"Fighting cancer, Comegys still on top of budget issues" is today's title for an article written in the Daily Times. Now, please tell me anywhere in that article where it will convince me that Gary Comegys is in fact stating he's on top of the budget matters at hand?
It says:
"Council Vice President Gary Comegys is eager to get back into action."
"Comegys said he hopes he can attend the upcoming session"
"I'm keeping up with stuff as much as I can and keeping up with the budget as much as I can"
"It's not like I've stopped work all together, (but) just getting out of the house is often difficult."
"He said some days are good, and others aren't, but he's staying optimistic."
Clearly, the man is in pain, he can't attend work session meetings as well as council meetings and admittedly they are depending on e-mail messages as to his input on issues, something that cannot be confirmed he authored. "he sent an e-mail detailing his concerns on a scheduled discussion."
IMHO, Mr. Comegys is not capable of representing the Taxpayers while undergoing intense chemo therapy and being in so much pain. Clearly there has to be medication to ease that pain and having a clear mind while doing so is something I truly cannot believe Gary is capable of providing.
Again, these articles are not about kicking a guy when he's down. Taxpayers depend on Council Members, (especially during budget sessions) to represent our best interests and Gary Comegys simply cannot deliver right now. The e-mail is out of the question as we cannot confirm they are in fact from Mr. Comegys and not from someone with a special interest.
Nevertheless, the Daily Times article was clearly a puff piece to defend what Salisbury News has delivered, the tough and direct question, is Gary Comegys in the proper frame of mind to represent the taxpayers. According to their own article, the answer is clearly, NO.
Shut up. How about that? How about when you get cancer, I go around and photograph you saying you can't blog? This guy's life is serving and helping others. To take that away from him may do him more harm. Nobody, certainly some dropout like you, can prove he is unfit for doing the job at this point.
You are all about kicking people while they're down, that's been your history since starting this site, and it continues to be that way. I hope you get shot in the face and have to suffer. This is one old woman you have finally pissed off and I'm not afraid to say who I am. You can drag me through the mud all you want, you won't find anything on me.
Very well said Joe, he should step down and focus on his health.
he should resign and let a special election take place
let the fire fighters cart his a$$ around.haha
Delores, You have your opinion, I have mine. Gary knew when he voted against teleconferencing it was out of spite against Debbie Campbell. My opinion here is not out of spite. in fact, let me throw this on the table for all of you. I firmly believe right now is the time to bring this teleconferencing back on the table and bring it to a vote once again. Trust me Folks, that's a better option than allowing ANY e-mail. Now, that being said, I wouldn't blame other Council Members rejecting the request butu for some reason I actually believe it would pass because it was the right thing to aprove in the past and it's the right thing to do NOW.
I have no interest in blasting you Delores and I respect your honest opinion.
I think she is a damn idiot for saying she wishes someone is shot in the face, go back to your bridge club you old bag.
Who takes his place? Is there an election OR what?
Joe, how may wishes of death have you had and even more so how may death threats? I don't always agree with you and when I don't there is the little X on the top right of my screen that I know how to use. Why can't these people get it?
First of all, I am writing from the perspective that I am not a fan of Debbie Campbell, so I guess this post won't see the light of day (HIT DELETE NOW JOE) But wasn't Debbie's reason for wanting to teleconference less resonable then the reason Gary wants to teleconference in? I mean, she was on vacation (which she is on quite a bit I hear) which is different than someone having chemotherapy. Can't you agree that there is a bit of a difference here? Should it matter? I am a believer that a special election should be held after one is absent for a particular period of time. Also, I believe that the abilty to teleconference should be limited so that it is not abused. Lastly, I hope Campbell is voted out but Cohen stays. Replace Campbell with another watchdog, but she really has to go. She has done more harm than good on the City Council. She just can't get along with anyone and is so narrowminded. I really hope all of the council gets replaced except for Terry. I guess the continued supppression of this belief held by many in the City of Salisbury will continue. Just go ahead and hit the delete button now. I did, however, want to get my 2 cents in.
