"I do not know if it was from the ad on your site or what but we doubled our sales today compared to Father's Day last year. I was totally unprepared for it and had about an hour in the evening where the kitchen got bogged down and we didn't provide the service and promptness we normally provide.
I just wanted to give a heads up that if you had any negative feedback from it that I am embarrassed and sorry. I will make sure that doesn't happened again."
Justin W. Schaub
As we mentioned to Mr. Schuab, we received no negative messages at all. If your business would enjoy the same kind of impact, send us your ad. If they doubled their business in one day, my guess is that $100.00 is a very worth while investment. You get an entire month worth of advertising when a similar ad elsewhere would cost you around $600.00 for one day!
Send your artwork to: alberobutzo@wmconnect.com
living in princess anne, this is one of the places the wife and i go to when we decide to go out. always good service, food and prices.
Great food and service always, my grandfather and I stop in there reguarly passing through Princess Anne
Josh, Simpson's Towing
My kids took me to Peaky's yesterday for Father's Day. The place was jammed, and I'm sure everybody, from hostess to dishwasher was almost frantic. This in no way detracted from three fine meals and a great time. Thank you, Peaky's!
My daughter saw the Peaky's ad on SBYNEWS and that's how we ended up there. Thank you, Joe!
Great Place!
Inconsistent food quality.
I had the best stuffed flounder there one night. Bragged to a friend and made him come try it out the next week only to be deeply dissappointed. For Princess Anne standards though, Peaky's is about the best you get.
i love peakys too, but it's just too dark in their dining area. I understand about ambiance and mood, but c'mon justin, turn the lights up a little, us senior citizens can't see our meals.
Heard they are building a new bar there- can anybody confirm?
anything advertising on this website, will not get my, or my friends and family's business, EVER.
Awe, poor JR. Doesn't look like you can afford to pay any of the advertisers anyway.
4:56 PM
who cares?
Peakys has the best hot roast beef sandwiches ever.
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