It's past time for Mayor Jim Ireton to end the "Slum Property" nonsense and find a more effective way to deal with code compliance for rental properties in Salisbury.
Besides presenting a less-than-desirable image to visitors (potential residents and/or business relocations) on the city's website, there is no indication using a bludgeon rather than a "carrot and stick" approach is remotely effective.
I suggest Ireton make an overture to Salisbury Property Owners Association, asking to reinstate a program that was in place a few years ago: The city administration would notify SAPOA leadership of problems with specific properties. A committee of SAPOA members would approach the owner(s) of the subject property and attempt to get the problem resolved for the good of the city and the rental community.
More often than not, the problem was taken care of quickly and efficiently. Peer pressure can be a powerful incentive. It may not have created the level of drama some seem to desire, but it was effective. It also retains the bludgeon approach as an option for cases that were unsuccessful.
At the recent City Council meeting, we saw representatives of property owners practically begging for a cooperative effort at equitable code enforcement. The administration needs to reach out to those who are willing and able to help. They may be amazed at what a bit of quiet diplomacy can accomplish.
Full disclosure: I have no financial interest in rentals. I do not now nor have I ever owned any property other than the one occupied by me and my family.
Bob Caldwell
Editors Note: The City of Salisbury just forwarded this information I thought might be interesting for all to view.
"Please link that Properties Draining Resources press release yesterday to this new one…"
sounds like more of the "any democrat can do no right" nonsense. Commenters have spewed absolute anger over the state of rental properties in Salisbury, but as soon as the mayor addresses this, you guys want to bash him.
I hope everyone reads it.
i like bob. i really do, but i disagree with him. i like what ireton is doing to straighten up these renters and landlords.
Give it a rest, please.
Bob Caldwell has suggested reinstating a procedure that has worked in the past that somehow has been discarded in recent years.
Ireton is engaging in the "attack the attacker" tactic that his idols Clinton and Obama have perfected to divert attention from their problems and mistakes.
His refusal to meet and discuss the situation with the "rental industry" that he abhors is inexcusable.
I don't think it matters who runs the city. Slum lords always win...
Why would Ireton want to do that Bob. if he did he wouldn't be as much of a public @#$%head and might even make some progress. Seems like his only objective is to get all people and businesses that disagree with him to leave town.
Get a clue, This shows everyone HOW you should NOT live in the city not just becasue of taxes and the connection fees that reach 20k, it shows crime and non-cleanly places you have to choose from to live in... This won't help fix anything by placing it on a website... In fact if all the rental places are indeed "begging" or asking for help from the mayor and he doesn't then isn't that dereliction of duty? Because they are asking for help and he basically says no and then post how bad they are on a website... Good going mayor...
Secondly,half of the reports on the PDF look bogus... How are you going to have calls from the same address to the police not even 5 to 10 min apart, and chances are the cops are still on a call at that location...
I agree with Mr. Caldwell. Most time the silent approach works better than yelling and screaming.
Question for Mr. Caldwell:
The city has been without a permanent fire chief for over a year now. If you were Mayor what would you do with the appointment of the Fire Chief for Salisbury.
Feel free to answer it on this blog.
How these slum lords have any say
on how the city functions is beyond me. Its time to clean house!
Well said!
Slumlords don't always win. Freemasons with secret agreements and control over local governments . . . they always win.
Welcome to the monkey house.
Caldwell for MAYOR! We need some down to earth thinking.
11:18 unless you are oblivious to the fact that 70% of the housing stock in the city is owned by landlords you would know why they have a right to be heard. They pay 70% of the housing property taxes that keep this city running.
What was that? "70% of the housing stock in the city is owned by landlords". Think maybe this has something to do with the cities problems, couldnt be.
this is now a county wide problem. there are many homes now owned by slumlords in good neighborhoods, in the county, rented to sorry, trash. the county council and city need to work together for a county policy which covers the city. with low home prices, this is just getting worse. it doesn't just involve the city. our neighborhood is being destoyed by slumlords from the city. and it was one of the nicest in the county years ago. now we have trash living in $250,000 homes and destroying them.