Perhaps you should ask Bob Caldwell his opinion about this Joe? Didn't think to do that did you?
Joe, as your Mom is looking down on you, I am sure she is not pleased with what she is seeing.
Ms. Campbell sometimes travels nationwide in her job and asked to participate by phone when out-of town. Also, it is a well-known fact that many council meetings have been scheduled on short notice at times when she would be away for job-related reasons.
Your quip about here vacation schedule exposes yo for what you are -- an enemy (not simply "not a fan") of Debbie Campbell. Your "she can't get along with anyone" is asinine.
FYI -- she was reelected last year with the largest percentage that I can recall in the past 40 years. During her tenure on the Council she has more than earned her pay in savings for the City alone while having to take the abuse directed at her by Dunn, Barrie, Michael Day, Shameless Shields, Louweasel Smith and, yes, Bubba.
And you, too, I suspect, unless you are one of those named above.
Mr. or Ms. 11:05 ---
Go back in yout rat hole!
anonymous 11:05,
First of all, that's a complete lie. Debbie asked for teleconferencing because she was away on business, not vacation.
Nice try though.
anonymous 11:23,
My Mom is looking down on me proud as can be. Where were YOU these past few months when a select few of us were in Annapolis doing what's right and making a real difference.
My Mother would have stepped aside if she was in Gary's position and not sit there worrying what Barrie, Mike, Lynn and a select few others would impose upon Gary through pressure. My Mother was a far more honorable human being than any one of those being named here and she raised me right, to face you head on with my name and not hide behind anonymous, hence my respect for Delores.
Your attack and opinion against my Mother, (especially anonymously) makes you a wussy with no credibility.
By the way, Happy Mother's Day Mom.
Delores Graybill...You should be ashamed for hoping for ill will on ANYONE....shot in the face?! I am shocked and dumbfounded after reading what you wrote. No one, including Joe, wishes ill will on anyone. This has nothing to do with wanting bad things for Mr. Comegys. He should take a temporary leave or step down as to allow himself to focus on his health, and for his constituents to have proper representation. We all wish him a recovery. You should think about your comments a retract them.
In Annapolis making a difference? Joe, you had nothing to do with that. You have only exploited that terrible murder for your own gain and face time. Shame on you.
Delores is an IDIOT, shot in the face, what a nice comment you P.O.S. If he can't do his job, he should step aside, if I had cancer in my job and couldn't work, I sure as hell couldn't send in a freaking email, that just plain STUPID, kind of like you comments Delores, go back to bed dumb ass!!!
You forgot Debbie's worst trasher -- Lynn Cathcart.
Jonathan, I told you many times in the past, you use your name on a comment, I'm going to publish it. That goes for any one of you scumbags.
As for the anonymous comment below, I see you're now afraid to use your real name seeingt that it will get published.
Nevertheless, you go on believing whatever makes you happy. Like I said, YOU, nor any one of the people you hang around have ever done anything positive for this community or the Eastern Shore, nothing.
I would even go so far as to say I'd bet you've never sent Gary a card or even stopped by his home to see how he's doing.
Because Jennifer Foxwell saw through all of your BS and was kind enough to hear the "other side" you now attack her for going to Annapolis to do what is right for not only her Daughter but ALL children in the state of Maryland. Now she's a bad person?
We made an unbelievable and against all odds difference. The Bills were going to fail and without Jennifer and Tracey being there as well as Mike Lewis and Gary Baker, (whom we all know you hate) it would have never survived.
Joe Albero didn't sit back when I came to learn the Bills were failing. Instead, together, we put our differences aside and we fought. Learn from what we did Jonathan. Learn to make a difference. Maybe if you had just a touch of God in your heart you'd be a better man. Until then, you're just a scumbag with a lot of bad things to say about a lot of good people.
You have just described yourself and your father Blubber Boy.
Right on Joe.
Right on Joe.
