When I went to the library in downtown Salisbury today I happened to walk by the old fire house on the other side of the street, which I nominate for the next "Slum Property of the Week" on the City’s website. The following exterior items are code violations I believe:
1. A light fixture on the front wall has a missing "globe" cover, exposing the socket, and there is no bulb in the socket – potential life safety hazard!
2. There are weeds and grass on the sidewalks, parking pad and along the curbing.
3. Rubbish in various places.
4. Peeling paint, rotted and missing wood on the front of the building (1st level) and possibly elsewhere.
5. The load bearing concrete wall on the south side of the building has chipped and missing concrete that has exposed the rebar in various places.
6. Exposed wiring/open junction box on rear wall – potential life safety hazard!
PS to Neighborhood Services & Code Compliance: the property owner’s CEO is Mayor Ireton.
Editors Note: The City of Salisbury just forwarded this information I thought might be interesting for all to view.
"Please link that Properties Draining Resources press release yesterday to this new one…"
and your point? nothing will get cleaned up.
Some co-workers & I went to the annual downtown health walk last week, and I too noticed the dilapidated shape of the old firehouse. Why doesn't the city do something USEFUL with it...like perhaps open a new shelter to offer beds to the many homeless currently sleeping within yards of this empty building!!
Maybe the City really does need another inspector to issue citations for places like this.
Joe: can you link to or present Mr. Leer's response to the City or his comments at the City Council meeting?
Because they are invisible.
Great post Joe. The City wants to throw stones but theyre just as guilty of violations. They'll probably make the firemen clean it up even though its no longer a fire station.
"...why doesn't the city do something USEFUL with it.." this comment was obviously by someone who has no clue as to where and how 'government money' comes from. If you have such a concern for the homeless then why don't you do something about it rather than punching keys on the computer and criticizing.
And yes, I do work with the homeless. HALO Cafe is open every evening for free dinners to the homeless, of which all food is donated by the generous giving of businesses and individuals from the greater Salisbury area...without GOVERNMENT (my/our tax dollars) handouts.
The open junction box is cable no voltage maybe the city should hire people who know what the heck they're looking at !
How many code & compliance people actualy have state licenses to allow them to comment, condemn or counsel anuone on what should or should not be?
That building needs to be turned back over to the fire department and staffed with an ambulance and offices.
Did they move Boots from the grave there to the new FIrehouse?
anonymous 10:50, It doesn't matter, live or not. No sooner did I purchase 300 W. Main Street and former mayor Tilghman had Code & Compliance write me up for old wires 9 feet up on the exterior of the building covered up. It must be one of those "internam moratorium's" Code & Compliance explained in the court room the last time they challenged me.
I can hear him eating a samich.
LMAO...great post Joe! Ireton you cant grow grass when your crappin in your own back yard! Put a stop to the blame game and work with the property owners...remember its the people buying the properties in the city that are paying taxes and your city citation issuers payroll...your scaring people away instead of bringing them in. Quit stiring things up...your like the kid in class that thows spit balls and blames it on the kid sitting next to you. Good post Bob Caldwell
Go Gettum Joe . There Has To Be More .
I'd like to fine the city for these violations and recoup some of the money they charged me for violations over the years...
Didnt they bust your balls at Main St over exposed wires that turned out to be non-lethal telephone wire?This old firehouse is a disgrace-if they cannot or will not preserve the station it needs to go
i often wondered who monitored the buildings owned by the city or county...especially those older buildings.
why arent they on the slumlord list? or is it because it is owned by a municipality that it is okay?
The City should set the example.
Why are you carrying water for the slum lords?
10:50 u are exactly right that is the dumbest thing ive ever seen someone try to start crap over,oohh ur cable wires are exposed ur gona cause a fire ,, u can hook em to a car battery and they wouldnt even spark,who ever took these pics and wrote this story has to be the biggest fool in the world,they have so many problems with thier dump that they are just trying to pass the attention away to somebody else,to them I say,grow up be a man or woman and GET A LIFE IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The point of the pictures is this-if this were private property the owner would be subject to fines.A private building with exposed rebar would be condemned....
That old school American brickwork looks good.
That property started getting run down when it was occupied by the corrupt administration of the Salisbury Fire Department. There motive was to not fix anything and let it appear that the building is falling down around them. That was the strategy they used to con the tax payers into forking over $14 million dollars for a new palace. Nothing was repaired or painted in that building for 5 years under the administration of David See, Bill Gordy and Rick Hoppes. Well guess what folks, the same thing is going on at Station 2 on Brown Street in Salisbury. The administration told the duty crew at Station to not to fix or paint anything so they can get a new building. Guess what, they paid thousands of dollars for architech plans on a mini palace identical to the palace on Cypress Street.
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