Incident: Robbery
Date of Incident: 20 April 2010
Location: 7900 Royalty Way, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: 1. Charles E. Vane, 18, Quantico, MD
2. Ekoye E. Spates, 18, Salisbury, MD
3. Ricky S. Sanabria, 17, Hebron, MD
Narrative: On 20 April 2010 at 10:27 PM, the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office received a call in reference to an armed robbery that had just occurred in the parking lot of the Royal Farms store at 7900 Royalty Way in Salisbury. Upon arrival, the deputies located four individuals who stated they had been accosted at gun point at the Royal Farms store. Their account stated that while in the parking lot, three individuals pulled next to them in a white Chevrolet Camaro and two of the occupants point handguns at them and demanded money. One of the victims stated he gave the subjects cash and they then fled the area.
During the investigation, deputies managed to identify a possible suspect involved and went to his residence in the Hebron area where they located the white Camaro.
Upon arrival, Charles Vane and Ekoye Spates were still inside the vehicle. Ricky Sanabria was also located on the property.
Deputies located two loaded 9mm semi-automatic handguns, both with a chambered round, inside the Camaro.
After further investigation deputies placed Van, Spates and Sanabria under arrest for the Armed Robbery. One of the suspects, Ekoye Spates, was also discovered to be in possession of cocaine. All three were transported to the Central Booking Unit where they were processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner.
After an initial appearance, all three were detained by the Commissioner in lieu of $500,000.00 bond each.
Charges: Robbery / Handgun in Felony/ Assault 1st Degree/ Assault 2nd degree / Handgun in Vehicle
Did you see the bone head they interviewed last night on WBOC in regards to SBY PD buying assault riffles? She pretty much said there is no need for that type of gun, this isn't Chicago or LA this is Salisbury!! Get your head out of you a** woman! So, it's ok for the criminals to out arm the police???
Look at that coiffure in the first picture.
Bubba's gonna get some loving at the graybar hotel!
Oh I forgot. For J.T. coiffure means hairdo
That's Chuck Vanes son proving trash breeds trash !
this is the same "vane" who graduated from salisbury school. he comes from a very wealthy family; why did he need to rob?
Didn't see that coming (snicker)
right to carry would have prevented a trial for these three b.l.p.
I know two of these guys and all I can say is ITS ABOUT TIME.
7:56pm, maybe- because it seems they just pulled up to people outside of the store who could have been armed illegally just like they were. These punks were high and not thinking about encountering any resistance and if they did they thought their 9mm were enough. It's tough to be young, dumb and bulletproof.
Smack or the pipe, one of the two. Who did they rob?
From my personal contact it is known that the Vane parents have always been involved with their children in positive activities. It goes to show that no matter how much parental interaction and involvement, children of the same family will often take different paths.
It must be devastating for the parents and siblings of all the families, particularly the Vane family. They will be in my thoughts and prayers.
9:35 Ditto! cj
That Vane boy should have been out working on those tug boats then he'd be to tired to be out robbing people. Now his whole life is ruined.
Anon 9:35 - that has been my experience with the Vanes as well. It is heartbreaking when a kid with such a bright future takes such a bad turn. It's also a shame when someone who clearly knows better does so.
To those of you snickering becase someone from a family with money is in this situation, why not the same reaction to the other 2? Surely they must have come from "trash" as well to commit such a crime? Or are you such bleeding hearts that you think someone from an underprivilidged background can't help beoming a criminal. We are each responsible for our own actions, good AND bad and though money, a supportive family, and a good education can maake a difference, everyone should be able to tell right from wrong, and be held to the same standard.
anonymous 10:14, AMEN
10:14 Its all in your mirror, if your lucky enough to get to that point. These hard drugs are killing our kids, out-right & beyond. You know why the H problem is so big the last 10 yrs or so, black tar across the boarder. Doctors selling pills and pharmacist getting rich. Thats what happens when you put PROFIT before PRINCIPLE. You get richer and other people pay the price, sleep well if you can.
I went to school with Chuck Vane and Ricky.Ricky was constantly in trouble. You would think Ricky's talent for boxing, he'd learn some self discipline from that. We never heard too much about Chuck. Very surprising coming from him.
When you put innocent peoples lives in jeopardy by your actions you aint a boy no more, you pay the piper as a man, you be surprised who you gonna meet. Brass ring aint in no Royal Farms parking lot. Sounds like a set up Jack to me.
I knew Chuck Vane when he didn't have a pot to piss in or a boot to pour it out of. What he got, he earned. Wealth doesn't neccessarily breed perfection. Truth be known, Chuck screwed up a few times back in the day. I don't know the other two and I don't know their parents. While I certainly think it helps coming from a stable family, their is no guarantee the kids won't screw up. Hopefully, they will learn from it. I'm not a softie by any means. If their punishment is 5-10 years, so be it.
