DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Wounded Knee Under Attack Again
To the Original Peoples of the Fourth World and all International Press Services:
At high noon today US Army helicopters of the US Seventh Cavalry air division attempted to land their Blackhawk aircraft upon Lakota Sacred Burial grounds in South Dakota. The presence of military aircraft from this unit is a sad and insulting reminder of the slaughter of more than 300 American Aboriginals on December 29,1890 when soldiers of the US 7th Cavalry gunned down more than 300 Aboriginal Minneconjou Lakota refugee children, women, infants and the elderly at what is now called Wounded Knee in South Dakota Indian Country. The military then left the bodies of their victims to decay unburied in the driving snow.
According to reports from Indigenous Rights Movement Radio host Wanblee this afternoon, Lakota resident Theresa Two Bulls was given less than 24 hrs notice that three US Army 7th Cavalry helicopters would make a landing on the sacred burial grounds at Wounded Knee. As of this writing, the US military was confronted by angry but peaceful and steadfast community resistance as the Aboriginal people of the area have so far, according to reports from Lakota people on the ground, managed to prevent the aircraft from touching Indigenous ground.
For all American Aboriginals of the Americas, this is a sacred area. This is the place where the promise of a people died while fleeing from a genocidal US military unit hell-bent on liquidating the continent of its Indigenous population. There has never been any official apology offered for this massacre and the military awards bestowed upon the genocidal aggressors involved in this conflict still stand, as does a physical monument in honor of the US Army killed during Custer’s “last stand” against a defiant and united Indigenous resistance to their own demise.
The history of the US Army 7th Cavalry is important to understanding the level of violence used against Indigenous peoples. It is important to remember that after the US Seventh Cavalry officially ended the "Indian Wars" at home, they were then dispatched to do battle against Indigenous Filipinos struggling to maintain their hard-won national independence from the colonialist Spanish. In other words, the US War Department sent this very same unit to do overseas what was done here to the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. In this historical light, it is only logical for Indigenous peoples to assume that the Obama administration is attempting to make a political point out of this spectacle. Only, what sort of message are you sending by insulting and humiliating a people already suffering from five centuries of continuous pro-Eurocentric, anti-Indigenous genocide?
This domestic military action is a deliberate insult and an obvious message of ongoing colonialism, state-sponsored racism and apathetic Indigenous genocide to all Indigenous peoples across the Fourth World; to the whole of the Lakota/Dakota Nation; and to the Indigenous residents of Pine Ridge and Wounded Knee. The symbolism of dispatching the Seventh Cavalry to Wounded Knee in an attempt to land weapons of mass destruction on Aboriginal sacred ground tells us how little this government, and this particular administration, respects the people of Indian Country and our significant historical perspective as survivors of the racist Euro-settler xenophobic purges waged against the Indian in the Americas.
The Obama administration has shown America and the world that they are no different than any other previous US government in their view that the American Indian on both sides of the US border is nothing more than a prop or a tool to be displayed only when it is useful to promote the “contemporary” 21st century neo-colonialist capitalist agenda. The Obama administration, an office headed by a man of African descent, has shamed itself and all those who have supported his candidacy in arrogantly dismissing the memory of our people interred at Wounded Knee by rubbing the military might of the historically anti-Indigenous 7th Cavalry in our faces by forcibly entering Indian Country in an attempt to land their machines of war on top of the bodies of our ancestral dead.
Clearly, the culture war against the American Indian is not over. Welcome to the new American century.
Pass this on We must get the word out.....Let everyone know. Contact the your local media....Tell them the Local Media in (Rapid City, SD) haven’t even mentioned this in the news...So typical for Rapid City, SD media...and if they did post it, it would not be the truth. I tried to contact the Rapid City Journal. They won’t return my calls or post any of the comments I have made in defense of our people.
James (Magaska) Swan
AIM Black Hills South Dakota
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typical of the US GOVERNMENT to come in and take what ever they want just so it can be theirs. Havent they taken enough from the American Indian. They were here first but the government finds it in their best interest to take what isnt theirs and kill if its needed. LEAVE THE AMERICAN INDIAN ALONE
somebody should give that pilot an Indian burn..
somebody should give Obama an Indian burn
Our's is a wicked and evil government and this event is representative of its capabilities. Reminiscent of Waco - this stiuation could easily spin out of control.
Funny how we can apologize for slavery but we cant/wont for the American Indian. This country is getting to be just one big joke.
Funny no mention was made today in the Rapid City Journal of this incident, unless I missed it. Indian affairs are usually pretty news worthy here.
