Ladies & Gentlemen, it has been one full year since Chief David See stepped down as the Chief of the Salisbury Fire Department.
In the first round of interviews for a new Chief, we exposed how acting Chief Hoppes was not qualified and another top runner being considered was up on alleged charges for sexual harassment.
Clearly Bill Gordy was not playing fair and Mayor Ireton saw right through the bull. However, now 1 year has passed and quite frankly with the job market being in favor for the City, how is it they have not filled the position to date.
Bill Gordy has returned after several weeks of recovering from what was reported as stress related time off. Today he was seen in uniform calling out the Hazmat Team for a simple petroleum spill. Someone probably over filled their gas tank. Gordy will do anything to keep that Hazmat Team operating, even if its not necessary. I will say this however, Firefighters are not too happy he chose to return. Looks like his days are numbered as well.
Can we get some answers Mr. Ireton?
I saw Bill Gordy driving that fire chiefs car today and I must say I was thoroughly disgusted. I am sick of that wasteful spender and the way he is single handedly running a city fire department. He has also single handedly ruined that fire department. I thought HELP WAS ON THE WAY??
He's too busy giving the SPD furlow days!
who do you think should be chief?
Anonymous said...
2:52 I don't think so scooter, no one on the career side is capable enough to be chief. The Mayor should hire and make one of the volunteers chief, everyone promoted from the career side has totally screwed the dept.up look at past history, I rest my case.
5:24 PM
Why don't you sign your name buddy. The Salisbury Fire Department doesn't need any one like you, career or volunteer. People like you are what is ruining the department and that needs to change. One good thing about promoting from within is that person would know the trouble makers like yourself and weed you out.
Nice call SR aka Anon 5:24 PM. Way to bash the career guys. They all think you're quite the joke to cowboy.
Not Hoppes and Not Gordy! If I had my choice it would be Bryan Records or Larry Dodd, but you already knew that so why ask.
Records wouldn't do it, period. Dodd is the most qualified over anyone who has applied. Hoppes is the least qualified, with all due respect. Gordy is just an idiot who will spend, spend, spend and then when the City runs dry he'll pack has a-hole bags and move to Florida and laugh the whole way down there. Tilghman was just too stupid to see through his BS.
I hope to god that who ever comes in and takes the job finally puts these volunteers in there place. Gordy has them brain washed to the point that they think they are relevant. It's hilarious. Hire a volunteer as chief? Are you kidding? There isn't one, and I mean one volunteer in Salisbury that has the brains to take over. Peace out hoppes and Gordy. You are as forgetfull as my morning dump. And to the new chief who ever you are(dodd), please rid us of the biggest problem of the sfd... The ticks that think they make a difference.
Mr Dodd has no respect from any ,embers either Career or Volunteer. He has never commanded an incident larger than a car fire. The troops have watched him run from calls and threaten to turn in his Paramedic card. Is that the right choice for a Chief ? NO ! Salisbury has enough trobles without adding a person who absolutely nobody will follow. Sneaky,plotting and two faced are just some of his qualities.
As For Records, no way he would do it. Great leader and knows his stuff, but cant stand politians. If you knew him at all you would have never mentioned him.
The Mayor has one shot left to get it right. The process has been tainted so far and the membership is disgusted. Make the wrong choice and there will be hell to pay. This has been politics at there very best. They have no business in the fire service.
anonymous 8:55, that's NOT your choice now, is it. YOU have absolutely nothing to say about it so with all due respect, you guys asked me a question, I answered it. You guys sound like a bunch of spoiled babies in a man's world.
This city must be capable of getting rid of Hoppes and Gordy. Why are they still around? Terrible for the budget and terrible for morale.
Having his son put into a command position was a totally bogus act. It shows he doesn't really care about the department. He treats it like it is a toy.
