Sales are down so low at Home Depot in Salisbury, they're cutting payroll hours by 130 hours this week.
Employees do not know what next week is going to bring. Clearly everything we're reading across the nation is simply BS. Oh, you could argue things are better elsewhere but as I have stated many times in the past, look at the empty buildings.
Last night at the AFP Meeting a question was asked, how many people have seen pay increases while our local government employees are getting pay raises. Many people shouted, WE'VE RECEIVED DECREASES.
Lowes has job positions posted on several websites, for the Salisbury store... but when you go in the store Human Resources tells you they are not hiring.
They cut hours because sales are down.They are the reason sales are down! You can not find help from the staff when needed, they do not have experts in important departments like plumbing and electrical. The store is very poorly lit ,and the selection of products SUCK !!! I say go to Lowe's !!
It is sad to see a local business hurt because of the economy, but frankly Home Depot is run very poorly from the top down. They can not blame this all on the economy.
Go to Lowes - The coffee stop is a great meeting place in the morning. Beats Match.com 10 to 1.
When they first opened they did a lot for the community , Habitat for Humanity , Ben's Red Swing . Now they do not do anything at all for this community.
It is only a matter of time before that store closes for good , they suck a$$ !!!!
I think Salisbury Home depot is a great place to shop, The people are really friendly and always wanting to help The people that are putting it down are crazy.
I was in there a couple of days ago, all the cashier did was bitch about the company and the manager. Never notice me as a customer I will not return.
Its corporate retail, they can't afford to pay "experts" to roam every aisle. If sales associates all made $40k a year their prices would be astronomical. I worked at best buy in college selling TVs for $8 an hour, that makes me far from an expert on electronics but customers expect you to know every detail about every single product.
Who among local government employees has gotten a raise lately? Teachers maybe, but who else? Civilian employees have not had outright cuts but have not gotten raises, have had to take furlough days, and have seen insurance costs go up, all of which effectively amounts to a cut. I'm not whining about taking my fair share of cutbacks (it beats losing your job entirely), but whoever was making the blanket statement about local government employees getting raises is an uninformed idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about. My last raise was 2 years ago.
they suck, the contractors end of the building is a joke
I say it is because their service sucks. I cannot ever get anyone with any knowledge to help me in that store.
Home Depot is ticking off a lot of people. Citibank fiance has created a lot of hard feelings between card holders and Home Depot. It does not surprise me that their business is down. I bet Lowe's business is still up and probably picking up some previous Home Depot customers.
Joe, I am a contractor who is as busy if not busier than I have been in four years. I try to shop at Home Depot often, lets say twice a week. The place is cleaner than Lowes, looks better but is poorly ran. The employees act as if they are doing you a favor if you ask for help. Lowes on the other hand has great employees, more selection and great prices. Why is it during the same economy they are rather steady to say the least and most of the time rather busy. This economy has nothing to do with Salisbury Home Depots situation. Lowes is doing fine and myself as well. I put out 40-50 proposals per week now and am feeling good about what the customers or potential custiomers are telling me. Lets go out tomorrow night and through the weekend and find parking at a restuarant, I dont think the economy is that bad. A lot of people in the last year have told me "can you give me a price, but we really want to see what the economy is going to do before we act" if you wait to see what the economy is going to do before you fix something that needs fixing not only will it take 14% more to fix it later, the economy is going to do nothing without spending the money. This entire economic trend or lack of is 100% mental. Spend the damn money and be on with it! It will get better!
I often go to the new lowes in seaford just to avoid sales tax
They are hiring at the Home Depot in Glen Burnie. One reason why I have moved across the bridge!
The Hone Depot stores all got success sharing checks and theyare on of the Co. that are still giving raises and they havent stoped. And they are til matching our 401k so that must tell you something. Why do you post all negative comments and not none of the positive ones?
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