SAPOA is exhausting every ounce of energy it can to throw that knock out punch against Mayor Ireton. Unfortunately, (for them) Jim has proven to have a tough jaw and could come back like Fernando Guerrero and knock these guys out.
One thing I learned from Fernando at a special event where Fernando stated that his biggest mistake he's made in boxing was the time he recalled getting mad. All of a sudden he started fighting away from everything he had been trained and guess what Folks, he lost that fight as an amateur and he even says, I deserved to lose.
SAPOA has thrown every possible blow they could against the Mayor. They're out of wind, they have no more strength and right now they're hoping we, (the media) will do their battle for them.
In today's DT's they decided to give SAPOA a voice by offering front page news. I can't say as I blame them, (the DT's) it sells papers and that's what they're in the business to do. Remember that, Jim. Below are a couple of quotes I'd like to touch on.
"SAPOA has evolved through the years," she said. "We're becoming a much more civic-minded organization. We're trying to reach out in various ways to citizens as well as the city but the initiatives we come up with are initiatives we really need the mayor's help with."
Salisbury News has evolved over the years too SAPOA but that doesn't mean out of nowhere everyone is going to like me or agree with me. Now let's see, did Mayor Tilghman offer to go to Conflict & Resolution when I had issues with the her or the Zoo. DEAL WITH IT.
"But the Salisbury Police Department won't respond to our requests. If the mayor puts a gag order on city officials, which is what he's done, that means they can't work with various organizations in the city that may have resources for them."
Interesting! First of all, I spoke with Mayor Ireton on this exact matter yesterday and he flat out stated this was a bunch of bull. The Mayor has done no such thing but like I said earlier, it sells papers, so why not.
Aside from that, let's go ahead and discuss the Salisbury Police Department. First of all, Chief Ivan Barkley is too proud a man to allow the Mayor to tell him there's a gag order on an issue like this. Barkley isn't a puppet, like the former Police Chief.
You can stomp your feet, throw hissy fits, point fingers and get angry but until you prove you are what you say you've become, city taxpayers are fed up with your use of all these resources at your fingertips while not allowing inspections, being accountable and most importantly, compliant.
Like a boxer, you are exhausted from throwing everything you have. You now have 30 seconds in between rounds to rethink what you're doing and come out in the next round doing things by the rules. If you can't do that, well, you're going to lose this fight and probably never get the chance to fight again. It's up to you from here on out but in my personal opinion Mayor Ireton will win this fight because too many of you are spoiled brats who have forgotten where you came from.
At least Ireton knows, never get into a pissing match with a skunk.
SAPOA = Organized Crime
You might get sprayed?
SAPOA are flat out liars.
Whats the end goal? Will this get you there?
Doug, who's goal? SAPOA, Ireton's, mine, what are you talking about.
I dont know, Im asking what is the goal? A safer Salisbury without putting such a load on the city resources. Is that it?
Does this guy in this picture always sleep during meetings?
I quess its about acountability, whos accountable for the time and expense and head-ache. Is it the landlords or the renters? It shouldnt be the tax-payers, they are not making a dime from it. The police department already has enough to do without all this non-sense thrown on top. The landlord have all gotten rich from there trade and thats great, thats the American way. But at what point does your wealth come at the expense of the people and the city before it reaches a boiling point. Im no lawyer but if the landlords discriminate against renters then they have their butts in a sling. How in the world are you going to figure out the end goal which is best for everyone if you are not willing to sit down and work on it? By just talking the Mayor doesnt have to cave on his position which is in the best interest of Salisbury but you cant throw rocks at one another from across the street and expect to get anything done. I think all boils down to who is accountable. I dont have the answers but lord Salisbury needs some.
That guy make 90K a year I believe.
Doug, the mayor hasn't refused to talk to them at all. He's just calling them out on their bogus "conflict resolution" b.s. He said he would work with them. They are trying to use this conflict center as an excuse to make it look like he won't hear them out.
People ought to be real suspicious about the wolf suddenly showing up in sheep's clothing. That's how I'm reading it anyway.
