Scans are Clear!!!
Getting ready to head to bed but wanted to let everyone know the great news! Brooke’s MIBG scan and CT scan are both clear! We don’t have the final results on the bone marrow biopsy but the preliminary results look good. We will not need to go back to CHOP for 3 months now!
Her Audiology appt yesterday went well and there wasn’t any additional hearing loss since her last hearing test so no adjustments needed to be made with her hearing aids. She had an appt today with her ophthalmologist and the issues that she has been having with her eyes since taking the antibodies is starting to improve and he seemed pleased with how they were doing. We were so happy to see a lot of our friends (staff and families) the past couple of days on the floor and in the clinic. Brooke also got to be videotaped today getting examined by Dr. Maris for a documentary for Alex’s Lemonade Stand. Alex, if you are not already aware, was a little girl who was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma at age 4 and treated at CHOP. She started a lemonade stand to raise money for pediatric cancer research in 2000 and her story spread across the country and soon lemonade stands were popping up everywhere for Alex’s cause. Sadly, Alex passed away just 4 years later at 8 yrs old, but her dream of raising 1 million dollars was reached shortly before she lost her battle with NB. Alex’s Lemonade Stand has now raised over 30 million dollars for pediatric cancer research and education! If you would like to learn more about Alex you can visit www.alexslemonade.org.
We finally got back to Grammy’s from CHOP tonight around 6:00 and Grammy surprised us with decorating the house with balloons and congratulation banners and we partied with Aunt Alisyn, Uncle Bruce, Aunt Cheryl, cousin Brian and of course Grammy and Pop Pop Dave to celebrate! What an amazing day we have had and we feel so incredibly blessed. Thank you so much everyone for all of your prayers this week and the past year and half and for continuing to take this journey with us.
God Bless,
Praise God!!!! This is great news for all of delmarva..
Thanks to God and may your family continued to be blessed.
Thank you for the update. I just sent a prayer of praise up to the Father. He is always with us, in good times and bad. Brooke must be meant to do alot in this life. What a beautiful girl.
Lots of love being sent your way!!!
Another Mom
That is so wonderful. Great news. Thanks for taking the time to post this update.
Wonderful news. She is here for a very special reason.
Wonderful news. Wishing, praying for all the best for you all.
My son played her team on T-ball saturday, she's cute
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