This is sad and embarrassing to me, a Salisbury tax payer and resident. The chief's position is a paid professional career position and needs to be treated as such. It is not a popularity contest. No Gordy you can't always have your way. I can't believe that no one in the SFD is qualified for this position and if there is then they need to be promoted up. What a shame it brings on our city officials that our town can't work as a team. That the one career where people need to work together for the safety of our city are babbling like babies. Why are we always given outside people the opportunity to take over our jobs. These outsiders have no vested interest in our community. Again this is a professional career.. why would a person ever work at a career if they are never going to have the opportunity to reach the top. Look at the most qualified, educated and length of service within the SFD then choose. It would save our tax money in training, and provide another opening within the dept. for another firefighter to move up in rank. This is the most ethical and professional way of handling this and how you go about the hiring process of any career. I have faith Mr. Mayor will do the right thing for the people that voted him in office........
Hello 8:38, go back to school like the rest of the "ticks" and learn grammer. To 7:38, write your name too because you are worthless as my morning dump and the one in the afternoon too. You want Dodd get him because you will really do some work like you are supposed to do (cleaning and taking out the trash). Thats why you were hired to clean for the vollies. LMFAO! How do you weed us out by the way? Raise the taxes and hire more paid maids that will be the day! Like to see that happen. To tell you the truth, you can't handle the truth paid maids!!! Now get off the computer and get back to work paid pricks.
Larry Dodd for chief! He would be great. He wouldn't take any of this volunteer crap. It would be fun watching him tell them and Gordy to go jump. Anonymous 8:55pm don't get mad and threatened about the Dodd. I know it makes you jealous but maybe he'll keep you around a little bit when he makes chief. As far as mr records... He's an awful choice for chief. Great leader he is not, and he would let his personal views get in the way of making decisions. Plus, we need someone that will stand up to the puppet master Gordy and I just don't think he is the man for the job. No offense mr albero. I bet volunteers are shaking in their little boots right now. A firefighter/PARAMEDIC in charge. It will be a good change for this department.
Acting Chief Rick Hoppes is telling everyone that Mayor Ireton told him that one of the top two candidates has dropped out of the process. If that is the case then appoint the one that is left and move on. The city has been without a dedicated fire chief for almost a year. Mayor Ireton do the right thing this week. Thank you!
8:55 PM,
You obviously have a personal vendetta against this person. I was going to say you obviously don't know him, but it is obvious you do. You are jealous and intimidated by someone who actually works in the department. You are someone who believes in the good ole boy system so you decide to spew slanderous and false information in an attempt to make a good candidate look bad. If you feel strongly about your accusations then you would have signed your name. You are gutless and spineless. You are someone the City of Salisbury does not need.
By the way it is politicians!
Wow 855 sounds like the same career officer that is on a mission to hurt the Salisbury Fire Department. I guess you didn't get the memo from up town or you refuse to listen as usual. I know who you are and I will testify against you with evidence of everything you told me. You are scared because you are not qualified to be in the position you are in.
Is it not a slap in the face to Salisbury that our city can't find a qualified person within the fire dept. either career or volunteer to fill this position.....or did Gordy have his hand in that one too...Gordy you disgrace our city.
Who produces these fake Press Releases? You can tell they are just aimed at promoting the career guys. That clearly shows who the problem is. Over paid and lazy career guys who are bitter becasuse they pull on there hoses all day and call it a career.
Just an interesting observation...one commentor speaks in a derogatory manner towards another calling them spineless for not signing their name and yet fails to add their own signature to such a statement...irony at its finest.
Anonymous 1:33 AM Said: "Hello 8:38, go back to school like the rest of the "ticks" and learn grammer."
Maybe Anonymous 1:33 should take his own advice!!!!!
8:56 whats wrong with it grammer police. oh i forgot a , in that statement. What else is wrong point it out since you know.
"On a mission to hurt the Salisbury Fire Department". They do a great job of hurting themselves without any assistance. You should be a detective with your ability to accurately pinpoint the identity of posters here. You should run for Chief.
7:30 Gee I did not see your name either there BUDDY, You over paid punk azz paiad doushebag, The vollies by the way are not shaking in their little boots, but the cateer guys are, They need to cut some jobs put the 6back on the engine and FIRE the rest so they can get a real job, woulden't that be a joke seeing some of em with a real job, I would laugh my azz off. HAHA.
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