Has the Mayor ever spelled out in writing what he feels needs to be done? Is there a list of if this continues to happen this is what the city will do? Is there a set of guidelines and rules to be followed with proper punishment if not followed? Is there a data base of trouble renters that are constantly causing the city expense and aggravation?
Beg to differ:
SAPOA has tried to be cooperative. It has no enforcement power, so Ireton's "police your own" mantra is asinine. But SAPOA can help the City informally and provide input that will enable the City to do better enforcement.
Ireton's grandstanding looks bad in this matter. By the way, his actions and attitude are costing City residents lots in terms of legal bills (Paul Wilber is the only "winner").
Doug, 11:05, the Mayor is relying on the LAWS already created. He doesn't need a list. Either SAPOA follows the guideline of the laws or they get punished for not doing so.
As an example, the landlords are supposed to let code & compliance come in and inspect properties. SAPOA, (in many cases) hasn't allowed them to do their job.
Why should the Mayor take a single second working with these people when they continue to violate such laws.
anonymous 11:24, Give Me A Break!
The former Mayor Tilghman spent so much money defending special interests, (including SAPOA) how dare you talk about Ireton protectiung the interests of the citizens/renters.
I will agree that Wilber is the winner in the end.
If they refuse to allow code and compliance in do they suffer fines or criminal offenses? Can they be arrested? Do the people from code and compliance need state issued licenses to be able to recommend what work or upgrades need done? Do the people from code and compliance treat all the same? I know Im getting on your nerves so I will rest with this comment on this post.
Doug, you're not getting on my nerves. I think your questions and statements are similar to how many others feel and it's important to get them answered.
To answer your questions, yes, they are laws in which Code & Compliance is constantly in court against these landlords. It takes up so much of their time and resources, many do not realize how much so and why many officers aren't on the streets doing their job instead.
The landlords would rather pay fines, (imho) thanbe compliant. As far as criminal charges, I do not have an answer to that. You can call Code & Compliance and they will gladly answer your questions though.
I'd like to finish with this. In some cases the landlords do win, so I don't want to come off like the landlords are always the bad guys.
I quess it boils down(to me anyway) to two things. How important is the money to you versus how important is your hometown to you. Hell thats a moral question isnt it?
Kris is just another slum lord. I do not like the mayor but I will give the boy wonder credit for fighting and not being bulldozed by sapoa. We are in a viscous cycle. As long as 75% of the homes are rentals in salisbury we have no hope as a city. Mark my words no hope! The mayor knows this but what do you do about it. You can not take over there properties. This situation will never improve we are all fighting a loosing battle. The best the city can do is be combative against this slum lords and enfore and reenfore the current city laws.
The "policing your own" concept wasn't something brought forward by Ireton, it was asked for by SAPOA. Ireton refers to it as encouragement to SAPOA to come up with something that it doesn't do and probably wouldn't do even if given the tools.
SAPOA works for SAPOA. Not you, not me, not Salisbury.
Annon 11;24 Give me a break too.
Total bullcrap.
sapoa's been yabbering that "we'll police our own" crap for years.
what to do about it? get rid of the sapoa flunkees on the council so the laws can get changed to something not written by the flunkee attorney.
joe did a post some time ago about a judge saying the laws were written to favor the landlords.
i don't remember the details but that much stuck in my head.
nuff sed.
Anonymous said...
Does this guy in this picture always sleep during meetings?
10:46 AM
If you are refering to John Pick, the answer is yes. Just think we almost got rid of him during the election, but that IDIOT Jim Ireton begged him to stay. WTF! Then he tries to reward Barrie Tilghman's pet Lore Chambers with a significant second pay raise. WTF Again! They were your enemies Jim Ireton, WTF are you thinking! Jim Ireton needs to go.
You have just told us why Ireton should work with SAPOA members and not trash them.
Oh, well, what goes around, comes around!
SAPOA is not interested in working together.
SAPOA is interested in APPEARING to want to work together.
Just like Barrie was SAY she cared about something or that she was open to working with anyone.
If SAPOA cared so much about crime, why did they say they know they've got some of the people police are looking for but only now are offering to turn them in? Just turn them in, jerks! But now you aren't because the mayor won't say please?
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