"joe you may have been had on this
that licnese is a stock photo"
Folks, IF this is true, I am so sorry. Jonathan Taylor and his friends CJ, TM, JR and others will do ANYTHING to discredit me or Salisbury News. ANYONE so screwed up in the head to play this kind of game should be locked up. This is not funny. I hope when your Wives come home they give you a boat load of crap. The original e-mail came in from phanson21801@yahoo.com. You may want to tell them what you think of their little game.
I am extremely mad right now!!! I just caught somebody leaving their poor, defenseless dog inside a car with the windows completely up while they went into get groceries at the Giant on S. Salisbury Blvd. I was so damn mad that I almost broke the windows to take this poor dog away from their senseless owner.
I immediately called 911 and waited and waited for the Salisbury PD to arrive. Nobody ever showed up. After about 30 minutes, the owner came back out and I told them exactly what I thought and that I had their tags and would make them very famous real soon. The guy, a punk kid about 19 years old, had the nerve to say "Bring it."
Well, buster, I'm bringing it, and I'm mad at not only him for being a poor excuse of a dog owner but the PD for not even bothering to show up. I've attached picture so you can post his tag number so we can expose these creeps every time they do something so stupid.
Perry Hanson
I respect this blogger for taking a stand. The dumbazz 19 yr old has no business owning a dog. That is just cruel! I'll bet when word gets around people will think twice about their irresponsibility!
Mr. Hanson, PLEASE go to the police headquarters on Rt. 50 and file a complaint. As the witness and having photos, having documented it here, you can get a complaint against this stupid creep.
That poor dog. "Bring it"? You exercised more control than I would have.
God bless you for caring and staying to see that this dog was taken care of. His owner needs to be locked in a car for 30 minutes on a hot day and see how his sizzeld brains like it!
I wouldn't have had the nerve to do what you did, but you were right - and thank you. It was very hot & humid - & he couldn't even crack one window? Sick.
Somehow a rock would have accidentally broke the glass in that car. Damn kids.
joe, the email the gave was probly just made up to mail to you and will never be checked again
I witnessed the same thing at Pep boys last summer. I got into a huge argument with a family that went inside to wait for their appointment in the AC but left the dog outside in July.
Some people should be prevented from pro-creating and owning pets!!
Fake or not, I honestly believe you have reunited more lost pets with owners than any other site I have seen. Yes, this was not about a lost animal but you have no way of knowing who is playing games or not. Keep up the good job and let the fake posts fall in the trash along with those who post them.
Wow some people have WAY too much time on their hands. And I thought Joe did with him leaving all the Anonymous comments. Including this one. Whoever did this is a big fat stupid head.
like i said in my previous comment, which was not posted, there are no trees around the Giant parking lot. not to mention the window would have had to have been down to get such a good image of the dog. those losers have nothing better to do Joe. f'em.
If you break the window , most police or even judges will not cause harm to your record. Most will fine the person who owns or was driving the vehicle at the time.
wow perry needs to get a hobby
This email was just set up today.
These guys need to get a life.
Mmmmm , now you've pissed me off.
If it's the fat guy , his a$$ is Gra$$.
It is a real email and I emailed them to let them know what a bunch of idiots they were. They weren't very nice back and had a very hateful, bad mouth filled email back to me calling me all kinds of names. Joe, I emailed it to you so you could see how nuts they are. Definitely wasn't nice.
You can report the email address to yahoo for tos and fraud.
go drive a truck lastword. noone cares.
Yahoo doesn't care. You can make 100 names a day on yahoo if you want to. Im sure there is an IP address or something that came from that email...Someone with internet knowledge could trace it. Probably already being done as we speak. How sad of a life they must have to tell such a lie and hide behind a fake name. GET A LIFE... or better yet get a damn job
Even if this story is a fraud. I did witness almost same incident at giant but it was a family with a van. A old lady reported it cause the dog was whining over 20 mins. Needless to say after 15 I saw animal control there I guess giving a citation. Ppl leave ur pets at home!!
Bring it? Is that the best that punk can do? So many kids are slacker punks these days. They need to build bigger jails really soon.
lastword, good point. They will track the IP address. Funny how stupid people truly believe there is anonymity on the internet. Us common sense havers know there is no such thing with computers!
The email may have been spoofed off some real person's computer who had nothing to do with this.
Tammy is none other than Tom McGuire and he is the one who faked the e-mail message. What a sick bastard.
I am not the fake guy I didn't report the dog an older lady did as I was walking in store and by time I came out I saw animal control at a van not a car. And the dog did not sound like that huge dog in car it was a yelpin dog. Plus the fake email complained that no one showed as u can see I am telling u that they did
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