I’m so sick to hear that the unemployment rate is still over 10% and all I can see is non-citizens having a job. I took this after leaving my apartment at my lunch break where the people cutting the grass were non-citizens as well. What is wrong with the USA? Any idiot can figure it out. BTW this is at the corner of MD Route 50 and Civic Avenue.
how do you know these people are NOT citizens? because they are brown?
and you know that they are not American citizens.......how? Because of the color of their skin? They showed you a birth certificate when you asked?
How do YOU know they are?
Kerrie, Hell, our own President won't show his!!!!
What company do they work for ? Boycott time !
i dont know if they are or are not, but to post this with letter is wrong. all i am saying is these guys were "non-citizens" and so were the people cutting the grass, to me that seems that the few workers(doing 2 different jobs) this person saw in a matter of minutes were all "non-citizens" if that is the case if they drove around more maybe the whole population of mexico moved here. i am all for border control and comming here legally. and if you are here illegally you should be sent home.
They have to be non-citizens; citizens are "entitled" to housing, food, WIC for all their kids, now health care. You won't find this kind of job paying anywhere near "entitled" income so people from countries without the "entitlements" rush here to make a much better living than they would in their native country, live well by their standards and still have $$$ to send home. It's called supply & demand.
The influx of ill-legal or foreign workers can be partially attributed to the rise of labor unions and artificially raising the labor wages. This creates a bigger divide between the two types of labor forces. When the non-union forces see how much the union forces make while doing less work they leave the industry making way for ill-legals.
Ill-legal workers do the jobs and work the hours that many of us will not. We left the borders open, we don't enforce laws, therefore we get what we deserve.
If I lived in an impoverished nation and had to chance to come to the US to feed my family, I'd do it, and I doubt those of you that say you wouldn't do the same thing.
The people cutting the grass did not speak a word of English which tells me they could not have been citizens.
that is sonny worth's guys working from what i know its only him and his son the rest are mexican
Check out the college and school construction.
So just because someone is Mexican, or of Latino origin, they are not citizens? Do you look at every Asian, Arabic, or Indian person and assume they are non-citizens as well? If not, why not? They can be "illegal" immigrants from other countries, just as much as "Mexicans" can. If we are going to hate against the Latinos, why don't we just disciminate again everyone who isn't white or black?? I mean, because white and blacks are the ONLY ones who can't be of "illegal" status, right? That sounds fair to me...
go after the people that hire these guys!
Perhaps the U.S. could try a "guest worker" program. These workers seem to fill a niche in our society as they are quite willing to do the dirty work many of our unemployed have no desire to do!
Anonymous said...
The influx of ill-legal or foreign workers can be partially attributed to the rise of labor unions and artificially raising the labor wages. This creates a bigger divide between the two types of labor forces. When the non-union forces see how much the union forces make while doing less work they leave the industry making way for ill-legals.
Ill-legal workers do the jobs and work the hours that many of us will not. We left the borders open, we don't enforce laws, therefore we get what we deserve.
If I lived in an impoverished nation and had to chance to come to the US to feed my family, I'd do it, and I doubt those of you that say you wouldn't do the same thing.
2:50 PM
No the influx of illegal and foreign immigrants is due to soft hearted liberals like you, 2:26 PM, Kerrie, 2:46 PM, and 3:25 PM. You bleeding heart liberals need to wake up and see what you are doing to America. You people have ruined this country and you are the reason we were attacked on 9/11/2001!!
Shut down the borders now before it is to late.
On second thought I think it is to late.
The bottom line is that current immigration laws are not being enforced, the guy running Mexico is the richest man in the world, and he's sending his people here for free healthcare. Our elected Congress continues to refuse to do anything about it from both sides of the aisle.
Remember in November.....
What is important about this picture is that they ARE WORKING!!!! Go to the Christian Shelter Food Pantry or Joseph House ministries and see who is there looking for a handout! Be sure to see what many of them are wearing too, better brands than most of us! Yes some people are down on thier luck and cannot find jobs to suit them and have legitimate reasons for seeking assistance, others milk the system for all it's worth. I am guessing that the vast majority of the deadbeats not working and living on the system ARE citizans. Everyone is entitled to be treated as humans, Those that come to our country and work to become citizans and follow the laws should be given the benefit of the doubt. Illigals should be deported if they are not obeying our laws and making the effort. Very few Americans can say that thier roots are from here originally. Our forefathers came from someplace else too.
