My friend has a dog thats been hanging around her house this week (area is Bob Smith Rd in Parsonsburg). He looks to be 1-2 years old & not properly cared for. She said "I hope no one claims him because he is so scared and starved! You can feel his ribs! If no one claims him we'll take him to the shelter and if he doesn't get adopted we're keeping him!"
Contact Nicole 410.251.6651
Unless there are different regulations at the shelter around the person placing this notice, I don't believe a person can relinquish an animal to the pound and then get the animal back if it isn't adopted. So if the persons with the dog wish to keep it they may want to rethink turning it over to the shelter.
Also the dog in the picture looks over 1-2 yrs old.
I took a stray to the pound several years ago. I told them if she wasn't claimed or adopted that I would take her back rather than having her euthanized. I checked on her every day until her "time" was up. She was never claimed or adopted, so I got her back. I did have to pay a fee to get her back but that went toward having her spayed. I still have her today:)
This poor dog needs someone to love him. Keep him. Love him.
8:51, that's really great. I never heard of a shelter returning a dog to the person that signed it over. Glad to hear a positive story regarding animals!
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