Doug Wilkerson and Jonathon Taylor, I cannot believe that you two would write the kinds of things you did just because you don't agree with others' opinions. Mr. Wilkerson, how dare you call an old woman (Ms. Graybill's characterization of herself) an "old bag." And Mr. Taylor, your and Joe's dislike for each other is well-known, but how can you bring yourself to write such malevolent tripe?
As for Mr. Comegys, I must agree with Joe that he seriously think about whether his illness is interfering with his ability to give his Council work the attention it deserves. No one should wish cancer on anyone, but Comegys must put the citizens of Salisbury ahead of himself, particularly since the Council is dealing with the budget. That requires a lot of work. It may sound cruel to suggest that Comegys step down--at least, temporarily--from Council, but it has to be said. There is probably no easy way to lay it all out on the table, and it certainly should not be interpreted as a lack of respect or understanding for Mr. Comegys. We all hope that he responds positively to his treatments and can soon return to his duties.
Jonathan, I forgot to mention your friend George Collins, since you brought him up.
Now let's see. George threatened me as well as Mike Lewis while in Jail.
Now your friend is locked away with a $500,000.00 Bond set on him. Would youlike to tell everyone why you haven't bailed your friend out. Oh, that's right, you don't make any money, you don't have a job, you don't own anything. I guess George will be tucked away for quite a while.
Now George simply needs medical attention, not jail. All of which I'm sure he'll ultimately get in time.
Are you heading in the same direction Jonathan? People have told me of your obsession over me, you know, your "man love" towards me. I hear before you shut down your blog you kept doing video after video of just Joe Albero stuff. You sound a lot like George, Jonathan. Get some help, you need it.
Delores, there is a huge difference in holding a position in government and a blog! OMG if you can't tell the difference you are a true nut case!
Hey JT, you plan to talk like that while you run for city council? I guess IF (LOL!!!) you were to get elected by the trash you call friends (who use you yet won't be seen with you or invite you over to their homes) I'm sure you'd be all in favor for council members to get free health coverage. How would your disability be affected if you held that position? You better LOOK at everything before you put your body in your mouth. Those food stamps would be taken away!!
Case Number Name Date of Birth Party Type Court Case Type Case Status Filing Date Case Caption
020300057782008 Collins, George M Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT ACTIVE 08/20/2008
0203SP000502010 Collins, George M 04/1971 Defendant Wicomico County District Court Peace Order CLOSE 03/24/2010
0203SP002492010 Collins, George M 04/1971 Defendant Wicomico County District Court Peace Order COMPLETE 03/25/2010
6H00054970 Collins, George M 04/1971 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR ACTIVE 04/06/2010
5H00053737 Collins, George Merrill 04/1971 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 12/12/2009
So a named friend of Gary Comegys has wished you dead Joe. Says a lot about who he is and the friends he keeps.
The dream team made the rules so that Debbie and CT Webster couldn't participate, now the dirty deeds have come back to haunt him.
He must live by the same policy he helped set for others. I wish him to get well, however no representation or voting by proxy. Looks like he painted himself into a corner now.
To the Idiot who just attacked me personally, I'll not post your comment but instead I will reflect BACK TO THE ARTICLE in his own words, PROVING Gary is NOT competant to serve on the Council at this time. AGAIN, this is his own words to the Daily Times.
"I'm keeping up with stuff as much as I can and keeping up with the budget as much as I can"
"It's not like I've stopped work all together, (but) just getting out of the house is often difficult."
"He said some days are good, and others aren't, but he's staying optimistic."
Now shut up and go back to your miserable life.
Joseph Albero, please drop dead!
11:05 a.m., just curious, why do you like Terry Cohen and not Debbie Campbell?
I think both are wonderful myself. Their enemies call them clones. I disagree. I think they are as much different as they are alike.
Most people who like Debbie like Terry and vice verse.
Just curious because I don't get it.
WOW, these comments say ALOT about the ppl around here. Small minds and even smaller hearts.
Instead of pushing your agenda why isnt anyone wondering why cancer is so popular on the shore? Must be nice to live in a dream world.
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