Bravo 3:25...someone gets it right. People on the shore need to get off the shore once in awhile to see how things are perceived, and done, in the real world.
"The people cutting the grass did not speak a word of English which tells me they could not have been citizens."
This tells you nothing. They could be legal residents (but non-citizens), Puerto Rican, or they could simply be pretending not to speak English so they wouldn't have to talk to an ignorant bigot.
And if mastery of the English language is necessary for citizenship, then we should probably revoke the citizenship of about half the people who comment on this site. They couldn't write a proper English sentence if their life depended on it. But they are the loudest voices telling Latinos to "learn our language!" It would be nice if they followed the same advice.
Somebody will be leaving one day but it wont be us. They take work from me and Ill get even.
4:17 What a typical high brow liberal better then everybody else comment . Everybody came from somewhere but were all here now so if we are losers so are you ! The fact of the matter is if we let every person in this country that wanted to be here we would live in a third world nation . America is for it's citizens and to remain the best place in the world we can only handle growth at a measured pace . The people that are allowed citizenship need to be productive citizens, we have enough people draining the system !
I'm against Unions.. that hardly makes me a liberal. I'm a conservative who see's the reality of the situation. Maybe once you get your head of the sand and start focusing on reality and workable solutions then maybe we could get more people interested in the conservative movement.
Most of the people who are unemployeed are also the ones that are too good to cut grass, do construction, dig ditches, work fields, work fast food and pick up trash for a pay check!! Some one has to do these jobs!! I think it should be manditory that anyone collecting unemployement or welfare should be doing these jobs for the state to give back some of what they get!! Just my thought on the whole subject!
What a terrible assumption. I used to supervise a kitchen in downtown Baltimore. Majority of my staff were latino, and they were ALL here legally. They have to be legal with proper documentation to be put on payroll. Anyone willing to work 2 or 3 jobs, 80 hours a week to provide an honest living for their family gets my praise no matter what their skin color or first language is.
Rob S
The funny thing is, is that they are working. It kills me how so many unemployed people call me for work but refuse to do any hard labor. It is sad that the are people out there as shallow as to comment on this artical without accurate knowledge of the workers being legal or illegal.
I think it just shows the American outrage at our government for doing nothing about it .
"I think it just shows the American outrage at our government for doing nothing about it "
Nothing about what? This is where the disconnect is. Yes, illegals do a fantastic job and work tirelessly. Is that because we pay the "legals" not to do so?
Get involved beyond complaining.
Remember in November.....
Try moving to Israel as a Christian. You will find out real quick how to control a country's population.
The single most racist government on the planet is . . . Israel.
Check it out!
Joe, I've never agreed with you more.
You should get a job with the immigration service if you can spot a non-american from across the street!!
"The single most racist government on the planet is . . . Israel"
Sir, YOU are racist......
also, before we start criticizing people for not speaking english, let's realize that The United States has no official language first of all, and secondly, there are plenty of legal hispanics (and other ethnicities) in this country who do not speak english. What an ignorant post! (and before you call me a liberal, i am a moderate republican who....gasp...happens not to be a racist bigot)
nonymous said...
I'm against Unions.. that hardly makes me a liberal. I'm a conservative who see's the reality of the situation. Maybe once you get your head of the sand and start focusing on reality and workable solutions then maybe we could get more people interested in the conservative movement.
5:24 PM
Trust me when I say this. You are what true conservatives call a RINO!
Anonymous said...
Try moving to Israel as a Christian. You will find out real quick how to control a country's population.
The single most racist government on the planet is . . . Israel.
Check it out!
6:19 PM
Must be a muslim loving idiot!!
If your black you can sit on your ass. If you don't like it , try to do something about it idiot. We were slaves , but not anymore. We are in for the duration , go crap on yourself.
I'm a black conservative and have learned, nothing in life is free you have to work hard to have things and I'll be damned if I'll let the government take it away and give to lazy people and illegals .
Bravo 6:58
Those that depend on their 'monthly' check will always live hand-to-mouth and always be dependent on the government.
All that will change when the new policies are instituted that encourage/require work as a requirement. Welfare to Work builds self-reliance, not nany state dependence.
You guys are all disgusting. You can't prove someone is illegal by looking at them.
Have you ever realized that Americans always hate on the latest influx of immigrants. Think about it: Japanese (WWII), Irish, etc.
It's like as soon as we get here and get settled we want to shut the doors to others and their opportunities.
