Wicomico County Councilman-At-Large John T. Cannon has announced his candidacy for the Maryland General Assembly, House of Delegates - District 38A of Somerset and Wicomico counties. With the recent, heartbreaking loss of Delegate Page Elmore, Councilman Cannon stated, “We are saddened by Delegate Page Elmore’s passing. Page had a long history of providing strong leadership and exemplary service to the people of Somerset and Wicomico. All will sorely miss his friendship and leadership. Carolyn and her family are in our thoughts and prayers.”
The Cannon Campaign message is to continue this legacy and ensure we preserve and protect our Eastern Shore heritage, industries and educational institutions so important to our way of life. “Whether it’s agriculture, watermen, education, small business or the poultry industry, we need to encourage State support and economic growth.” Cannon feels that continued over regulation and taxation only threatens the very foundation of our local economy. “We need a strong voice in Annapolis to stand up for the men and women of District 38A and our partners across the entire lower Eastern Shore. And we need to accomplish this with an effective, bi-partisan approach.”
We also need to preserve our quality of life on the Eastern Shore. Our industries and lifestyles are dependant upon a healthy environment and we want to protect our farmlands and waterways in measured steps that will not compromise the foundation of the economy on which we depend.
Cannon, an Eastern Shore native, is in the commercial and residential property management business in Wicomico County. He has taken an active role in his community; working with civic, business, and political leaders locally and throughout the State. He currently holds the County-Council-At-Large seat on the Wicomico County Council and is looking to expand his role of public service at the state level for all of the citizens of Somerset and Wicomico counties.
Cannon has always been a strong advocate of fiscal responsibility. “Annapolis will have great budgetary challenges over these next few years and we want Representatives in Annapolis who will work to reduce the State’s spending and not place the burden of balancing the budget on the backs of the local counties, municipalities and citizens.”
Cannon says, “I would be vigilant in protecting Somerset and Wicomico constituents from disproportionate spending and taxation practices. We’ve heard of taxation without representation. Now more than ever, we’re seeing taxation without compensation. In other words, we’re paying into a system but seeing little in return. This Legislature will have to work together to return highway user funds to the local governments and refrain from raiding local income tax reserves or passing the high cost of educational pensions and benefits to the local county governments and constituents. No county can afford such losses or expenses.”
Cannon describes his approach as follows, “You have to address every issue, large or small, with an even temperament, a willingness to listen well and the integrity to follow through with strong conviction. You cannot violate the people’s trust with shallow promises and half-hearted commitments.”
Cannon assures the voters, “As a state representative, I will always keep in mind - and never forget - we are all local representatives first. These next few years in the General Assembly are critical for Maryland and the Somerset and Wicomico citizens deserve only the best in leadership. This is not the time for your run-of-the-mill lawmakers and bureaucrats. Rest assured I bring to the table open, honest and strong leadership to build a consensus when necessary and stand our ground when not. I’m prepared to meet the challenges ahead and look to the future with enthusiasm for the privilege to serve the men and women of Somerset and Wicomico Counties as their Representative in the House of Delegates, District 38A of this great State of Maryland.”
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You Go John! Couldn't ask for a better candidate! Jim & Edna Walls
go John! J.Z.
Good luck John, You have my vote, Chuck Foskey
Mr. Cannon voted to cut funding for Pollitt's "public info officer" and has my support even though I'm sorry to see him leaving the County Council.
John Cannon is smart and he is a proven leader. He will represent the constituents of district 38A well! Good luck John, Linda Smith-Barriocanal
Don't know John Cannon, but John Phoebus is a great advocate and would make a great Delegate. Either way, glad to see some choices are emerging in local races.
it would be so nice if someday local politics and passing a kidney stone
would both become less painful to endure
John needs to remember to stay fresh..when he gets to Annapolis and not be seduced by evil big government
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