Mr. Albero
I was hoping you could put this on your website. My wife and I found the cutest little poodle-looking dog wandering around our yard this afternoon. She doesn't have any tags or ID. She looks like she's been out in the weather for a while, so we've bathed her and given her some food. We live in the area of Ontario & Atlantic Avenues.
I don't want to send her to the Humane Society just yet since you seem to have pretty good success getting pet owners reunited with their pets. I took this picture of the dog with my wife. Can you help out and see if one of your readers knows someone missing a dog?
Jason Suden
That's a Bichon Frise.
that looks nothing like a poodle.
Gee wiz the owners of this dog ought to be ashamed of themselves.the poor dog going for days with no food & water,thats really sad. i hope they (owners) go on for months without meal or water.they don't deserve to own any pets.the owners should be blind-folded and taken to an unknown destination far away and released and try to find their way home.
Gee wiz thats ashame the poor doggie going days with no food or water.i think the owners ought to be ashamed of themselves.how would they feel if the shoe was on the other foot.they(owners) should be taken blind-folded to a far far away place with no food or water and try to survive let alone find their way back home.
That is a lap dog and should not be left outside alone for Any reason. Please find a loving home for that precious pup who needs to be pampered and spoiled rotten!
I remember not long ago an older lady had lost her dog, which I think they said was a poodle. Don't know if there is a connection here or not, Joe would tell you I'm sure.
Anyway, If you don't find the owner , I will take her in. I have plenty of business references here In Salisbury along with church referances also. Contact: 410-742 5692
anonymous 7:04, they are not related. Her poodle was much older and dying.
If this poor lost dog is not found by her/his owners, please don't take the dog to the pound. I will adopt the dog myself. I am ready, willing and able to give a small dog a loving home. Joe knows how to contact me if you can't locate the true owner which I hope for the dog and owner you do. If you can't, please let me know.
Cindy W.
Try to hold on to her& find a good home for her yourself if the owners not found in a few days. Let's hope someone recognizes who she belongs to! She's a high maintance dog but so cute!
Try to hold on to her& find a good home for her yourself if the owners not found in a few days. Let's hope someone recognizes who she belongs to! She's a high maintance dog but so cute!
Who knows what may have happened with this sweet little thing? I had a darling dog like this many years ago in my arms when I was jumped by a big dog trying to get at it.
My Gem wriggled loose, took off under some bushes and through a fence with that big black dog after her.
I was frantic (not to mention hurt some too)! She had never been away from me before. It was a week before I got her back.
Yeah I will definitely adopt that dog if you don't find the owners :)
7:41 You are right, many things can happen---BUT----responsible pet owners have their dogs micro chipped or collars with ID on them. Lucky for this little one that she was found by someone who took her in, she could have been killed on the road or by a larger animal! Hang on to her, don't take her to the pound!!!!! Hope the owners found---if not---find a good one for her!
7:04, thank you for remembering, my mom has not found her dog (Peppie). When I first saw this post my heart skipped. What a Mothers Day Gift it would have been. With what she has gone through and still needing the skin graft, she wants a dog. I would love to give this little girl to her. Please if her owner is not found and she needs a great home let me know. Millie cell # 410-422-9851
dogs come out of collars and if a dog is microchipped how will you know if you don't take it to the pound or vet...and why do most people think the pounds kill all dogs...they are adopting out alot of dogs...and posting lost ones...check out their website
Most reputable vets will scan an animal for you free of charegeespecially if you are trying to find it's owner.
I think about your Mom and Peppie each time I pass Esham road. I was wondering how your mother was the last post on here made it sound like she wasn't doing well. Seems shes doing better. Im glad to hear that.
These are quite expensive dogs. Surprising that no one has claimed her. A lot of time older people have these dogs, maybe they don't use a computer.
Has this dog's owner been found?
Jason, has anyone come forward? If not please call me before you take her anywhere. millie @ cell 410-422-9851 or 410-341-4536 map
1:22, GREAT, thank you still lol map
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