From beautiful Spearfish SD
The significance of the 7th Cavalry showing up at this location is astonishing. Is this the governments newest intimidation tactic? This is not good and the government needs to give these people answers NOW.
If you can't relate to this situation, consider this. What would the reaction be if a government of another sovereign nation landed their assault equipment on Arlington Cemetary or in the area of Pearl Harbor? This is not good and it needs to be settled now.
The government should issue an appology. There is no reason for them to be on that land.
5:38 you didn't see it in the Rapid City Urinal because it is not something the government wants out, obviously. If not for AIM Black Hills and the oyate on the rez we would know nothing about this. Don't rely on main stream media for all of your news.
Because you didn't read it in the paper does this mean it didn't happen?
We will be undone if we once forget that the fruits of this Earth belongs to us all and the Earth herself to no one!
I am increasingly persuaded that a government created by a few individuals has no more right to bind generations to their laws and judgments as one independent nation has no control over another, just as such you have no control over your neighbors.
One must understand that there is a hugh difference between 'governments' and a society. Both can accomplish the same things, the only difference is that a government uses force upon the people while a society is comprised of individuals working together, their own way, free from the force of another individual that is equal to them..
Also one must understand that there is a big difference between 'forcing ones will over another" compared to "influencing and education" - There is 'cause and affect' in everything.
I sincerely hope that these words will come alive within you. For I have faith in humanity and the future for there is only progression inside the mind of mankind.
*Discourse with the politician*
The free man speaks to the politician:
"We can never be like you for the truth in who we are has forever changed us and how we view and treat others.
However any moment you can become just like us when you find this intuitive truth buried deep inside your heart.
Together and individually we implore you to search your heart for this revelation of who we are as a people and individually and come join us in Freedom where the Kingdom no longer exists." ~Teli Nuttah Oya ≅
The reason why the truth sets us free is because my brothers and sisters, the truth is WE ARE FREE!
It's the freedom message that brings us together it doesnt divide us.
Come leave the Kingdom and join us in Freedom.
We are Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness!
youtube has a few videos of this
What a disgrace that we as a country can not show any respect at all for the people that our ancestors originally stole this land from!!
It's the goverment that continues to pull stunts like this in order to keep the people divided. It is up to ALL people of this country and this planet, to not allow that to happen. This is the time to reach out to all our relations and stand together peacefully in a common interest to protect the laws the great spirit has given us. Until this happens, we are all slaves to this government...Cut the strings you are attached to, remember those who fought and suffered in the past but live in the now, this moment!!!! Mitakuye Oyasin
Peace,Freedom, and Happiness
Hey 8:16,
Seems the Colorado National Guard was invited by Ogala Sioux tribal president Theresa Two Bulls. A total lack of communication by the tribe itself got everyone's panties tied in a knot. All these posters need to get their facts straight before spouting off. But I guess that is not unusual in this world we live in. Just look at the hysteria the media and leftist groups have started around the Arizona Immigration law.
Why are we all ignorant and close-minded? We talk about the govt. continuing with the treaty agreement and then talk about being a sovereign nation. yes this is the world we live in, but we also have adapted some of the "white man" ways, but I think at times, we need to, to ensure our survival. I do understand the trials and tribulations our ancestors went through in the past, but we are our future of our people. We need to make the path to ensure our survival, that means education, law, understanding, peace, etc. We are all people, we all represent the four directions. But we need to stop being bias, and narrow-minded. HONESTLY! We have loved ones, that join the military to protect our people, not just off the reservation but on the reservation. How can we judge another, when we are not the person who should be judging? I think, yes, there needs to be communication, but also understanding. The comments and actions taken when those people tried to come here, were childish. We "acted" like "savages" running to them, waving around signs and screaming. We are respectful and honored people, because of who we are, and where we came from. I know Ill probably get comments from everyone in disagreement of what I have said. But I have lived on and off, not only my reservation (Pine Ridge) but other reservations. I am just posting my say.
Oh Puleeze! Get over yourselves! You owe those soldiers an apology! This is 2010, not the 1800's. And these are the guys who have put themselves in harm's way for nim nuts like you... I agree with 8wt. Get your facts straight before going postal. Good grief people! Here's a news flash for you: We all have the same "Great Spirit". Quit being so hateful. Military Mom
Has everyone by now seen the press releases and news conference? The helicopters were invited. (And they were NOT from the "7th Cavalry".) Yes, one would have thought that tribal authorities would have coordinated with their guests from the National Guard in order to avoid such a disruption at the site.
Hopefully the hysterics can now be replaced by the truth about what happened.
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