Annon: You are absolutely correct, sadly, therefore lies the problem.
I voted for Mr.Caldwell but not taking a stand is a mistake. For many years the city has been napping and become to complacent.
This problem is not going away.
The truth is that there are problematic properties in the city that have to be "cleaned up"....but the sophmoric and immature slum of the week tactic is not going to make an iota of progress in that regard. It does however serve to project city government as boorish and buffoonish.
And what % of city resources do they use? They don't, by the way, pay 70% of the city taxes by virtue of having 70% of the houses--you think their houses are worth as much as those owned by people who actually live in their houses? Not even close.
If SAPOA really wants to "peer pressure" their fellow members into compliance, they do not need the city to do that at all. Nobody is stopping them. You know who your members are, you know which properties they own, set your own standards and enforce them. When they violate the city standards, it is the mayor's job to go after them, and that is what is finally happening. They don't like it. Big surprise.
Freemasons?Really?I just think the landlords are used to having one of their "own" in office for so long they are dumbfounded to have a mayor who wont play the game.
Annon 11:18 To be heard is one thing, to control the city is another. Good example I recently heard, the exact reason Nascar only allows ownership of three teams. No one is bigger than the system unlike landlords in the city of Salisbury whom own by your account 70% of housing.
Keep the "slumlord" pictures going. If the property owners won't fix things up by themselves, then maybe, just maybe, the embarrassment will make them fix things.
Ireton will talk to the landlords but he won't let thme dictate the terms.
That's the way it always been. That has to stop.
Two societies clash again.
How deep are the doctors into the rental game in the city???
Hey Bob, just a quick note to let you know I crossed party lines to vote for Jim Ireton thinking he was the best candidate. How wrong was I. I am also ashamed to tell you that I had numerous friends, neighbors and family members cross party lines to vote for him. What a big mistake. After this slap in the face I will never vote for another Democrat again. Again I am so sorry!!
Tell you what, Bob. When I, as a homeowner, can have the same level of negotiating power as SAPOA can have, and when I can make a big stink about having to clean up the mess at my house and it turns into a three ring circus like when SAPOA does, then we'll talk. Right now, I get cited by code compliance, I have to fix my stuff. And SAPOA shouldn't be any different.
Anonymous said...
Keep the "slumlord" pictures going. If the property owners won't fix things up by themselves, then maybe, just maybe, the embarrassment will make them fix things.
2:03 PM
Would you agree if he put owner occupied houses on the city website & listed it as "Slum Property of the Week"...I doubt anyone would agree with that. If the Mayor is doing it to the houses that are rented..why not do it to the houses that are occupied by the homeowners.
None of you remember Terry Sell do you?
Glad to see that Mr Caldwell is feeling better.
I like to think that positive recognition would cure the problem.
Excess calls would dictate a Nuisance Property. Nuisance properties have to pay a ridiculous annual license surcharge of like $10k for the next three years. Transferring the property to another owner means they still have to pay the surcharge. Only by agreeing to sell to somebody who makes it a primary residence will the surcharge be eliminated, since it would no longer need a rental permit.
Then, instead of "Slum Property of the Week," We highlight the "Top Community Contributors" - those people who go above and beyond to ensure that the city has enough revenue. Post the landlord's name and picture. Give them a certificate at the next council meeting like all of those other awards.
And to the person who thinks that the landlords pay the property taxes - think again. All costs of doing business are passed through to the tennant via rent. If poperty taxes went up 100%, you can bet that rents would go up at least that much.
Mayor Ireton is doing a good job. He campaigned on this notion and he is implement it.
to hell with these slum lords! They are bottom feeders! If they kept their properties up this wouldn't be an issue now would it?
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