Mr. Albero could you please help out by posting this?
My co-worker's black and white female Boston terrier got out of her house sometime yesterday and hasn't been seen since. She lives in Delmar in the area near the ball fields on the MD side so it is possible Lucy followed some one's child home as she loves children.
Please keep your eyes open for her and contact 443-366-3435 if you see her.
Thank You for posting this.
Lucy's family misses her very much.
How cute. They are very loving dogs. I hope that she and her family are reunited soon.
Joe, I cannot believe the success that you have had with reuniting animals with their owners. That is a great portion of this venue. Keep up the great work jackkcharl@aol.com
I will pray for the safe return of your Boston. The only flaw this wonderful breed has, is that they are so very trusting of everybody and if yours is like mine, she will go home happily with anyone.
It's possible she was seen in the Woodcreek Parkway area. If you are in that area and happen to see her please call.
It's awful nice of you to help locate Karen Wells's kids pet. It shows what a class act you are Joe.
Everyone in Delmar should check their garages. The dog may have his in someone's garage because of the storm that came through. Maybe she is trapped. Boston's are very sensitive to extreme temperatures, it could be very hot in there!
It is both disturbing and disappointing to me that my attempt at finding my pet has become an avenue for others to cast my name back into the blog wars. A friend who is helping me search for Lucy e-mailed Joe with this request. I have also e-mailed Joe and thanked him for posting it. This is about helping a beloved member of my family come back home. Using my situation to continue to keep the fires lit is senseless.
Thank you,
Karen Wells
We put up a bunch of posters today. hope she turns up.
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