Salisbury News has been informed that there has been a home explosion on Dogwood Lane in Laurel, Delaware. Numerous Fire Departments have been dispatched as well as three Ambulances and now they've called in for more Ambulances. More to come.....
UPDATE: Joe. I just heard the med report to PRMC. Two kids one adult hurt. The house is leveled. The 3 year old has several fractures. Not heard on condition of the others.
PLlease keep us updated Im in Laurel and very close to the area where the explosion happened
Lots of ambulances, etc. Heard 3 adults and a child trapped inside house.Some speculating meth lab since there was no fire.explosion was felt miles away
10:45 I was thinking the same thing
No, it was a propane leak.. people just moved in yesterday.. what are the odds
fireman on scene indicates LAB.
fireman on the scene is wrong..PROPANE LEAK..
Let's all pray for those children...regardless of the cause, innocent people were severely injured, and praying for thier quick and total recovery should be our first concern.
I agree with Mardela, right now is not the time to point fingers. It is the time to pray, wish and hope for the best before stepping forward to help the child(ren) involved return to some type of normalcy.
just to let you all know the explosion was due to propain or natural gas. I know this family. they had only been there a couple of house they just moved there stuff there over the weekend and had just moved in monday how. this family can use all your prayers the family are at 3 different hospitals. these poor kids loss everything one has a birthday in a couple days and lost everything. don't believe everything you hear.
how in the earth could it have been a meth explosion when they only was there a couple of hours think about it........
Install some more of that flexable gas line without proper inspection and you will see more of this. Run gas line in steel threaded pipe, anything else is crazy.
9:30 -
Actually, the line run by Eastern SHore Gas underground to my house caused an explosion. It had leaked underground for so long that the ground was saturated with gas. Rain pushed it up, out of the ground, and into the house. Whenever we got a good rain, we called them for 8 years. They were unconcerned because it was an outside leak.
AFter it finally blew p part of our home, they got concerned. Even those who supposedly know what they are doing don't always. It was amusing to watch their unskilled workers for the next few months . . .
You people are quick to point fingers in you or so perfect life! Meth lab? Seriously? Get a life!
i know the family 2 kids and both parnets where hurt 2 kids and 1 parent flown to john hopkins parents are hurt more then the 2 kids . 2 kids one needed surgery today and both kids should be able to come home soon. this family lost everything they had one of the little boys birthday is in a couple of days. praying that someone sets up a fundraiser for them. prayers are what they need and support. thank you all for your well wishes praise God they are all safe and alive homes and stuff can be replaced not lives
Does anyone know if this family was originally from Laurel area before they moved ?? What were their names.. then maybe someone can pull together and help.. what are they ages/sexes of the children?
I have boy's clothing from newborn to size 5. Please post the sizes, etc. as I would really like to help in some way. Thank you!
First and foremost, prayers go out to this family and the children. Thank god they were protected by Jesus. Second of all, amongst all of the chaos last night. My daughter inlaw was in the emergency room. I believe it was almost 2 a.m. in the morning. I noticed 2 men in blue uniforms later being told they were salisbury ems keep entering the emergency room time after time with several different patients.The nurse explained how it was one of the childrens birthday. The same 2 gentlemen at about 2 a.m. the pulled up to the doors and unloaded what looked to be an ambulance full of toys and gifts for the 3 little boys who had sufferred apparent burns from the explosion. I asked the nurse to find out there names so that they could somehow be recognized however she was not sure. The 2 men walked in with tons of gifts and then quietly made an exit before even speaking with the parents of the victims. I just thought this was such a great example of passion to help others without recognition. Kudos to all involved in the rescue efforts and to those 2 unsung hero's who made that childs birthday better then what it could have been.
Sue Brumbley
To:Joe and everyone else, I live right down the road (Portsville)from this horrible tragedy. I am willing to us my garage as a drop off point for any donations to help this family with anything they need. No money will be accepted, just useable donations for the family. If we need to setup a fund for this famiy we can use a local bank. Does any one have any infomation on the clothes sizes? or what can be done to help. I am willing to do what ever I can.
You can reach me at: servicemgr@comcast.net
this email is for Gail she is the Jason Bradfords sister ( Jason Bradford is the dad that was hurt) If they have any question or any donation for clothes and stuff here is her email meandbilly@comcast.net
Wboc is going to set up a bank account for money donation.
this family is very thankful for your prayers
Thank you for your prayers. :) Update of the laurel family (my cousins). The oldset son Jason Jr got out and is doing fine, thank god. The two youngest were taking to John Hopkins where I have just left from. The second oldest Austin has a broken wrist that they put a cast on as well as a cast from his right foot up to his chest. Logan the younest has a cast from his right foot up to his chest as well.(They had a broking bone near there hip) They both have been releasd an are on there way home.The father Jason Sr is still the hospital with a broking back and both arms are broken by the elbow. The mother Heather was at John Hopkins Bayview who is now in stable condtion. Thank you for praying for the family they really do appreciate it.
Yes, the oldest son (Jason Jr) birthday will be tommrow and he really loves batman and all his new toys were in the house.
There ages are 2,3,and6, they were sizes 6, 4 and 3 (all boys) The father wears pants size 38w32L shirt size xxl the mother wears pants size 0 and shirt size small.
If there is any donations that you would like to make please contact Gail @ 302-362-5351 or meandbilly@comcast.net for more information thanks again
This is gail Bradford, the sister of the family who's house exploded. If my cell phone is busy please call 302-875-3454. I will return your calls asap. Please keep my family in your thoughts and your prayers today. Jayson SR. is going down for surgery on his back today
Bennett Assistance Fund has been set up at Wilmington Trust Bank in Seaford Delaware (Stein Highway Branch). Attn: Ms. West
This is to benefit Bennett/Bradford family. It is official and anyone may donate. It was set up by people who really care!
Stolen copper gas lines caused the blast that destroyed a home in Laurel on Monday and put the residents to the hospital, the state Fire Marshal's Office announced Friday.
"The leak was caused by the copper lines located beneath the dwelling being cut and stolen prior to the victim's moving into the residence," the marshal's office stated in a release.
The family had just moved into their home on Dogwood Lane in Laurel when the explosion demolished the house, sending the residents to the hospital with injuries ranging from burns to broken bones.
The marshal's office has requested anyone with information concerning the theft of copper lines or copper wiring to call the office at 302-856-5600, the Del. State Police Troop 4 at 302-856-5850, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333.
Someone made a wish on wish upon a hero for this family... I did a search and found this article... So wanted to pass this along.. It has info on what sizes the kids wear and all.. It says Boys 2t, 4t and size 6 Boys are clothing sizes..
My thoughts and prayers are being sent to this family.. Horrible, they just moved into this house, SOO SAD.. I pray everyone will be ok.. Them poor lil kiddos...
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