As unbelievable as this might seem, someone vandalized Sarah Foxwell's Grave after 6 PM last night.
Sarah's Mother Jennifer Foxwell went to visit Sarah's grave today, (as she regularly does) and found the above images.
Jennifer called me upset and in tears. We were able to quickly get a hold of S.J. Disharoon from Salisbury Monument and he raced over there to make repairs. Thanks S.J.!
There's only ONE person I believe has that kind of mind set to pull something like this and the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department has opened an investigation.
You see Folks, if it was just a kid going through the cemetery, they would have picked up the vase and taken it with them. Someone was making a statement and we urge all of you, if you saw any traffic at the cemetery last night, please contact the Sheriff's Office at 410-548-4891.
PLEASE, let this child rest in peace.
I should add, there were no other grave sites disturbed in the cemerery.
this is disgusting! I want to cry!
This is unbelievable. There's a special place in hell for the person who did this.
I am speechless. I hope we can find out who did this and post their picture here so we can know we are in the presence of another sick SOB.
Hell isn't even good enough for the person or persons that did this. It is absolutely disgusting.
That is terrible!!! What kind of person does that,let her and her family be! This place is sacred!
whoever did this needs to be right in line behind leggs..
I hope they find the people who did this an cut thier freakin balls off. people have no cuth these days, let little sarah rest in peace!!!!!!!!!!
"I hope they find the people who did this and cut their freakin' balls off. People have no cuth these days..."
Not that I disagree with either of the above statements, but the sequence of these statements is hilarious.
"Cut his balls off. Some people have no cuth."
This is sooo SAD!!! Has this family & Sarah not been through ENOUGH???? I pray they catch the person (s) that did this & they can be "vandalized"! I know they will be caught!!! I have faith in our WCSD!!!
To The Foxwell Family: My heart breaks for you that someone could do something so horrible. You have been through so much and this insane individual clearly has crossed the line. Thanks to Salisbury Monument for making the repairs. This is a sacred place and no one should ever vandalize anyone's place of rest!! Joe thanks for posting this. I hope they catch the a-hole that did this. I really hope that this individual can be caught. I can assure you that Mike Lewis will be all over this. I am just disgusted.
thanks sheriff
I am looking for who may have done this. I hope they are reading this post. I will find you. I will handle this in my own way. There will be no need for the law.
There are deamons among us.
BTW Joe, What cemetery is she buried in? You forgot to mention in your post. Someone may not have even known who they saw in the area. That would be very helpful. Thanks.
Only a pathetic loser could do something like that-I say set up a camera
If you don't know which cemetery it is, (with all due respect) then you need to make contact with the Family and ask them. I am not giving out that information.
this is so insane this family has been through enough in the past year, and then they have to go through this. hopefully they will find out who did that and when they do you should put their name and picture up on the site
Thank you Joe for NOT posting the name of the cemetery. You are right, that should only be provided if the family so chooses. Unfortunately the family may not be able to maintain privacy when they visit Sarah's grave or worse, more vandalism. I DO hope the person who did this horrible act is arrested and charged. It's just SICK!
I hope they catch whom ever is responsibile for doing this. I spend a fair amount of time visiting Sarah's grave, and this breaks my heart. Let this child who was a victim rest in peace, why must she continue to be a victim of sick people even in death, LEAVE HER GRAVE AND HER FAMILY ALONE!!!!!!!!!!! Whoever did this trust me you will be found Mike Lewis will make sure of it!!! Jen,, Im so sorry you have to keep reliving this each time you turn around, I'm here for you.
Jennifer Henry
I agree, find them and prosecute them!!! I disagree with one thing though....I don't think a kid would take a vase with them, I don't see where they would have the use for it....just my opinion. RIP Sarah.
Catch this criminal and release his or her name to the public. Save the courts some time and money. I think vandalism is a misdemeanor. Let the people in the county handle this cretin. Justice will be served.
As vile as this desecration was, it means nothing to Sarah I'm sure. She is beyond reach of those scumbags.
To the family, temper your anger and pray for that person or persons because they need it.
The memorial will be repaired, and if those fools do it again, it will be repaired again and again and again.
They could deface it a million times, but it will always be replaced.
As an earlier poster said, I hope the law catches you fools before someone else.
This has to be one mentally sick individual. I hope they are caught soon. Anyone who would vandalize this child's grave is unstable and quite capable of anything.
How could someone do this! Sarah needs to rest in peice! She was my BESTFREIND EVER! And now someone ruins this precious grave!? We all miss her terribly and this is the only place were we can remeber her! RIP haleybugs!
who is this 'person' everyone thinks they know who it is?
This is so sad, let Sarah rest in peace. Her family has been through so much in the past 6 months - there are some sick people out there!
Sadly folks, thanks to all this attention to his/her behavior, we are feeding their sad little ego.
That kind of person cares little for the rules that actually keep society from tearing it'self apart.
These sorts feed on chaos and hate. Love, caring, faith. Those ideas and feeling are considered a weakness to be exploited by their kind.
All thrue history we can see the damage they have done, and are doing to the world even as we all sit in our homes feeling safe and sound. We are anything but. Look around you, listen, feel. It is the little things that will destroy us if we do not prepare for the coming darkness.
This bit of petty( yes, petty ) vandilism is just one more symptom of the dark times ahead.
poor child... couldnt get any peace while she was living and still getting no peace even after her death...
It was probably Tonya, T.J's sister.
I agree 9:50. I will never have anything good to say about the adults in this family. But leave little Sarah ALONE! RIP Sarah...
My heart goes out to the Foxwell family!! I have experienced the same thing, someone stole everything at my son's gravesite and there is only one person on the face of the earth who would do something like that, unfortunately, according to the police (in our case) there is nothing they can do unless someone SAW them or found the evidence in their possession. It just really makes you come to realize (again) that their is true evil walking the face of this earth.
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