The Wayne Barrall saga continues. After having major issues with Firefighter Wayne Barrall a couple of years ago, my Wife and I truly thought we had resolved Wayne's issues with us as we shook hands and Wayne swore he'd never go back to that place that got him in trouble to start with, I/We were wrong.
As many of you know, (and we have now learned) Wayne has a temper problem. He tends to like to bully people, UNTIL he is bullied back. It takes a bit but when Wayne learns someone is not going to back down, he becomes one of those apologetic people who acts really sorry for what they did. You know the "Eddie Haskel" kind of guy from Leave It To Beaver.
A very good friend of mine had applied 3 1/2 months ago to the Delmar Fire Department as a Volunteer. Soon after he had applied he sent me a couple of pictures of a crime scene, (I believe) and wanted me to credit his images, in which we did. Once Wayne Barrall saw these images and his name on Salisbury News, Wayne freaked out. He contacted this friend of mine and told him, (more or less) he better choose who he wants to work with, the cancer of society Joe Albero or Wayne Barrall. He went on to say he would never use his images again if he ever sent anything more to Joe Albero.
OK, while this was pretty stupid, I asked my friend, what does Wayne pay you? He replied, NOTHING! I suggested, (seriously) that he simply respond with a kind message that you have received his message and thank you for your concerns. Considering this friend was trying to get on board with the Delmar Fire Department, I thought it best he keep cool about it and move on.
Low and behold, Wayne starts writing this friend back telling him that if he continued to work with Joe Albero and stay associated with me, his chances of getting involved with the Delmar Fire Department would, (more or less) become non existent.
When I personally saw these letters I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. My first thought was, man, this guy has one hell of a discrimination lawsuit not only against the Fire Department, he has one hell of a case against Wayne Barrall. Then I started thinking, just what in the hell had I done to Wayne to get him to stab me in the back like that, especially after we had Wayne by the ba((s in Court and he begged to resolve the case in a recess. Because my Wife and I felt he was so sincere, we chose to come to a settlement and stay on a friendly basis, or so we thought.
After seeing these letters several weeks ago and being in somewhat shock, two days later I got a desperate phone call from Wayne Barrall saying the roof was about to cave in on the Delmar Fire Department, could I come up there with my snow blower and help them clear the snow off the roof. As I stated in a Post last week, the first thing that came to my mind was, Kiss My A$$. Not only had this man Wayne Barrell stabbed me in the back, he was holding my friend hostage with his application and proving the Good Old Boy Network was still alive and well in Delmar.
However, as I had stated to you last week, I put those thoughts aside for the better good of the Fire Department and I went up there and fulfilled their request. When the letters continued to my friend from Wayne I made contact with a former Chief of the Delmar Fire Department and expressed my concern over the possibility of a discrimination lawsuit, based on Wayne's threats.
While I expected them to follow up on the information I provide, as well as my offer to show them the letters so they could see I was in fact telling the truth, the Delmar Fire Department chose not to look at the letters and instead spoke to Wayne. Wayne told them it wasn't true and they believed him. Mind you, I have these letters, they could have read them and they chose to believe Wayne once again. Can you say, Good Old Boys. I should add, the person I was talking to said that they were the person who handled applications and was NOT familiar with this particular applicant. Funny, my friend has been calling every single week to see if there's been an update and has YET to get a call back after 3+ months. Makes you wonder why this person never received his application, eh? My friend of course became concerned after the first 30 days because he was told it would be complete within 30 days.
Very soon after this I received a phone call from Wayne Barrall demanding that I never make contact with the Fire Chief again. I simply told Wayne that I was not a 14 year old wanna be Firefighter that he could bully around, I'm a grown man who will not be told what to do. I simply hung up the phone on Wayne.
Moving forward to yesterday. I received a text message there was a barn fire at my neighbors farm so I immediately went over there to see if I could help them move things or whatever they needed. When I arrived there were no Firefighters there and they were pulling equipment away from the barn. I took some early pictures and once the Fire Departments started arriving I stepped back away from the fire and away from any one's path to the fire. That's when Wayne came around the corner and started towards the fire. He then stopped, went well out of his way, turned around and demanded, (while yelling and axe in hand) you better not take any damn pictures of me Albero. I immediate replied, you better get out of my face Wayne. He continued to demand I not take any pictures and I told him to shut up and get out of my face. I'm sure the rest of the Firefighters on the scene were shocked that someone would stand up to a man yelling at me with an axe in his hand but everyone stayed away from what was going on as they, (professionals) had a job to do and they got it done.
Wayne finally turned around and went to the Chief and demanded I be removed from the scene. The Chief told me to leave and I said, I'm NOT in any one's way. He then said, look Joe, I don't want to have problems with you, can you just not take any pictures of Wayne. I replied, he takes pictures of me, he's at a fire scene, with all due respect I'll take any pictures I want of Wayne or anyone else for that matter. He again, (very politely this time) asked if I'd work with him so they could get their job done and I agreed to move away from where I was standing.
Mind you Folks, where I was standing I was in no ones way. When they asked me to move to another spot, I was then right in the middle of everything. That's when I chose to simply leave. The fire was very small and with the crews they had there, I knew nothing was going to spread and further.
