Resume: On Wednesday, May 12th, at approximately 3:45 p.m., Troop 3 detectives responded to an undisclosed address in the Woodland Manor Mobile Home Park, in Felton, after receiving a call regarding the whereabouts of Norman Henry.
Officers arrived at the residence and searched inside. They located Henry hiding underneath a bed located in the rear master bedroom. Henry was taken into custody without incident and transported to Troop 3 for processing.
Henry was formally charged with Reckless Endangering 1st (felony), Disregarding a Police Officer’s Signal (felony) and a host of other traffic offenses. Henry was committed to the Department of Corrections in lieu of a $5,710.00 secured bond.
Eye am so happy then finally caught him.
When the officers fill out the reports they better make sure they cross their T's and dot their Eye's.
Damn that is a scary sight!
He never saw them coming!
Someone overheard the officer talking to hsi superior and say Eye Eye Captain
People like this guy are why I believe in eye for an eye punishment.
I remember Norman from school and he was such a good pupil. Eye just can't believe this.
They finally apprehended the one eyed bandit.
Eye blame Obama
He wasn't hiding under the bed he was just trying to see if he left his other eye down there.
It's a shame. Some people will just never see.
This could give Toni Morrison and new idea for a novel.
Remember when the Goonies went on that adventure to find the buried treasure of One-Eyed Willy. GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE!
Eye spy a criminal!
Eye beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden.
Why is 80's rapper Slick Rick even in Delaware?
He will always be the apple of my eye...
It's our time. It's our time down here!
babeee ruthhh !?!?
Eye fought the law and the law won!
I only have eyes for you Norman
looks a little like a young obamie!
Joe, eye don't see why you are approving all these comments. Are you blind to the fact that you are hurting a mans feelings. Just imagine if Norman could see these right now.
Hopefully Norman finds the Lord when he is in jail.
"Eye once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind but now I see."
I wonder if he needs a private eye?
Private Eyes, their watching you, they see your every move.
Eye eye yeye yeye, Eye am the freedo ben deedo.
word verification "eyeness"
Eye shot the sheriff, but the sheriff was a deputy.
Goodnight Eyerene goodnight.
The eye of the tiger.
I thought I saw something in my black eyed peas staring back at me.
Hopefully, jail will be an eye opening event for him.
I bet he loves to listen to "Third Eye Blind".
turn around, bright eye, every now and then I fall apart....
This is why its so important to eat your carrots.
He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye.
A man falls in love through his eyes, I wonder if this dude has ever fallen in love?
“For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it"
The eye is the window to the soul. Damn....does anyone have any windex?
Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.
Guess he really wasn't so good at keeping an eye out for them cops after all, huh?
Lord forgive me....I'm goin' to hell for that one.
Eye say send him to jail.. all in favor?
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