Dear Friends:
The above attachment is what I was handed at Peninsula Orthopaedic Associates, March 30th, for my appointment with Dr. Kang. Needless to say I told them I would not be back because I cannot afford to pay for Obama's Health Care. There are addresses in the attachment if you Old Folks wish to address this matter. I knew it was coming. I did not realize it would be today. This is just the beginning.
That's just not very nice - "if you old folks wish to address the problem". Well, if it wasn't for you "young folks" who voted for this fool, we wouldn't be in this situation, would we?
Thought you could afford anything!!!
I do have problems with a physicians' group issuing such a letter. Since older people are those most likely to need such orthopedic surgery as knee or hip replacement, just what are they supposed to do? I am fortunate to have a good supplementary insurance (I am over 65), but so many seniors cannot afford such coverage. Welcome to the world of ObamaCare. I'm sure that you haven't seen anything yet.
Doctors doing their own lobbying. gotta love it and by the way since the Health Care bill does not take effect til 2014, its not today.
Wow. I was just in that very same office Monday but never received that paper. Craziness..the whole darn thing is just plain overkill and is going to lead to so many problems for the working America.
This is definately Obama care in the making. Its here....its real.....so get ready! I bet all the kool aid drinkers wish they would have seen this coming but oh no! He (king Obama had the all fooled! I have elderly parents and they are really worried what is going to happen to them now that Medicare is no longer accepted at alot of places...and more coming.
To all you liberals of the world - are you happy now?
deos this mean "new" medicare patients, or "all" medicare patients?
call kratovil and complain! bombard him with calls.
he's gone in november, so he probably doesn't care. but do it anyway.
Doctors in America are taking a 21% cut in reimbursement from Medicare patients starting April 1, 2010; there is a ten day window to submit claims secodnary to the Congress being on vacation this week. This is separate from the main bill, that's why it's being enacted sooner.
Hey Doctors - why don't you cry me a river about how poor you are while you drive your Benz home to your 5000 square foot house?
Can you read? All of you complaining and saying that this is Obama's fault should be able to figure out that this is an EXISTING problem! This is NOT a result of the health care bill, it is the result of YEARS of ignoring a coming helath care crisis in America as the country ages. So what you should be doing is asking for an even more aggressive health care plan, not less!
A lot of the private insurance companies take a year or better to pay the bill anyway. Country is broke, the old America is gone. If you sacrifice your sanity and inner peace to have the American dream, what have you gained & what have you lost. How much time you got left?
OMG - Does that mean these guys have to take a pay cut of a few 100k? Another reason to avoid the guys & their x-ray counterparts - folks in Easton are even better & more professional Docs IMHO.
These doctors have a lot of nerve. Let them dump Medicare patients, it will bite them in the ass in the end.
For those that believe these cuts and reductions for medical care are unreasonalbe (since medicare deductions were taken from their pay) and would like to express same to their elected representative at the federal level, may call the U. S. Capitol switch board and ask for any Senator's or Congressmen's office by name, and you will be connected.
The number is: 877 SOB USOB or for those that want the numerals: 877 762 8762.
It probably would not hurt for them to receive a few phone calls,
but please refrain from calling anyone a SOB.
You people disgust me. Did you not read the letter? It said that the cost of surgery would outweigh the reimbursement that Medicare provides doctors. Therefore, if a doctor performs surgery on you, he loses money. Doctors are running a business; don't complain because they are so successful. If you had higher education for 15 years, you probably would be too.
9:22 screams "liberals" but complains because the supposedly the State is not providing coverage. A little confused aren't we?
Shouldn't conservatives be the champions of dismantling medicare/medicade/social security. According to their political ideaology they should be, but then again that would force them to lose quite a few voters, hmmmm. I get a bit of "socialism" isn't so bad.
The last time I checked those young folks are going to be old folks some day.Everyone should be heard, if you can not pay for your knee surgery or anything else
that has been changed due to Obamcare let you voice be heard. Sit in front of the Politians office, call the TV News people, ask why this health care plan is good enough for you but not for the politians.
factually incorrect. The doctor fix has been passed and there will not be a 21% decrease in reimbursements. That office is trying to scare people with lies, and I will never patronize their business because of it.
Yeah these doctors have a lot of nerve going to school for 10 years then pay off school loans and pay outrageous liability insurance. The jealous socialists are screaming in here.
I have been with these people since 4/1/1971 fifty years from an auto accident and at present I have medicare and BC/BS Carefirst as my second coverage. I will be calling them tomorrow and find out where I stand.
3:28 I did click on it and it still was not large enough. Thanks for the suggestion.
Maybe everyone can just start paying cash for doctor visits and surgery and then just do their own work to get their money from the insurance, the pubic would look at this different then
Ok, for all you idiots that think Doctors make too much money and drive expensive cars. Why not pay a guy who drives a clunker & ownes a poctet knife to do your surgery. These guys do awesome work and we are blessed to have them in the area.
3:19 Lets see if the doctor doesn't do surgery in surgery centers & OR rooms at hospitals, we wouldn't need OR nurses & OR rooms. Sounds like they help employ people and provide needed services.