For those of you wondering what the first picture is all about. Another friend of mine happened to be at the Sheriff's Department and saw Wayne Barrall pull in and go inside yesterday. I then received a phone call after the fire scene from the Sheriff's Department stating they had just had a visit from Wayne Barrell asking if they could talk to me about calling the Fire Chief and so forth. I listened to what they had to say and when it was my turn I then explained just how Wayne had treated me, (with axe in hand) at the fire scene, soon after his meeting at the Sheriff's Department.
You see Folks, Wayne Barrall is nothing short of a bully. However, just like any other bully, if you stand your ground, two things will happen. One, they'll become physical or two they'll back down. As an adult, it would be extremely stupid for any one of these bully's to get physical as they will certainly find themselves behind a jail cell, and for what? To prove you're the tougher guy!
I have had enough experience with Wayne Barrall to know the man needs anger management help. The man may also need to get slapped with a lawsuit and feel the pain for his actions. He may even need to be charged criminally with his threats, something I am seriously considering since he continues to prove he's a loose cannon.
Some have said there are two sides to every story. Well, you have mine. I never once said a single word to Wayne yesterday to bring him towards me or to boil. I was standing well out of every one's way when Wayne went out of his way to start his threats. I provoked nothing. The Delmar Fire Department needs to truly reassess their situation with Wayne Barrell. The fact that the man takes pictures of everyone else for a living and then tries to demand other people cannot take Wayne's photo is beyond me. To be quite honest with you, I had no real interest in taking Wayne's picture anyway. I mean, does this guy think he's a celebrity that everyone wants to see in print? I think not.

It is Wayne Barrall. wrong spelling
and whats point of adding you snowblowing down at bottom?...bumping up the ole ego again i
Sometimes turning the other cheek and killing them with kindness does not work. That is when you have to get on even playing grounds.
The Delmar fire department should know better. Wayne has brought on a lot of trouble for them over the years.
Who cares about the spelling, we ALL know exactly who Joe is talking about.
Delmar FD has been a good ole boys network for a long time. I must say though, it was a LOT friendlier and more community oriented before Joe Morris, Sr. passed away.
If Joe could see what has happened within this FD now, he would be SO pizzed off!
They now come across as "we don't care about anyone who isn't one of US".
That is so sad!
The ones with attitudes like this and like Wayne need to go or Delmar FD will end up finding themselves with NO support from the rest of the community.
Who wants to support this kind of behavior and attitude?
I certainly don't!
Wayne sounds like a 9th grader on a field trip,Don,t take my Picture,Don,t take my Picture.Im gonna tell the Teacher.
Joe, Just be careful. With someone like that you just never know if he will blow his lid or not. Especially if he is on disability and then loses that because of pictures. I'm not saying back down from him at all. I just want you and your family to be safe. Unfortunately I've seen and had the unfortunate pleasure of dealing with a-holes like this before. He is a loose cannon. Just keep your safety in mind if he is ever around you. People like that will come up from behind you and attack you because that's how cowards are. If you bring him up on charges, you have plenty of witnesses that will back you up.
Anon. 10:16 maybe the pic. is to show that Wayne didn't mind taking Joe's pic.
Joe since the Fire Chief didn't want to see the letters etc. just post them on this site for everyone to see. Chief will see them then!
Two things. there was a lot of rumor about Waynes disability, and this would affect that, any truth? Hit him where it really hurts! 2nd, the fire department CANNOT deny membership to a person without a very defined reason (criminal), this is an open and shut lawsuit. Advise your friend to contact the ACLU for FREE representation, bet thier butts will slam shut then. He will not want to join after that, but they will stop this practice, and, pay dearly for thier mistake.
Anom. 10:12 It says Barrell on the back of his coat.
Well this is just about the silliest thing I've read..just like two siblings fighting and name calling at age 6. Just run home to Momma and tell her how you each are being picked on, than grow up and get on with life.
Dam Joe, you have eyes everywhere. That's Wayne's vehicle right there in front of the sheriff's department.
Anonymous said...
Anom. 10:12 It says Barrell on the back of his coat.
11:11 AM
Good point, very observant.
Joe, don't compare that red headed stepchild with Eddie Haskel. Eddie was actually pretty cool. Wayne is just like the parasite from the other blog.
11:11, you are right. I saw the jacket and it is spelled wrong. Believe me
WOW JT, I didn't know you could spell such hancy words. Someone must have purchased a dictionary for you. Sorry but your comment will not fly here.
I agree with 10:39. Due to a recent injure a loved one was put out of work, it has been nothing but a pain in the butt since. Trying to just get a comp check since the injury has been harder than pulling teeth from an awake lion! How is it there are people sitting across the street taking pictures and following us around every where, but this guy is out on the scene (obviously moving around fairly well) and not one person is calling his FRAUD???
The system is seriously screwed up! I hope he is enjoying his check every month while the truly injured and uncapable are receiving the harassment that people like him cause...jerk!