Do you really think that every person from Europe came here legally? Probably not. The Native Americans didn't have a system to shut us out of their country, and look how this country has turned out.
The conservative borderline-racism of this site has seriously made me consider to not use this as a resource for local news. It is sad because I actually enjoy reading the local news on the site, but this is not something that makes me proud to say I read this site. Most who read this site will never change their mind about immigrants and illegals, but maybe you should seriously consider how you got here... you parents/grandparents/great grandparents most likely immigrated.
I love the morons screaming racists, they might as well be saying "don't read my comment". Are the guys in this picture illegals or legal citizens? Doesn't matter. Everyone who has eyes can see the illegal immigration is a huge problem. Well everyone but libs and ICE (ICE even has an office in the DHS office behind Lowes). Ice has deported maybe 6 guys from Wo Co in the last 6 months. The rest of the illegals that get arrested are treated like citizens. Unless ICE gets involved in deportation proceedings (which they hardly ever do) illegals are treated like everyone else who gets arrested. At no point in the criminal justice system does anyone even question citizenship. And that is the problem. The immigration laws in this Country are not being enforced as anything more than a token. No matter what you think about the immigration issue, the fact that the current laws are not being enforced is pretty disgraceful. Salisbury has a large illegal immigrant population and I know because I get meet some of them almost daily. Are they bad people, for the most part they are pretty decent people who work hard (most of the crimes they get arrested for are no drivers license, Dui's, Assault, things like that-what I would consider misdemeanor crimes).
ICE should just be disbanded since they are not doing their jobs. Really it rests with the politicians though.
The solution to the problem is pretty obvious. Target employers big time. Take business licenses and huge fines. The illegals would mostly leave if there were no jobs. Instead the US law is basically come illegally and have a baby and you get Americanized.
To make a long story short (to late I know), none of this matters anyway once Obama just makes all the illegals into US citizens. Whoo hoo for diversity, as our country keeps on sinking.
The original intent of this post is if those workers were citizens, not if they were here legally.
Immigrants (legal or otherwise) can not become citizens until they take and pass a citizenship test.
Last time I checked, one has to be able to read, write, and speak English as part of becoming a citizen.
'Nuff said.
I have an aquaintance who lives in the San Francisco area who complains constantly about all the illegals here inCalifornia. (He is a die hard liberal) But yet turns around and picks them up on the street corner when they are looking for work and brings them to his house and pays them the bare minimum (cash) ! makes you go hmmmm!
Profit before principle, the new American Way?
Well I work for a lawn care service and we have all races with us. Our white guys complain about the heat and want to be gone by 5 our black guys bust their ass to see the work is done so they can go home at 5 and never complain and our Mexicans work till 7 with no questions asked. So you tell me why they have he jobs because they can handle the work
The same thing happened in Ocean City this early spring regarding sidewalk replacement...Nothing but foreigners doing the work...Boycott time...Americans are being sold down the river by Big Government and Big Corporations...wake up America and understand your "buying power."
10:32. Your statement is ironic because if we had to pay Americans the wages that they think they are entitled to for manufacturing and manual labor, we couldn't afford anything with our "buying power".
10:17 I know. I will give them that. Quality of work in some trades is sh!t though.
Daddio said what my rambling post forgot. If you can't speak English then you have not passed the citizenship test (of course that excludes anchor babies). The illegals work harder than whites/blacks argument is the same as crying racism. It is a bs distraction. That is what the people who are ruling us want. Division among the people.
Fights amongst blacks, whites, gays, jews, mexicans, irish, russians, asians, etc, etc.
I do not consider myself anything but American. My race and my nationality is American. That is the message we need to spread.
"Until the color of a mans skin is of no more significance than the color of his eye"
-Speech attributed to HIM HS
Disclaimer: I have no problem with people that come to this Country legally. If you are an American that is all that matters.
10:17 has a good point as many Hispanics are hard working and do not complain and do not know any different because they are used to hot weather and hard work in their country. But if they are illegal it doesn't matter how hard they work because it is breaking the law. I'm sure they are getting other types of assistance somewhere.
you know what those guys have worked on alot of job sites with me they work at worth concrete in fruitland and they all have been there since paul worth opened that buisness. im unemployed but im not angry at those guys right there. and BTW they are us citezens bud
Citizens or not, these guys will work twice as hard as most regular joes for less pay with zero complaining. Racist hate mongers. You wouldn't be throwing up a fuss if they were landscaping your yard for cheap.
