Get ready for a wild weekend in Ocean City, Maryland. Salisbury News has been informed you can expect some 50,000 bikers coming to Ocean City. Get this, Memorial Day Weekend!!!!!
While the "Atlantic Beach Bikefest" had traditionally been held in Myrtle Beach, the Mayor said enough is enough. After more than 70 years of raking in billions of dollars, Bike Week is no more in Myrtle Beach.
Rumor has it Black Biker Week got so out of control, restaurants were shutting their doors as well as other businesses because it has been reported many bikers would simply get up from their tables and walk out without paying a thing.
Salisbury News has been informed that Ocean City "embraced the idea" but other sources say the public officials were too afraid of a lawsuit, they simply folded and agreed to allowing this event.
For what it's worth Folks, if I were a public official I'd tell this group they could shove it where the sun doesn't shine. If they want to pick an "off weekend" where there isn't the biggest crowds of the year, fine. Similar to the classic car events. But Memorial Day Weekend, are you people NUTS!
I lived in Ocean City year round for many years. Memorial Day Weekend is NOT a weekend you even leave your home, let alone invite some 50,000 Bikers to Town.
The Ocean City Police Department Officers have gone through sensitivity classes to help handle this particular event.
Now look Folks, I don't want to see any racist comments posted on this article. This is not about race, it's about hosting such an event on Memorial Day Weekend.
I have been hearing about this for about a month or so. Now that you have confirmed it I am a little freighten to send my child to work this weekend.
Brace for the worst, Pray for the best.
"Rumor has it Black Biker Week got so out of control, restaurants were shutting their doors as well as other businesses because it has been reported many bikers would simply get up from their tables and walk out without paying a thing."
This is no rumor, I witnessed this behavior personally in Myrtle Beach. Several years ago.
Hopefully the event will go like the bike week in the fall... those guys are some of the happiest drunks (once the bikes have been parked for the night) you will ever meet!
What the hell is gonning on? Black biker week , how about white biker week ?
If anyone breaks the law, doesn't pay a bill, stirs the pot, or causes conflict...arrest them. It's really pretty simple. If they get out of control that's part of running a resort town, call in extra forces. It is no different than any other "club" or group.
you all need to google it it is still in NC
black bike week myrtle beach 2010 cancelled
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Black Bike Weeks
Black Bike Week 2010 will be held in Myrtle Beach, SC from May 28th-May 31th ... Bike week 2009 wasn't canceled “I was there”, and Black Bike Week 2010. ...
www.blackbikeweeks.com/ - 19 hours ago - Cached - Similar
Black Bike Week Dates | Black Bike Week
Dates. Black Bike Week 2010. Black Bike Beach Week 2010 is not canceled! ... The Myrtle Beach Government is broadcasting multiple dates in an attempt to ...
www.blackbikeweeks.com/bike-week-2010-dates/ - Cached - Similar
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Myrtle Beach Bike Week - To Rally or Not - Cruiser Feature ...
May 16, 2010 ... Will there be a Myrtle Beach Bike Week 2010? Cruiser Feature. ... the Myrtle beach government. Bike Week and Black Bike Week are not cancel ...
www.motorcycle-usa.com/.../Myrtle-Beach-Bike-Week---To-Rally-or-Not.aspx - Cached - Similar
Myrtle Beach Mayor Says No 2009 Bike Week - Cruiser Industry News ...
Atlantic Beach..I'M IN COME 2010 AGAIN!!! May 27, 2009 10:31 AM ... We accidentally ended up in Myrtle Beach during Black Bike week one year and have ...... and black bike week and if they needed to do something they needed to cancel ...
www.motorcycle-usa.com/.../Myrtle-Beach-Mayor-Says-No-2009-Bike-Week.aspx - Cached - Similar
Is black bike week in myrtle beach canceled for 2010? - Yahoo! Answers
Nov 18, 2009 ... or has it been moved? ... I live in Myrtle Beach and as far as I know black bike week is not canceled and will be on May 20-24, 2010 at the ...
answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid... - Cached - Similar
Is Myrtle Beach Bike Week Canceled for this year? - 1 post - Feb 3, 2010
Bike weeks in Myrtle Beach SC for May/June 2010? - 1 post - Sep 16, 2009
Why is bike week canceled for 2009? - 2 posts - Jan 21, 2009
How safe is Black Bike Week for 8 young women? - 3 posts - May 19, 2008
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Black Bike Week - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Myrtle Beach Mayor Mark McBride said in 2003 that the Black Bike Week crowds are ..... "Black Bike Week Date - Black Bike Beach Week 2010 is not canceled", ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Bike_Week - Cached - Similar
With all the hotels/motels that were replace with condos. Where are all these people going to stay? They really messed up when they did this. People like to come to the beach for a get away weekend. Most can't find rooms now unless you rent a condo for a week. So if they can't find a room in OC..how many will come West to Salisbury?
It's really sad to hear comments like I'm freighten to send my child to work! Were you afraid to send your child to work in September when bike week was going on then. I just happen to be a local black female who rides a bike and based on some of these comments and remarks I need to be cautious myself. Look at people as individuals not as a group! If there's one bad apple in the bunch sounds to me like a lot of people are unfortunately predetermined to just smash the rest. Alot of your local "BLACK" bike clubs may not be in the spot light but raise a lot of money for local charities,churches and other oranizations and there members are very reputable people in the community. Just like the bike week held here in September, these bikers want to come to Ocean City to ride, enjoy the sights and sounds,have fun in the sun while spending lots of money. It's 2010 and it the state of our world we should spend more time embracing one another and less time being so judgemental and close minded!!!
Anyone can ride a motorcycle.
