Beware of the Capitol Meat Company coming door to door right now in Salisbury. We have readers who claim they have been ripped off in the past and today when one of them asked the sales person for their permit they fumbled around in their van for a while and came back stating someone must have taken it out of the van.
Folks, if they come to your door, as them to produce their permit or get the heck out of there. The City of Salisbury requires them to have a Permit.
i had these men come to me last year.. no matter how many times i said i just couldnt afford it.. i was on food stamps at the time... they kept going and going and going till i felt like all i could do is buy some just for them to leave.
They're the BIGGEST rip off and the meat is the worst. DO NOT BUY FROM THEM!!!!!
they have tried to stop by my place, but the glare i gave them from the yard made them leave before exiting the vehicle
Yesterday, they were in Hebron, in a Blue Ford Ranger
What about out in the county? Can they sell outside city limits? Not sure why anyone would buy meat out of a truck with the guys I've seen driving it!
They came to my house this time last year and one looked like a crack head and the other looked like a gang member. Scary looking people. I was scarerd to even open the door to them so i just opened the screen and told them i wasnt interested
The photo is too small to be sure but it looks like:
It appears that they do not sell anything out of a truck at all but rather deliver orders that are already placed. I suppose a driver could try to hustle on their own but a call to the number listed on their website should put a halt to that.
a lot of their meats are absolutely disgusting and they pressure you very hard into buying something immediately....they are a joke...don't buy from them
Yeah two guys came to my house and asked if i wanted to buy any meat or seafood. They asked questions about whether my parents were home. I told my brother to go up and grab the shotgun before i opened the door just in case because they looked a little sketchy. But they just left when i told them I wasn't interested.
They were operating out of a van like the one in the picture, last weekend in my neighborhood between Delmar and Salisbury. Let our daughter (15) answer the door and she told them we weren't available, and he left without giving her a raft of s**t. Later in the day I went out and when I came back, the van was parked on the edge of the street and several (4-6) of them were standing in the street behind the van talking about I-don't-know-what. They were not dressed professionally (nice pants and a polo-type shirt for example) but were in casual shorts & (tee) shirts not tucked in. If you have a clearly posted and legible sign to that effect in front of your property, then as soon as they set so much as a toenail over your property line they are trespassing.
They came to my house off Snow Hill Rd. I went to the door and seen their van and turned around and went back to what I was doing.
They came to our neighborhood, Pemberton Drive, around Nov/Dec. I thought they looked pretty sketchy as well. Not only were the selling meats then, it was football jerseys. What a joke, and who knows what else they sell out that van. I have seen them around quite a bit. Hopefully it won't be in my driveway anytime soon.
don't let them fool you with the "piece count" in the boxes. check out the weights, the cuts, the burger then YOU do the math. It comes out to over 7 bucks a pound for frozen meat. THIS INCLUDES THE HAMBURGER!
Anytime food is sold in the state of maryland these people need a food service license thru the health department. I dont think they could even get a license for such an operation. The man told me he had more meet than he needed and had to sell it. I told him to sell it elsewhere!
they came to my sons house and wanted to sell him some meat. He told them his entire family was vegitarian not thinking his wife was cooking ribs on the grill and they sure did smell good.? They went away.
That van was at the country farm store on Gordy rd just about 1 1/2hrs ago, toting a couple boxes of meat into the store....
I have asked them to produce a health department license and they never have one. How is it fair that our local businesses when they need to jump through hoops to be licensed and these jokers are selling meat out of the back of their vans. Shady if you ask me. Maybe someone should look into them.
Also per the county sheriffs office the need a permit to sell any where in the county.
A friend of mine said they where down in pocomoke also,lord only knows how many of these guys r going around trying to sell meats..
Two guy's in a small black pick-up pulled into my driveway on Monday, just as i was trying to leave, actually blocked me in! White guy get's out of the car and asks me if I want to buy some meat or seafood. The black guy, stayed in the truck, I made sure to make eye contact with him, he avoided me like the plague! The white guy insisted I look at the product. I asked him for his business brochure, which did not contain any sort of legal documentation that he was legit! He explained that my neighbor just purchased a bunch of meat, I asked him to see a copy of their invoice, all he did was fumble around and choke on his words...The guys have been scoping out the Hebron area. Folks watch out, they seem less than trustworthy.
Thanks Joe,
Kim from Hebron
They came to Delmar Crossing a few months ago.. I just happen to be home sick that day.. the man kept knocking... and I was thinking to myself if he knocks on this damn door one more time.. then KNOCK KNOCK KNCOK.. So I answered the door "WHAT!" He was like do you want to buy some meat.. I said no I an a vegetarian... (im not) and he was like well you dont eat chicken? I was like NOOOO he was like well dont your family members eat meat? I was like isnt there a "No Soliciting" sign on this property? dumbasssses!
they buy the meats that are stolen from local grocery stores and repackage it to sell to you. Don't buy from them at all, they are supporting the thieves that cause your grocery store prices to skyrocket.
I have heard of alot of meat companies as such but this is a new one, some are wonderful and some are a rip off, if they dont have an enclosed unit to keep the meat and freezer in (such as a van or a canopy top)then they prob dont have health inspectors license, scarry, also they should have their company name and phone number on their vehicle and dressed in some sort of uniform, also ask for their business license or solicitors/peddlers permit, if all of the above are not met, call the cops, however if they are legit than they have passed a background check and it is safe to buy and the company has nothing to hide, just beware! it is a very conveniant way to buy and you can catch some great deals if you are buying from the right company, if they are not licensed that means they are not paying taxes to the community and their dues to do business and are prob ripping off your community.
THIS company is a ripoff but you people ared the biggest bunch of snobs I have ever encountered. You should all be rounded up and shot.
never delt with this company but i have sold meat door to door for 17 years. I sell quality products and I know a lot of guys in the industry just like me we just try to make a living just like everyone else so please dont be to hard on the door to door meat salesmen. I know there are bad apples in the industry but there are an all industries just think about it thanks
These Capital Meats salesman have been coming to my home in Southern MD now every week for months. We have asked them nicely to leave and when my husband got firm for them to get off our property the salesmen got very mean and used terrible language. My husband and I are elderly and do not need this type of stress. The last time they drove all around our property. We call the local police and they informed us to call them the next time they came back. Well sure enough they were back today. Again my husband told them to get off our property. They stay screaming at my husband. I immediately called the police and they found them a little ways from my home and check them out and found out they did not have a peddlers license to go door to door like they are doing. They were told to leave the county. The police told us we have rights to keep them off our property and to call again if ever they show up. You can best bet if they show up again, the police will be called!!!
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