Owner of BreakTime Billiards, Pat Scott, was in a serious boating accident early this morning.
Pat charters "BreakTime Charters" and left early this morning with several passengers on board in Deal Island. As you can see above, he hit the rocks pretty darned hard, so much so the boat settled on top of the rocks.
The Coast Guard came in and took away 2 injured passengers. We have not gained the information as to their condition and or Pat's. The boat is a 1986 33' Trojan Express Cruiser that was recently completely reconditioned.
i understand it was supposed to be just a 3 hour cruise ...
USS MINNOW ***** OUCH !! This will be a costly error !!
The skipper let Gilligan drive again .
I hate when a trojan gets a hole in it
is that supposed to be funny 2:39??
Trojans are real tough boats, some of the best made. Hope everyone is alright, what a picture.
Let me give you boats condition, screwed up!
Big hole in bottom now its a submarine...
The weather started getting rough . . .the tiny ship was tossed.
Awesome pictures ! Did you take them, Joe ? Hope this guy had insurance.
Thats funny 3:00.
Pat is a great guy.I hope he and his passengers are ok. What as shame
what an idiot! he's supposed to be a charter captain? people entrust their lives to someone who doesn't even know where the jetti is. Give me a break. I hope everyone is OK, but I think people should really learn a lesson from this...Only go with a seasoned captain who knows the area. It's only a jetti thats been there for 25 years!!
Those jettys are hard to see , must have had a super high tide , rocks covered.
"I can fix this. My dad's a plumber. He's got and awesome set of tools."
Epic Fail
That sux.
Wow. I hope he has insurance.
Thank god for Coast Guard
How did that happen?
I hope the people are ok.
he's not a real captain. I hope everyone is OK. A true captain would never have done this. Stick to the restaurant/billards business pal.
There was no "super high tide". he is just a bad captain. This should have never happened.
How exactly did it happen?
Pat is a good guy, can we do anything to help?
I hope he can resume his business soon.
My buddies and I wanted to charter his boat, guess not. I hope everything is well.
The insurance company better do the right thing
I heard they're getting released tonight.
3:00 lol.
I'm where the heck am I going, this looks good, I guess I'll go this way! Dum Dum
you know, I just got a call from a friend that Pat Scott may have been hurt in a boating accident, as well as the other people on the boat. I'm told to go to this site to see if I can get an update. As I read some of these comments, I'm thinking to myself, "are some of these folks truly throwing jokes out there about anyone who would have gone through this, let alone my friend who just lost his wife to cancer not very long ago? I can throw jokes out with the best of them, however, there is a time and a place and using jokes to kick someone when they're down and possibly hurt just "ain't where it's happenin'". It's always easy to rub salt in a wound, especially in the virtual world, under an "anonymous" identity, or when you're not looking someone in the eye. It's much more difficult to care. These are people just like you and me, not folks who are deserving of humiliation in a public forum. Think twice please.
This dude needs to stay at Break Time and play pool or throw darts, not be in the charter boat business.
We're they fishing for rock?
the biggest hole was the one steering the boat.
Let's just thank our tax dollars for the Coast Guard. I wouldn't involve God in the matter.
I think its a tie between 3:00 and 7:58 lol
Sure 7:21 !! You can help .. Buy Pat a new boat !!
send in the fail boat toot toot
Pat, I don't know who Toni Johnson is, but this Tony Johnson echos those thoughts too....God bless you and Kim, may she rest in peace..
Tony & Michele
ok 8:38 i got something for you, bend over and i will put something up ur hole . you ----head....
That will buff out.
7:47 Suggest you stay off the blogs... this is relatively mild!
S_ _ _ happens. Get over it.
o.k. folks i'm at my secret fishing spot. no one will never know.
If the boat is documented he is in some serious trouble.
It's real easy to talk smack on a forum, and about Pat not being a good captain, don't know what he is doing. But I bet not another one of you could perch a boat up on the jetti like that. I mean it's perfect, not to far forward not to far back positioned perfectly center! This ranks up there with Captain Sully, that's just amazing. :) Hope everyone is well Pat.
