As we speak, Thomas Leggs is facing the Foxwell Family for the very first time in Court today. The word on the street is that his attorneys want a change of venue to have their case tried outside of Wicomico County.
I will be in the Court Room and will return with an update just as soon as humanly possible.
Have the trial here. Dont accept the motion to change venue judge.
He even looks like Satan! Look at his eyes...just pure evil!
My heart aches for the little girl every time I see this worthless piece of shit still alive. No trial needed , turn him loose, he'll be gone in a short time.
I would do him for free.
Maryland law requires the change of venue to be granted for death penalty cases. The judge has no latitude in this area.
Yeah, I think they need to tell him good luck and open the doors to the public. He wouldn't make it out the doors...I wish we could all tortue him like back in the ole days...just leave him shackled in the "town center".
haleybugs! i trust the court will do something to the this thing and now everyone will be safe! and now your in a MUCH safier place! we all miss you at school with you r pretty smile! sarah, i miss you so much! R.I.P SARAH
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