In his interview with editors and others at the Daily Times, -- now notorious because of his use of marginally foul language and most unflattering (even if true) remark about Barrie Tilghman – Mr. Ireton mentioned by name the attorney to get if you have a problem with the City. Speaking in regard to a zoning code matter, he said “and T. J. Maloney can take it and, lo and behold, you have your nonconforming use back.”
With that emphatic endorsement of his services, Mr. Maloney will no doubt enjoy a continually expanding clientele of property owners and others beset by City officials directed by the mayor. Maloney should show his gratitude for this free advertisement by donating at least half of his fees – surely an ill-gotten gain in Mr. Ireton’s view – to the City of Salisbury.
The promo occurred about 13 minutes into the hour long interview, which is available on the Daily Times’ website under “videos”. Listeners may detect a note of angst in Mr. Ireton’s remark, apparently because Maloney has stopped some of the mayor’s schemes and designs. If the City can’t beat him then maybe it should hire him to be the new “in-house” legal counsel that Ireton wants to have at his constant beck and call.
TJ has been a gadfly in Salisbury City politics for many years.
His most illustrious episode was working in conjunction with Robin Cockey as Barrie Tilghman's initial task force in her war with the late former plice chief Dykes. The City Council objected, and later refused to pay the fees billed by their law firm until she ordered the City Treasurer tp do so or else.
Since then he has been a soldier for SAPOA, which may be Jim-beau's biggest enemy. He also mentioned that group in his "now notorious interview."
Does it strike anyone else that Ireton is using the tactic of his idol Obama -- set up enemies that the people can be made to hate in order to make yourself look good in their eyes as their would-be protector.
maloney is in the head of the slum lords. he's their best friend to keep them all in business ripping off and causing trouble for citizens not only in the city but for the new slum lords the county refuses to acknowledge,that have spread to nice developements.
unfortunately, ireton is turned into another barrie.
Ireton's habit of taking cheap shots at his "enemies" is just as annoying as that of Barrie Tilghman.
There seems to be much similarity in their personas, I see he now has a gag order on City employees talking to the media. And just as many closed meetings as before. Then there's the continued lack of transparency despite his frequent media events, which are mainly self promotional in nature.
11:42 --
Ireton has always been "annoying" -- and arrogant -- in spades.
He can get along with third graders because of their age, but when dealing with adults he loses it as soon as someone disagrees with him.
Let's hope he is a one-term mayor.
We sure don't need or want another Barrie Tilghman type, but that's what we elected last year.
I want my vote back, Jim-beau!
I think that lady in the red shirt should invest in an uplifting bra.
I heard that TJ has 5 new clients against the City already thanks to Ireton's promo!
I have seen Maloney in court. He is not a very good attorney. He will not ever get any of my cases.
Maloney is a very good friend of the Comegys. Does that tell you anything.
Jim Ireton is immature and doesnt have the skill or knowledge to run a city. He makes personal attacks and uses grudges that he gets from his "friends" battles to initiate more problems with-in the city. He is a back stabbing fool who has no back bone and hides behind others. He likes to get on camera and parade around like a king, when we all know he is nothing more than a childish fool. Once he makes an ass out of himself on camera or interviews, he then turns it around on the people for "mistaking" what he said. Sorry guys im not dumb enough to let some idiot tell me what im thinking..
tj whoremoney? he would sue his own mother, but he is such a poor attorney he would most likely lose! lmao!
5:22 & 5:56-
Apparently Jim-bo Ireton thinks Maloney is good, and he beats Wilber and his cronies
Private citizens with no legal council beat wilber.
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