During the last winter snow storm the building shown above collapsed and is still in the exact same condition it was a few months ago.
Now, I can only wonder, is there a special internal moratorium in Code and Compliance for these kind of things?
The Good Old Boys, you gotta love it!
Probably taking the insurance company this long to do there jobs.
In the real world, The insurance Company may be looking for a way not to cover it or holding on to the money as long as they can. Their money is invested and they hold on as long as they make money on their investment. They hate to pay out but love you to pay in.
On the other hand, in the city It is according to who you are. Some have free reign and others have to tow the mark. There are older people on their knees digging grass from the cracks in the sidewalks for fear of a fine. Others have meadows growing on their lots all summer. Figure that out/
While many of the city departments are suffering budget cuts and furloughs the code compliance office is getting a new employee. They are also getting pay raises while everyone else is getting furloughs. WTF!!
These guys have no formal training or education. They also don't have any certifications to prove their credentialing.
Hey Jimmy they are remnants left over from the Tilghman administration and they didn't want you to be the Mayor. They supported Comegys for Mayor.
Help is on the Way!!
The people who own it..there name is not JOE!
Maybe if you had of cleared the snow off of it like you did for everyone else it would not have fell down.
stick your nose somewhere else.
Code & Compliance is a joke.
New employee. Hes already there.
They bring in fine money. More officers = more fine money.Whole department should be dismissed. Replaced my decent people with character and formaal training
Tom Stevenson and Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance is a joke and should be disbanded. Those people aren't qualified or certified to be employed anywhere. They are nothing more than Weed Nazi's who harass elderly homeowners instead of going after the real criminals, the slumlords.
Within a few months time I got ticketed by the city for boat trailer not attached to vehicle, boat trailer license plate expired, car parked briefly the wrong way several times, including my elderly parents car, untagged vehicle IN MY DRIVEWAY, no visible permit for a fence repair and on and on. The STATE POLICE were called to remove the boat trailer. I have seen untagged cars on the street, boat trailers unhitched from the vehicle on the street and so on. Guess it makes some people happy to hassle someone for personal reasons.
Yea, that'll get fixed about the same time these terrible roads get fixed. I'd love to see one of these 'powers that be' have to ride on Fire Tower Road in Hebron everyday. It's horrible and they've done nothing about it...oh, except add permanent "rough road" signs to let you know you're in for a bumpy ride. Our tax dollars are paying for what again?....
well it is city law that no car or car-like item can sit on a lot of a home with out tags and current ones at that... Move to the county, u don't pay city taxes :-) or deal with their BS :-)
But then you got the county people doing the same thing lmao
When the city council changes the 3 to 2 ratio maybe Jim will will be able to purge that department. It is favorable to slumlords right now. They kept Barrie Tilghman in office. She owed them. The council still belongs to Barrie Tilghman. They make the Legislation under direction of the city attorney. That is another office ripe for a change.I suggest they close the Neighborhood services and dismiss everyone there and start with honest people. If there are honest people there they are guilty by association. This is the REAL story.
The city code compliance people aren't so bad. A friend of mine loves them for cracking down on a nasty house. I think they had their hands tied under Tilghman. Plus the bad laws that the old council and the three current pains made. Now that Mayor Ireton has a year under his belt maybe he can get that department going in the right direction.
Anonymous said...
The city code compliance people aren't so bad. A friend of mine loves them for cracking down on a nasty house. I think they had their hands tied under Tilghman. Plus the bad laws that the old council and the three current pains made. Now that Mayor Ireton has a year under his belt maybe he can get that department going in the right direction.
7:24 PM
They are all bad employees and they owe their allegience to Barrie Tilghman. Ireton is to stupid to realize that.
The right direction is Out The door. Can't be slick , crooked all this time and just change directions overnight, like a dog that eats your chickens. Just tell him to stop then turn your head. They all Have to go. They been taking under the table money too long to want to change now.
3:57 You mean to tell me that if I live in the city and have a boat, I cannot park it in my driveway? Interesting
Ireton needs to fire Mayor Pick and his assistant mayor Chambers then move on to the attorney and the CPA running finance. Once he gets rid of that bunch of bad apples everyone else will fall in line knowing that there is no job security.
We can only dream that Ireton would do what is right.
John Pick agrees with whom ever writes his check. No morals there either
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