Route 50 has been shut down from a serious accident just past Vienna. The accident is on Rt. 50 & Mill Road in Dorchester County. 2 MSP Medivac Helicopters were on the scene, one of which has already taken off towards Baltimore. The other is sitting in the middle of Rt. 50 waiting.
We'll try to keep you updated but friends tell me that they have been sitting there for 1/2 hour already and it doesn't look good.
UPDATE: Rt 50 has reopened east bound and west bound. However, some Idiot heading east bound after everything opened back up hit the rear end of a Farm Vehicle and backed traffic up once again for a mile.
it must be the sunshine and warm weather people are not watching what they are doing they are driving bad
People rushing to buy Chinese toys.
The Baltimorons have arrived !
All these accidents on 50. How does anyone with common sense crash their car on a 4 lane rd witha median on a dry clear day?
Unbelievable! Has everyone lost their sense of compassion for others?? These people were airlifted out by a helicopter for crying out loud and the only thing you people can do is ridicule? What if this was, God forbid, your family member, or even you? Would you want people talking about you this way? You don't even know the circumstances but yet rather than be eager to find out the condition of these poor people and hope that they are okay, you spend time passing judgment. I think everyone needs to take a step back and realize that these people are human beings, they are someones family member and friend. An accident is called an accident because it's not intentional. I'm adding the victims in this accident to my prayers, but I'm also going to add the people commenting on this article because I think it could benefit them.
Praying the victims are ok and have a speedy recovery.
Please drive defensively people! I can't tell you how many accidents I've saved myself from being in just by looking both ways when a light turns green only to have people run the red light. If you think someone is going to pull out in front of you, they probably are. Always follow your gut and if you are not speeding you can usually avoid accidents with those reckless and careless people. We all make mistakes and have accidents but we can control some of our distractions. Please don't drink and drive or text and drive! I have made a conscious effort to be more careful and not speed. It is not worth the risk w/all the crazy people on the roads.
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