Well here we are again with another "All Knowing" member of society. Its people with mindsets like this that make the place disgusting. I'm not saying that there aren't illegals around. that's a given. But to come to the conclusion without valid proof or reasoning, or even something that remotely resembles evidence just makes you and who ever else supports your little theory look like narrow minded, mildly racist, discriminating idiots who have nothing better to do than to sit on their half ass high horse and cast judgment based on assumption. I know plenty of people that are of hispanic origin that are legal citizens. what makes them illegal in your eyes? skin? the accent that i'm sure you didn't even hear as you were driving by? i doubt you could have a drive by conversation. or the fact that they are out doing work that your average "american" doesn't want to do. Unless you and your followers, for some odd reason, haven't made it past elementary school then its time to grow up and stop acting like a bunch of children stereotyping people. Neither German, Polish, Irish, Australian, Russian, nor Italian founded this country, yet there are plenty of people with those blood lines but because the look close enough to what you apparently consider to be "american" you don't cast your judgment upon them. you people need to act your age.
Joe, the comment that I sent a to you yesterday at approx. 3:55 pm was never posted. I will make the assumption that you did not receive it rather than think you chose not to post it.
Here is a summary of what my comments were yesterday plus a little additional information.
1. The US government (Department of Homeland Security and US Citizenship and Immigration Services) requires that ALL employees, (citizens and non-citizens) hired after 11/6/1986 and working in the US to complete and I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification. They must provide the employer with and acceptable/approved documentation as listed on the I-9 form. The purpose of this form is to document that each new employee is authorized to work in the US.
2. The I-9 form contains an Anti-Discrimination Notice that reads: “ It is illegal to discriminate against any individual (other than an alien not authorized to work in the United States) in hiring, discharging, or recruiting or referring for a fee because of the individual’s national origin or citizenship status. It is illegal to discriminate against work-authorized individuals.”
3. The project at US50 @ Civic Ave and the "grass cutting" contracts are state and federally funded. The contractors are required to adhere to equal opportunity requirements, wage scales, provide certified payrolls, obtain approved Minority/Disadvantaged Business participation, etc. The state and/or federal agencies audit the jobs during and at the end of the projects to verify employee eligibility and proper wage scale payment (including on site employee interviews), etc. All of the workers on that site (citizen and non citizen)were eligible to work in the US!
4. The person who submitted the pictures and accused the workers of being "illegal" did not tell the whole story. There was another crew from another co. working at the same location on the same job who had white and African American workers. They have been working there for over a month. Being as he lives so close I am sure he must have seen them.
5. For the person who referenced the "Ocean City sidewalk job that had only nothing but foreigners doing the work”, the company doing that project is owned by a US Citizen of Mexican decent. The company is an MD DOT certified Minority/Disadvantaged Business Enterprise. Again, the payrolls & employee eligibility is audited by state and federal agencies. All of those workers (citizen or non-citizen) were eligible to work in the US!
4. Not only can employers not discriminate, but the so called “foreign” workers are the only ones willing to take the “dirty jobs”. Plus they are the hardest workers you can find. Such jobs are beneath certain US citizens. They are not going to give up their welfare, rent assistance or subsidized rent and food stamps to do such “dirty” work.
5. I am totally against “illegal” aliens working in the US and getting tax dollar benefits! They need to be shipped back their homeland(s). There are some companies that hire “illegal aliens” but that is the minority not the majority of businesses. Before accusing legitimate, law abiding, tax paying business’s of hiring “illegal immigrates” , I suggest that people check out there facts first!
6. If you want to go after someone, go after the US government for allowing US citizens to live off government assistance to the point that it is not advantageous for them to work. Make the welfare recipients and the unemployed take the jobs in the poultry plants, and be the field workers picking tomatoes. NO ONE, including myself, is “too good” NOT to take any type of employment to provide for my family. If US citizens were made to take the dirty jobs or have their benefits cut off completely, the illegal aliens would have no work and would go home!
anonymous 11:40, you are correct, I never saw the comment until now.
11:40 is correct. Many MBE companies get jobs over other companies simply because they are a minority. They can also bid a job higher than a non-minority and still get the contract because they are a minority. Then, even if a non-minority business gets the contract, they may still be required to have a certain amount of minority workers. So.....bottom line......minorities (and documented workers from other countries) are being looked out for by Uncle Sam. Affirmative Action should be no more. We have our first part white president.
Everything else aside,they ARE working,and its not a cushy job either.
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