Location: 700 block Sand Court, Bethany Beach, Sussex County, DE
Date of Occurrence: Thursday April 8, 2010 at approximately 1 a.m.
Suspect: Robert Ellison, 20, Bethany Beach, DE
Delaware State Police have arrested a 20 year-old Bethany Beach man for the brutal robbery and assault of a 54 year-old man back in April.
During a burglary investigating troopers found evidence implicating Ellison in the April 20th crime. Ellison was charged with Robbery an Assault 1st.
In addition Ellison was charged with 40 burglaries in the eastern and central Sussex County area. His accomplice was identified as David J. “Buddy” Wood, 21, Dagsboro.
Both men were committed to the Department of Correction. No bail information was available at the time of this release.
His buddy looks like a girl with short hair
Buddy looks like a GIRL
Buddy looks like a FEMALE
Prison is going to like them,ha,ha,ha.
Neither of them stand a chance in jail. Good!!!!
Looks like they ended up on the short end of the gene pool
I hope the judge permanently erases that grin
Second kid looks like a young Republican Senator Lindsey Graham
they look a little sweet
Buddy is gonna be someones "Buddy" alright.
Hope he has access to vaseline
cut buddy
I don't like criminals any more than the next person, but doesn't anyone wonder whether something different in their lives could have led to gainful employment and a bright future rather than crime and prison? On one had, I am certainly glad that they were apprehended and hope that they are appropriately sentenced. As a mother, I am sad that their lives have been changed forever by their poor choices.
But Pelosi thinks it cheaper to deal with the drugs here than to try and stop them from getting into America
I know Robert and Buddy from high school as well and after just coming home from college for the summer I am SO shocked to see this. Everyone knew they had been on drugs since they were in middle school, but NEVER anything this serious. I can't vouch for the Woods, but I know the Ellisons have tried EVERYTHING to keep Robert off drugs; however, they didn't really keep too close of an eye on him. It is undoubtedly horrible and stupid what they did, but I know deep down both of them are good kids that just got way too into drugs. Rob was in college at Flagler and was trying to do well for himself. Buddy had a job. Hopefully this is the wake up call that Rob and Buddy need to get their lives on track because they really are great kids and I'm sure their parents are devastated, especially the Ellisons.
jail was walk in park for both my boys we all good!!!
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