choose a higher class of burger thanks.
Surprised to hear the negativity, because the one in O.C. was great. I don't get why these places aren't consistent.
been to five guys many times. never had a bad experience. I can cut them slack if they are suffering opening pains due to large volumes. I can not wait to go to the one in salisbury next time business takes me there. eat at the oc five guys all the time. again love it. this is a bad review
my family got hooked on five guys in lancaster, found it by accident. saw crowds in the parking lot, so thought "hmm, why not." awesome food and fries. found out that bethany had one, so had been traveling from west oc to bethany about once every 2 weeks till the 65th oc one opened up. all 3 locations over 30 or so times, the food has been consistantly good. can't wait for the one in west oc to open next month. i will wait for a few weeks for the workers to get in the groove before going.
im sorry, joe, that you had a bad experience. i don't NOT believe you. i just haven't had a bad experience so far.
Seriously who critiques a restaurant on the day they open? I thought you said you had been in the food business Joe? If so... you of all people know that is just wrong. I hear good things but I will be waiting a couple weeks before I check it out.
I personally don't like crab meat, but I don't go around saying Old Mill sucks! or such-and-such's crab cakes suck just because i don't like them.
I've been to 5 guys all over baltimore and now the one in OC and here in salisbury and they are always consistently busy and constantly expanding and opening new locations. They are OBVIOUSLY succesful thus shouldn't be criticized.
Rob S
Joe, I agree with you on the fries, loaded with grease. Never get them "to go", the bag will be soaked by the time you get to your car.
The burger's are so-so.
Why people spend so much for a burger when you could buy a whole pound of meat and do it yourself boggles my mind.
We are the laziest people on Earth.
No wonder most of us are fat too.
Whisker's Bar & Grill
Race Track Road across from Ocean Pines, Berlin, MD
You have experience in restaurant business? Were you a busboy?
Perhaps your experience should tell you that you do not evaluated a resataurant on the first day they open.
Would you, Mr. Zagat, would want your business rated on the first date.
anonymous 3:00, OK, you, (and others) want answers, here they are. I owned a restaurant in Anne Arundel County called Happy Days Cafe. We were in the same parking lot as Jaspers in Crofton. Jaspers was the largest restaurant in AA Co. and considering the restaurant is STILL in operation today, (the name has now changed) I'd say that says a whole lot about being successful.
I'll add, Happy Days Cafe was the first business to receive a 100% score with the Health Department and we did dry runs for several days before we officially opened our doors so when we did open everything was running as smoothe as possible.
The restaurant paid for itself in about 1 1/2 years. I personally owned it for almost 5 years and sold it to one of my Employees who still owns it today.
I also had food in the Upscale Billiard Parlors I also owned. So, that being said, I know the business inside and out, so much so I know I'd probably NEVER go back into it again. Too many hours and too many partners that never financially invested into the business. Those restaurant owners reading this know exactly what I mean by that statement too.
Joe, if you're ever up in North Jersey, stop into a little place called White Rose System(my usual is in Highland park). I've never had a better burger, unless I made it myself. It's employee owned(atleast the one in HP is). Blows the socks off Five Guys(I live in the DC area, been to them a few times, ain't nothin special). Sadly(ie: the reference to ponzetti's having good pizza), the Shore doesn't have as many quality joints as it should. Next time you're up in Dirty Jerz, do yourself a favor and stop in.
I think the point being lost here is Joe didn't write the burger was terrible, he wrote, "My burger was just an ok burger". The things he banged on were the fries and the veggie thing. I had 5 Guys yesterday and I concur with what Joe wrote.
They charge a PREMIUM price, but only deliver an average burger. I paid in excess of $10 for a drink, fries and a burger. What I received for my money were fries that were very over-salted, an average, fast food burger worth about half of what I paid for it and a drink.
Five Guys problem as I see it wasn't with the food, but the price point. If they want to serve average food then they need to charge an appropriate amount. And not salt the fries nearly as much.
Welcome to Salisbury
Joe, Have you been to the new Station 7 in Laurel? I was just wondering if it was as good as Pittsville.
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