No, country star Taylor Swift didn't say that about the president. Nor did any of the entertainers who performed on a telethon to raise money for victims of the historic floods ravaging parts of Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi. None accused the Obama administration of indifference or lack of attentiveness to these floods.
Swift, who contributed $500,000, was one of many stars who appeared on this fundraiser put on by the Nashville NBC affiliate, WSMV, and carried by other Tennessee stations.
In 2005, a Hurricane Katrina relief telethon was carried live on CBS, ABC, Fox, and NBC and more than 25 other channels. A separate telethon was broadcast on MTV, VH1 and CMT. During a Katrina fundraiser, rapper Kayne West accused President George W. Bush of indifference to the plight of those suffering. West said, "George W. Bush doesn't care about black people."
Hurricane Katrina was catastrophic. It caused over 1,500 deaths, with property damage estimated at near $100 billion and hundreds of thousands of people displaced. The failures of local and state responders, the widely criticized federal response and subsequent finger pointing made a tragically newsworthy story even more so.
And, at the moment, there is no shortage of significant news. Major stories include the naturalized American Muslim terrorist who admitted placing a car bomb in Times Square. An underwater oil rig erupted in the Gulf of Mississippi, creating the largest domestic oil spill since the Exxon Valdez. Arizona passed a controversial anti-illegal alien law that critics claim "legalizes racial profiling." Greece faces a financial collapse.
But has the traditional media devoted the time and attention warranted by the historic floods?
"We have been astonished by the lack of national coverage of this disaster," Elden Hale, general manager of Nashville's WSMV, told me. He acknowledged that the story competed with the Times Square terrorist and the Gulf oil spill. He said, "But still..."
Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columns/_President-Obama-doesn_t-care-about-white-people__-93685924.html#ixzz0oIfiPVUK
Swift, who contributed $500,000, was one of many stars who appeared on this fundraiser put on by the Nashville NBC affiliate, WSMV, and carried by other Tennessee stations.
In 2005, a Hurricane Katrina relief telethon was carried live on CBS, ABC, Fox, and NBC and more than 25 other channels. A separate telethon was broadcast on MTV, VH1 and CMT. During a Katrina fundraiser, rapper Kayne West accused President George W. Bush of indifference to the plight of those suffering. West said, "George W. Bush doesn't care about black people."
Hurricane Katrina was catastrophic. It caused over 1,500 deaths, with property damage estimated at near $100 billion and hundreds of thousands of people displaced. The failures of local and state responders, the widely criticized federal response and subsequent finger pointing made a tragically newsworthy story even more so.
And, at the moment, there is no shortage of significant news. Major stories include the naturalized American Muslim terrorist who admitted placing a car bomb in Times Square. An underwater oil rig erupted in the Gulf of Mississippi, creating the largest domestic oil spill since the Exxon Valdez. Arizona passed a controversial anti-illegal alien law that critics claim "legalizes racial profiling." Greece faces a financial collapse.
But has the traditional media devoted the time and attention warranted by the historic floods?
"We have been astonished by the lack of national coverage of this disaster," Elden Hale, general manager of Nashville's WSMV, told me. He acknowledged that the story competed with the Times Square terrorist and the Gulf oil spill. He said, "But still..."
Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columns/_President-Obama-doesn_t-care-about-white-people__-93685924.html#ixzz0oIfiPVUK
It's clear Obama is a racist I knew when he started the tanning bed tax .
OK they should cover it. But how about covering the real story here?
The gulf stream has been manipulated to create these strong storms in our Nation's mid-section and no one is talking about that either.
The spraying continues over our heads and no one is talking about that either.
The American people are being told lies and fairy tales about our government's involvement in the fianancial tsunami which is affecting every living person in the world - but again, no one is talking about that either.
Need I mention the illegal Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the use of depleted uranium? How about Israel's relentless extermination of the Palestinian people and the use of white phosphorus and depleted uranium in Gaza?
Enough of the truth.
I want to know who will win the NBA championship this year?
My goodness people , are you just learning that this man is a racist?
You elected this satanic idiot! He could care less about any whites in the world. His agenda has been established , it is strictly muslim and blacks , period. Get on knees and pray or get to the gun store.(or do both)
He's your president, not mine!
12:52- Smoke another one brother...That's good stuff ain't it.
So Kanye West sounded like a dumb@$$ when he said this about Bush and so do you guys right now.
yeah he's racist alright. I think the person who wrote this article is racist for saying he is racist
Obama better hope Mohammed is his maker,because if he meets Jesus Christ on judgement day he's got some (xplaining) to do.
How's it fell White folk when the shoe is on the other foot. lol white people mad becuase you are being slighted now that's hilarious.
You idiot's ever heard of irony.
obama wants a race war in this country.he wants nothing more than to destroy it.afterall no matter what anyone says he is muslim and muslims hate the west and would love nothing more than to see it collapse.we need to get this country back on its feet starting at the white house hopefully the elections this year will put some people in washington with some sense that can knock down obama and the looney lefts ideas to screw up america starting with the health care bill.we need to get radical muslims and any illegal immigrant who doesnt love america and support what it stands for out of this country.
guess they should all riot and act like animals like the black folk did in New Orleans. then it would make the news.
Obama campaigned as teh President that would transcend the racial divide, and may turn out to be the catalyst for the next race war.
7:52 "How's it fell" (Your spelling not mine) when Obama's out (in 2 years) and the race card crap won't work anymore, and 40 years of civil rights progress will get set back.
How's it gonna feel when your free government ride gets shut off and you might have to work?
Your buddy Obama. Doing you lots of favors.
Obama's mom was white you idiots... the man himself is half-white.
You are all retarded and your progeny will get what they deserve... genetic stupidity!
Riiiiiiiight.... because what have white people done for Barack Obama besides... oh I dont know... give him life?
His mom was white.
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