513 you really think he had a say in the positioning of the boat on the jetty, you are definitely not a boat capt..he was going fast, with the boat on top of the water it hit the rocks and stopped, thankfully..if it had gone over tragedy would have happened. This capt had nothing to do with it staying on the rocks, friction and god. There was no high tide and the rocks are always visible, poor judgement by the capt..but i had to laugh when you compare this guy too sully. He hit the rocks and it was over..1 tough ass boat
Only on the good ole eastern shore.
6:25 ur no capt. either nor do you know what happened,the boat was not up on top it hadnt never plained off yet,and some people are saying he was doing 25 26 knots when he was only doing 15,he had just went threw the 2 outside beacons and started to feed her some throttle,while the bow was still nosed up in the air all Pat could see was the sky basically he was watching his radar which hadnt computed correctly yet so that it would of shown the jetti he cut way to far inside towards the shore to avoid the crabpots and ended up striking the jetti,this is mostly because of bad judgment and i would say carelessness for not paying attention in the dark knowing that there are obstructions nearby his traveling route that he takes.You should never be in a hurry leaving out of a harbor anywhere until you know you are out in the clear,and thats not always too safe cuz you never know when there might be a log or tree floating that you cant see in the dark. for anyone who is wondering,they have just got the boat off of the jetti and loaded onto a barge.This was done by Jamie Taylor from Fairmount,he builds bulkheads docks rip-rap etc. and now boat salvageing too lol,but Jamie is a super great guy,you couldnt of got any other guy to get the job done then him.
741 been a boat capt for 26 years 14 of which capt tugs...why would this man just be watching radar when not clear of the harbor..please fat boy dont do a battle of wits, you are clearly unarmed
dont know what happened just glad everyone is alive. Capt. Scot Disharoon
and those who havent the guts or adventurous spirit to go out on the water in the snow or howling gales know that sometimes you are unlucky, even experienced Captains.
I say give this Capt. a break, it just wasnt his day. For some sissy ass punks who are pu__y whipped and sitting on your sofa bad-mouthing this guy who is off the bench and playing in the game...Capt PY
The one question the Coast Guard inquiry board will ask goes like this: Is what the Captain did prudent? The answer is no. The "prudential Rule" is drummed into students heads in captain school and reads: "What a prudent person would do under similar circumstances".
It was not prudent to throw the throttles down at o'dark thirty in the morning, restricting your visability even more with the bow raised so high, and go tearing off in the wrong direction. Secondly Radar is an aid to navigation and that is about all unless you are Coast Guard certified in radar navigation. Very few "sixpack" captains are certified. This makes the "radar didn't pick it up" excuse null and void at an inquiry. As a matter of maritime law all electronic aids to navigation are just that, AIDS. They are never intended to be used in place of good judgement.
The fact is he was several hundred feet out of the channel, running at speed in the wrong direction and struck that jetty hard enough to plant his vessel on top of it at low tide. How fast he was going is not even a question to be asked except to establish it was not a prudent speed to be running.
The sad part of this is all those captains leaving Wenona Harbor have to do basicallly the same thing when they leave out on low tide. The hole between the two inside bouys is about 9 feet deep, if you don't get on a plane there you probably won't until you are outside the second marker, if you can get there at all without getting stuck in the mud. Also you run the risk of sucking up a crab pot and really ruining your day. That channel has not been dredged in years and there is little to no water at low tide. This does not excuse what he did but it goes a long way to explain what he was thinking and why he was running on a plane.
The good news is nobody was killed. Better yet because the boat with a full load of gas (not diesel) and it didn't blow up killing all of them.
Should the Captain have been more careful? Probably. Who amongst us haven't been in situations where we should have been more careful?
I'm certainly glad that I have lived a life that has afforded me the opportunity to make a few mistakes...unlike many posting comments here who have apparently never left the haven of their back yard.
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