What would be significant about being a certain color person and riding a motorcycle?
Would a black person ride somehow differently from a white person? No. So why have a specifically "black bike week"?
Why not just have a motorcycle meeting?
I don't get it.
I don't get it
obliviously that you don't ride LOL
11:46, what if they did come west to salisbury, or berlin or even willards. i dont see that being an issue at all where who ever stays. cause it aint a problem during hotrod week for you is it.
Sorry to be brutally honest, but this is going to be a problem.
Generally immediately following the spring break season, there is the event called 'black college reunion' in Daytona beach, FL. I had the pleasure of being there the week before.
It was amazing... about 1/2 the businesses in town were closing for remodeling the next week. They were tired of all the problems mentioned, and litterally planned to close for the week. National resturant and hotel chains were 'closed for remodeling' for the week...
This is going to be a problem. OCPD, please be on your game, and if people choose to break laws... take care of it OC style...!
if this is the case i bet records will be broken for the most 40 ounces consumed and rj reynolds will have to up newport production.
I think the issue should be the safety of the bike riders. Whether they be black or white, it makes no difference to the idiot drivers that will be packed into Ocean City just because it is Memorial Day. I live in Delmar now but I'm from the Salisbury area and I learned several years ago not to go to Ocean City on the major holidays. Memorial Day, Fourth of July, or Labor Day. They are freakin nuts down there and I was riding in a many thousand pound vehicle. I would not want to be riding with all of them if I was on a motorcycle. Then you add in the fact that there will be a lot of motorcycles and it just seems to me that we will probably have a fatality or two which will have nothing to do with the color of the driver's skin. It is not a good idea.
Is there a particular group that is coming to this area to the point that everyone is participating a problem. I'm assuming you guys have a list of everyone coming to Ocean City this weekend, their name, occupation, where they'll be staying,etc., and I'm pretty sure you know them all personally!I'm 100 % sure that some of these motorcycle riders are teachers, firefighters, business owners, and even police officers themselves. Whatever happen to don't judge a book by it's cover or shall I say by it's COLOR! It seems like everyone has a crystal ball in their hand, is either psychic or is playing God and knows all. Sounds like to me any black rider in Ocean City this weekend is going to have a target on their back. Who is calling it black bike week? Once again it only takes one person to plant a seed. How about a group of motorcycle enthusiasts that are choosing to spend money and have a great time in Ocean City, MD. Dear God I pray for all the racist that still exist, especially in my neighborhood!
To the one who wants things addressed OC style LOL we know what that means no need to explain. Thank God for whomever evented cameras!!! Anyway those that attended as you stated "black beach week" are all coming to Ocean City this weekend? Who are those people? Do you have their names or a more specific description besides black? Is this a specific group of people that goes on vacations seeking to destruct LOL? Ocean City isn't crimeless but I gurantee you if one person does something this weekend, oh my gosh the headlines would be so predictable! May God Bless you and your affiliates I pray for clueless people like you.
No Racism extended, No crystal ball needed! True it may be called Black Bike Week, but that actually leaves quite a bit unexplained. It really should be called "Crotch Rocket Week". True, more young black men ride crotch rockets that harley's, but so do the 20something set of young white men. There is truth to the comments of the trouble in Myrtle. Don't overlook it or excuse it. I've been going down there for years, have family there, and friends that own businesses. This "Crotch Rocket Week" has been nothing but trouble since it started. I could type for hours telling you all first hand stories that are NOT seen during Harley Week. Read what you want, but truth is that BIKE WEEKS in Myrtle were compromised because of Crotch Rocket Week...Period! Ocean City would be best to do what a previous poster stated, try it on for size, that's OK....but any other weekend, just NOT Memorial Day Weekend. Bad, Bad idea, and it will show in time.
The bikes have started coming in (I live/work in OC/Berlin).. so yes, the sport bikes will be here.. for the record, the same clubs were here last year too 2009 (planning for this year), and I had fun riding along with some of the lads.. all was good
From what I have read the official event is still in SC this year. and for those who don't like the name "black bike week" perhaps the organizer of the event shouldn't have a website titled blackbikeweek.com
Any large group of people will have it's bad apples regardless of race or creed. It does seem that this group has proven their ignorance and disregard for fellow vacationers already in south carolina. There is a reason they are basically being kicked out of myrtle beach (which has way more lenient laws than ocean city). To disregard past experiences would be short-sighted. Research it.
I'm new to Myrtle Beach and have been hearing the horror stories. I've heard they are rude, lude, and crude. They block people in race around other cars in traffic, have sex in the open, don't pay for meals, and basically trash the hotels and bars they visit. I hardly noticed Harely Week which was btw was not a holiday weekend. But tonight I can't sleep for all the noise. The bikes are not even the worst of the it, it's the bass from the music. I agree with one opinion I saw..that it is not so much a race issue but the age group, the bikers this weekend are 20 something where as the Harely riders were 35 and up. At any rate, if they are proven for causing all these problems then they earned their reputation and deserve to be kicked out.
2011,please do not come here to myrtle beach.you hurt other working blacks by not tipping,causeing restuarants to close down ect.The whole concept of "blackbikeweek" is backwards, a throwback to more racist times.Perhaps a more fitting location would be Detroit.And they could use the money for sure.
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The year the bikers were kicked out of Myrtle Beach they came to OC MD and completely DESTROYED the entire weekend... I understand you wanna party but 2 small kids trying to sleep with a car park packed full of people at 4am blasting music and causing a ruckus aint my idea of a family vacation. The town wasn't expecting them and neither were the people vacationing there. Ive never been back and keep a regular eye on events at vacation spots.
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