Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez told the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights on Friday there was "insufficient evidence" to bring a civil complaint against members of the New Black Panther Party who disrupted a Philadelphia polling place in the 2008 general elections.
Mr. Perez, the only Justice Department official to testify publicly before the commission about the case, said that without sufficient proof that party members or the organization's leader, Malik Zulu Shabazz, directed or controlled unlawful activities at the poll or made speeches to incite or produce lawless action, the complaint "would have likely failed" in court.
"Based on the totality of the evidence and the relevant legal precedent, the acting assistant attorney general made a judgment about how to proceed, choosing to seek an injunction against the only defendant who brought a weapon to the Philadelphia polling place on Election Day and to voluntarily dismiss the other three defendants," he said.
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The anti white sentiment in this Administration is clear.
How Bad would the Panther be if I have a Stick too?
November is Coming!
I wish they would come here and try this .
Betcha if this Guy was "White" there would be "Sufficient Evidence",
Ya Think?
They are just giving them a break because Forrest Gump ruined their Black Panther party.
We certainly wouldn't want to offend any of obamies relatives , the planet of the apes. It's a culture thing. Is it black panthers , brown panthers , african american panthers , negro panthers or panthers of color?
Come and protest here. You might have a different outcome, yo.
I would take that stick and shove it up his A--. Try and stop me from voting, I DONT think so.
Our nation has become a boiling pot instead of a melting pot. In Maryland no "Blacks" are concvicted of racial crimes. The law is set up to protect minorities and religions. I find this hard to believe the law is very scewed. If five Black men beat a White man it is an assault. If five White men beat a Black it is felony R.R.E.. This is outrageous.
I feel Blacks have become hyper sensitive to race issues. The fact is Ohbama was elected by in large thanks to White vote. I dont get it. A man of color is elected and Blacks still cry foul.
Crime is out of control and it is Black on Black violence that plagues the cities. Blacks fighting over the color of a rag. Killing one another for an eight ball of cocaine.
Yes there is White crime but the street violence is out of control. In a time of that America should be growing stonger we are obviously becoming weak. This is what our enemies want. The exteremist paly to this flawed thinking we have grown to love.
It is time for all Americans to become one. The only clored cloth we should fight for is red,white and blue.
The Panthers, Bloods, Crips, and the Klan are nothing more than scared people looking to belong. Fear fueled by those who want to see America fail. We needto be careful what we wish for. A war within this country will destroy America. The wicked watch and wait for our system to crash and burn.
Time to lower the walls and raise the flag and cross. The message throughout the world should be we are the free and the brave. We will not tolerate anyone whos dares to impede our way of life.
I have never seen so many Americans arming themselves say "bring it on" the challenge not being sent to terrorist on foreign soil but to Americans that are of color. This agin is what our enemies pray for. I say arm yourself and send word to anyone who dares to tred on America and that means anyone. We will wait for the whites of your eyes. We will then close them for you forever.
God Bless America
i don't care if the panther's in this story are purple. it's obvious they were wrong and should be convicted. unfortunately we can't fix stupid. consider the source and keep praying and working for MAJOR CHANGES to come this election cycle and the next.
Wow, look at all the angry rednecks.
wow, the true racist nature of you conservative folk really comes out online! I cant wait till you all die and younger people get older, I want to say we are not as racist and unjust as you scumbags! Peace
I'll give you proof. I saw this unfold before my eyes at the polls in Philly. I wondered at the time "Where is the election official" who could tame the situation. The painters WERE definitely threatening the reporter with their BIG sticks and their presence alone was threatening to all who went to vote.
6:13 and 9:54 You two cowards claim racism but have NO problem with the pink panthers blocking people from voting . You are punks !
Anybody that has a problem with rednecks I can come and visit you .
Attorney General Holder apparently is not color blind
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