I for one am glad my doctors are good enough that they can afford a nice car.
It all boils down to class envy. Go hug a rich person today. They are the ones who provide jobs, do surgery and have dedicated much of thier life to make a positive difference to society.
My question is this, What are you doing besides bitching because everything is not free. Get off your lazy asses make yourself rich. It's this mentality that has given us Obama
This office dropped our insurance company when it wouldn't reimburse quickly enough. Not exactly my problem--I couldn't get the company to reimburse any quicker.
Perhaps their overhead has gotten them in over their heads.
Keep cutting and they'll have no patients at all, except for those who can pay when treated.
I know many of you are upset about this but it makes me sad to see such negativity toward physicians. It is very clear to me that folks are speaking how they feel without really knowing how the entire system works. You have to have an understanding of how the system works before you can start posting things AGAINST doctors. This is not their fault. Do doctors make a good living? Sure they do. Do they not deserve to make a decent living? These guys heal people every day, they are professionals who have gone to school for 10 years and have paid back serious school loans. They pay extremely high malpractice bills (because attorneys sue them at the drop of a hat). Why do they order tests? ........to rule out anything that may potentially cause them to be sued by you later on! Malpractice insurance runs at least $30,000 / year per doctor. Outrageous! They pay premiums for both themselves and their employees (we all know that premiums are a joke ......$300 / month for terrible benefits). Why are we not saying anything about these greedy insurance companies?!!!!! Their CEO's make MILLIONS each year. In response to one of the posters who said doctors charge Medicare for what they want ......not so- again, a case of you have NO IDEA how the system works. Medicare pays physicians a set fee. Let's say they pay a physician $60. for an office visit (this is typical). The doctors charge may be $100. but it doesn't matter.....the doctor is going to get paid that $60. (cut that by 21% now).......why even bother practicing medicine. And as far as charging for what they want? Afraid not- Medicare (and other insurances) deny claims left and right for reasons that are totally unacceptable just so they don't have to pay the doctor. I'll tell you what ......we are in for a world of hurt. Those of you who feel like this is in some way the physicians fault and you don't want to go to them anymore.........the choice may not be yours anymore. You may not have the option to go to a doctor. I know 4 physicians who's fathers were MD's. Each of these 4 doctors has kids - none of these kids are in school to become a physician (nor do they have any desire to do so). We are headed for a major physician shortage. I could continue on giving you multiple examples of how this is not the physicians fault and trying to make clear how the system works but it is much much more complicated than this. Take the time, get educated about this, and then speak to your politicians and help to educate them because I tell you right now .......the politicians have no clue what they are doing or how things (in REAL LIFE work). Some of the things that are in this new reform bill are CLEARLY not going to save money but going to cost a whole lot more! You think your health insurance premiums are bad now? Ha! Mark this blog and come back to it next year (I'll be saying I told you so).....they are going to get much worse under this system. You see my friends- they are trying to force us out of private health insurance coverage and under the one payer system. Who is that ONE payer? UNCLE SAM! I feel bad that some people are giving POA a bad rap for their letter .......all they are doing is telling you the truth and being up front. I suppose you would have rather walked in next month and been told- "sorry, we don't take your insurance". BTW ....we have wonderful healthcare right here in Salisbury (top notch)- just as good as in Baltimore and DC. You laugh, but it is true. Another case of people just not knowing the real truth about healthcare and how it works. So get in your cars, waste your money on gas going to the "big institution" but I tell you now...we have some of the best care and most compassionate physicians right here in Salisbury. God help us all under this new system (perhaps physicians need the most help of all).
I believe much of the healthcare cost problems are a vicious circle...courts allowing frivolous/ridiculous lawsuits against docs (I DO realize some of them are necessary), docs then raise prices to pay inflated insurance premiums which pay for the lawsuits, and personal healthcare insurance prices are raised and we end up paying higher doctor/hospital/insurance fees. Sadly, docs and hospitals also bill fraudulently and/or in error, which makes it all worse. Yes, doctors do go to college for many years and pay huge tuitions, but does that mean they have to have multiple expensive cars, etc., and rip off the general public? No ethics there, just greed. And what happened to the Hypocratic Oath? One more idea...why can't hospital emergency rooms refuse to see non-emergency patients and refer them to the health dept? This would save taxpayers a fortune, save financial losses for the hospitals, and certainly shorten the wait time by hours! I am sick of people that use PRMC as a doctor's office for minor ailments and most likely not paying the bills!
Prescription for trouble. No matter what you think of the health-care overhaul, doctors should not impose their political views on patients.
It's not a political view .....it's FACT! Ugh .....the stupidity seeping from some of these comments! Yep- doctors are to blame ....let's get rid of them all and medicate ourselves and perform our own surgeries! Damn'it all to hell!! They should only be paid what the average working citizen is paid. They do NOT deserve a nice car I tell you. They should all have to drive clunkers like us! Get rid of 'em I tell you! I can do my own knee replacement surgery. In fact, I'm going to open up shop soon. I'm not a physician but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night!
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