Ricky Sanabria had such promise as an up and coming boxer! What happened?! I was hoping that he would be another Fernando Guerrero and make something of himself.
Do you people who are making fun of my family member, who happens to be a great kid, not think before you post these ignorant remarks. This is very hurtful for my family to read. Chuck Vane is a loving, and wonderful kid, and I am just as proud to be related to him, as I ever have been. Chuck has never been in trouble and shame on you for making fun of his parents.
Doesnt get any dumber than this
The difference between these guys? Richie Rich will have his pick of defense lawyers and his sidekicks will get public defenders.Lets see if the sentences are meted out fairly to the three.
A lack of substantial consequences for past actions is what happened.
I have also known the Vanes for years. And while they had their kids involved in positive activities, they were all snobs. Always thinking they were better than others. Chuckie has been smoking pot for years, and everyone knew it. Knowing his parents, they will hire a high dollar attorney and Chuckie will get a slap on the wrist. Again teaching him he doesn't have to be responsible for his actions.
11:59 your 'relative' held up someone else. 9mm handguns arent toys. drugs arent too wonderful either. so how about you stop disciplining the folks here and actually discipline your CRIMINAL relative.
WOW! some of these comments are so stupid, i went to school with ricky and guess what guys? HE COMES FROM A WEALTHY FAMILY TO! i really wish people would get their facts straight before they go talk
Things aren't always as they seem. The truth will come out in the end. Innocent until proven guilty.
2 All of u dogging there families there guys r grown a$$ boys they kno what is right n wrong there parents cant be there to hold there hands the rest of there lives put ure selves in there parents shoes n understand how embarissing this has 2 b for them n all of ure negative comments are WRONG!!! n know there is always more 2 the story thanw hat we hear if we were there it would b one thing but news 2 me is gossip til i head it for my slef
All the money in the world doesn't mean your children wont be criminals. And it doesn't mean you have a great life either. Who cares how much money these kids parents have! They all three need to be punished and I am thinking that little Chucky should get the worst sentence because it was his car and the guns were in his car. Why does he have the car back already?? Shouldn't it be held up somewhere as part of the crime like the guns were?? He will learn nothing unless he is punished. His parents ought to consider life insurance because if he keeps this behaviour up the wont be visiting him at the local jail, they will be visiting him at the cemetary. Take this opportunity to let your son learn a lesson. Then maybe he can be a better person.
I feel very bad for those of you who pass judgement by calling my family snobby. If you only knew. Shame on you. Clear your conscience. Get the truth before passing judgement. I am very proud to love Chuckie, and our family.
This is so sad... What is going on with parents of this age group? How in the world do you have a child and they have a gun and you dont know about it? How does a kid go from doing well to this? There must have been some signs. You dont raise a child and all of a sudden they do drugs and by a gun and rob somebody. That is rare... This people is evidence that the fathers in the family are not doing there jobs. Why wasnt their any intervention? If the boy was showing signs early on.... why didnt the Dad "tell him whats up"? This is another case of failed parenting. Boys growing up being a sucker ...a looser ... not realizing they have the potential to do GREAT THINGS!!! I know that God makes a difference in a kids life.. They are not taught their is a Higher Authority, that one day they will meet. .. So sad.
Okay so you people are saying that chuck vane had most to do with it because he was driving the car? okay now this is a serious question, If 2 people were sitting in your car with loaded 9mm guns telling you to drive for them, that you wouldnt do it? be serious. he probably only did it because he was scared what might happen. i just hope that he gets out of jail for his family. and anyway that family has worked for their money. just because their son has a better car then most of the people leaving comments doesnt mean he is spoiled. think about it.
i have also attended school with chuck and i dare say that i am not surprise of his crime and people may see him as a good kid but really he is very cruel, arrogant, and quite a womanizer. to every relationship he has been in, he has for sure cheated on everyone one of his girlfriends and thinks and talk of them as meat on a cutting board. hes very disgusting to talk to i will admitt. and im not surprise drugs were involved in this crime because of his obsessive pot use and im not surprised that it escolated to cocaine. i wouldnt exactly say it is his parents fault because they do participate in activities with there kids but they do not keep an eye on him. what they do is pay there younger son to snitch on chuck but really what kind of parent is that?!! i know his family and the whole family is a bunch of rich snobs that thinks there better than everyone else and have it all. i dare say, not now they dont. i do say that chuck got what he deserved and hopefully will learn a great lot from this. this crime is a good example of karma. GOD BLESS KARMA
ok everyone talking bad about them. have you read now? now you all look stupid..get to know someone before you run your mouth
Karma, What is Karma
What about the children who are abused or neglected by their parents, Is that karma? What about the children who are born with disabilities? Is that Karma?
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