It seems every time you turn around here in Wicomico County, another thief surfaces.
This time it has been reported that an employee of the Wicomico County Library, specifically, the Eastern Shore Library in the basement has been placed on Administrative Leave for allegedly stealing from the Library/County.
Now we're not talking books or cd's here Folks. We're talking MONEY. We're talking personal services charged to the Library Account.
The growing concern is, is this person on administrative leave WITH PAY? We're also informed the Library has brought in an auditor to see just how bad it is. And these people want $30,000,000.00 for a new building!
In the mean time, the MSM sits idle and waits for news and information like this to be brought to them. I'm sure they'll use the old, its an ongoing investigation bit. Once again, Salisbury News Delivers.
More to come, I'm sure.
This is why the council needs to reign these fool beuraucrats in.
(Did I spell that right? meh, who cares)
Employee embezzelment is a huge problem around here and it is not because of the economy. Employers can not trust anyone, watch them like a hawk.
The county has to much money, thats why this continues to happen.
I don't think it's just a matter of "employers can't trust anyone", it's that there are people in positions (especially government positions) who could care less about doing their job!
THOSE people should be fired right along with the thieves for allowing things like this to happen.
Checks and balances people! DO YOUR JOB!
The biggest theft of all in the County is Time. It happens across the board, particularly the management positions. Hopefully, the ones that get cut in the economic downturn are the ones who deserve it, not the workers.
Administrative Leave with Pay = Vacation
after the landfill fiasco whereby employees who stoled were allowed to keep their jobs AND benefits, do you honestly think something will happen to this person? come on, now. In this county, internal theft is swept under the rug - just look at Beverly Stoakley and the bs involved in that case.
Think about it. Democrats and Government = Wasteful Spending.
So the point is no one is paying attention and the employees are free to do what they want. Since no one is watching them, embezellment runs rampant. The only thing they have to worry about is getting caught. So if they get caught they only have to pay back a small portion of what they stole so they are still ahead of the game.
Crime Pays!!
The Eastern Shore Regional Library is not a County entity it is a mandated state program since 1988. The Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Library Development and Services funds the Eastern Shore Regional Library.
Still bad though.
Interesting...I just got an email from the library yesterday about a meeting they're having tonight at the Civic Center concerning County appropriations/budget cuts. I use their meeting rooms downstairs for meetings in the evenings, and the letter insinuated that due to budget cuts, library/substation branches' hours may be reduced and other services eliminated. They want community support to prevent this. Hmmm......
Dear Joe,
Your story is incorrect.
No employee of the Wicomico Public Library is on admimistrative leave, no auditor has been called in by the Wicomico Public Library and no county or library funds are under suspicion or investigation.
Tom Hehman, Director
Wicomico Public Library
Tom, twist it any way you want to, I have more evidence than you'll ever want to know or believe. Yes, I also have the individuals name but I will withhold that information until a later point.
By the way, I also understand she was taking a class at WorWic for Quick Book.
Now Tom, wipe that sweat off your brow.
I think what Tom is saying is that Eatern Shore Regional Library and Wicomico Library are two differentent entities. teh Regional library just rents space in the basement. They don't really have anything to do with Wicomico library.
What ever did happen with Bev Stoakley? I remember she not only stole from them but her "2nd job" at a department store in the mall! They have no real punishments for these people, just let them continue to leach off of the hardworking citizens. Disgusting....truly disgusting.
If you do some investigative reporting, you'll find there are some real issues going on at the Wicomico county library. Of which have been hidden from the public quite well.
The last thing this county needs is a new library. I know people well that work there, and it's run terribly by the current administration.
or in their words, it's a joke.
The county council needs to investigate the library, not try to spend $30,000,000.00 making a bigger mess!
Hehnans full of it. He's trying to hide this to get a new library. This is a real situation going on there. The lady is not working, and is under investigation. She was replaced until this investigation plays out, that's a fact. A criminal investigation.
Get this out to the public. Keep the library and get rid of Hehman. He's not at all being truthful about this situation. But doing a good job hiding it from the local t.v. and paper.
He needs to be exposed for what he is, or should i say isn't?
Pollitt and the entire county council have to, without a doubt know, this could result in at least one arrest.
Prosecutors are either incompetant or just want to protect their own. This type of crimes is never handeled the way it would be if, say, some employee embezelled money from Walmart. It just seems that public officials are above the law. I think the folks are slowly realizing what is going on and many changes will be made at the ballot box in November.
Once again, where is the County
Auditor that is required by the Charter?
Joe, While this is important information to pass on t0 readers. The real facts are the Eastern Shore Regional Library (ESRL) is NOT part of Wicomico Co Library. They are a tenant in the basement. PERIOD.
I too know the person involved and this should be brought to light. But don't use this situation to spread false facts about Wico Library.
This person is not TAKING classes at Wor Wic. They are TEACHING QB classes at Wor Wic
How does Salisbury keep winning awards w/all the corruption and crime? Very puzzling to me!
"Eastern Shore Library in the basement"
Just what is it about my Post you don't understand. I clearly stated who was what.
Interesting how everyone is quick to point a finger at an employee. As with the problem with the employees at the “landfill” – where are their supervisors. Unfortunately too many state/county/municipal agencies have department heads and directors that create a workplace where no one is accountable. Where was the immediate supervisor when this was happening? I would suppose a director in a library would need at least 4 year degree. If an employee is guilty would not the person signing their paycheck be just as guilty for mismanaging their department? Hold the hired/appointed managers accountable.
There'll be plenty of pork walking the park this weekend stumping with the usual BS. If they plan on raising my taxes I think I'll skip the pork in the park this year because I'll need to cut my budget somewhere to pay more taxes, and that sounds like the place to start!
Unfortunately, the Director of this library recently passed away due to illness.
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