Seems like he is a liability issue for the department. If he has psychological issues he should not be a responder. What if he snaps at a scene over someone taking his picture and causes a fellow member to be injured? Or if he decides the victims were in some way violating his rights and he goes back for revenge. I don't know, just seems there is a lot wrong with having an emotionally unstable person going into innocent persons homes. This makes me question the integrity of the department as a whole. After all you are the company you keep.
So he has been in the fire dept. for 19 years and they haven't bothered to spell his name right yet.HaHa
"hancy"....we got you turd boy!
who cares
Who is 11:13...I wonder?
Psychological isuues ! Thats an understatement. Ask some of us who were affiliated with He has lost many of the photographers from the site. He treats the cofounder of the site like dirt and the two barely speak. Look at all the people who have left him over the years and tell me whats going on. You rarely see shots from him and yet he wants all the credit. Give him hell Joe.
I wonder if he can spell f-a-n-c-y-
This is how the State of Maryland spells his name:
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Case Information
Case Number: 020300058912009Claim Type:CONTRACT
District/Location Codes: 02 / 03Filing Date:09/01/2009Case Status:ACTIVE
Complaint, Judgment, and Related Persons Information
(Each Complaint, Hearing, Judgment is listed separately, along with each Related Person)
Complaint Information
Complaint No: 001(KEEP RIGHT, INC.) Vs:(BARRALL, WAYNE )
Complaint Status: ACTIVE
Status Date: 10/02/2009Filing Date:09/01/2009Amount$1166.26Last Activity Date:01/15/2010
Related Person Information
Connection to Complaint: DEFENDANT
Address: 170 E. GROVE STREET
City: DELMARState:DEZip Code:19940-1116
Connection to Complaint: PLAINTIFF
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801
Case History Information
(Each Event listed for the case is listed below in chronological order)
Date: 09/01/2009Comment:INITIAL CASE FILING
Type: TRIALComplaint No.:
Date: 10/02/2009Comment:TRIAL SET FOR: 12042009;TIME: 0900A;LOC:03;ROOM:01
Date: 10/02/2009Comment:TRIL;12042009;0900A;03;CRTR;BY CLK;PREV SET ON 10022009
Type: CASE CHANGEComplaint No.:
Date: 10/02/2009Comment:20090901;CONT;0000116626; ;X;
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 10/02/2009Comment:NOTICE OF INITIAL TRIAL (PLN)-D1
Type: SERVICEComplaint No.:001
Date: 10/05/2009Comment:SRV2;09012009;DEF;SV-SERVED ;
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 11/17/2009Comment:NOTICE OF HEARING/TRIAL - TRIL (PLN)-Z1
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 11/17/2009Comment:ALSO SENT TO - DEF,
Type: COMMENTComplaint No.:001
The complete case file must be obtained from the District Court in which the case was last heard.
One year ago he slipped at a pool in Ocean City and he thought he would never walk again. His previous history with back problems were well known. Do your homework and look into his "DISABILITY". I bet you he's doing something he's not supposed to be and getting paid handsomely.
I read this story and for what reason I don't know I'm not a fire fighter or deal with Delmar Fire Department, but after reading it my question is this: Why not post the letters up? Not saying you don't have them but there is no evidence to prove you do. I've got to say like someone mentioned do alot of patting yourself on the back when you do something for some one. People that do things for others don't broadcast it to thousands of people every chance they get. Makes what you have done look like you only did it to get attention and not so much for the person out of the kindness of your heart. I hope Joe that you are as good as a person as you claim to be. Picking public fights with people though is a good first impression. By the way I saw a picture of your wife on here, and she is a hottie!
Blah...blah....blah....if you are so big & bad, why didn't you say all of this when you were standing face to face?
No, you have to run home & hide behind your computer & No Tresspassing signs.
What a JOKE!
wow makes me want to run right up there and join all the BS!!!!
anonymous 12:26, assuming that's Wayne, get some help, seriously.
anonymous 12:22, I didn't publicly pick anything with Wayne.
The letters haven't been published for privacy reasons.
One year ago he slipped at a pool in Ocean City and he thought he would never walk again. His previous history with back problems were well known. Do your homework and look into his "DISABILITY". I bet you he's doing something he's not supposed to be and getting paid handsomely.
11:59 AM
Yes this happened and he cried back injury and disability and the paramedics with Ocean City EMS called the Maryland State Police helicopter to transport him to the hospital. He wasn't even injured but he loved the attention. What a waste of money this mooch on society is costing tax payers.
I guess Wayne is trying to make up for nerdy life in school, he was a fraud and loser then and things have not changed.
To those who think that the ACLU is free...think again. I filed a discrimination lawsuit against a local company and the ACLU represented me. When I won the case and received settlement, the check from the business was sent to the ACLU and they deducted their fee (charging by the hour like attorneys, just not as much per hour). Anyway, they got a hefty chunk of change and I got the rest.
there are more people defrauding SSI disability now than there are on welfare most of which are white males
12:52, FREE, no-one assumed there would not be costs, what was intended is there is no risk to the plantiff, in this case Joes friend that has been done an injustice, as well as the public that the fire dept. should be serving instead of themselves...... little boys club, always was, always will be, unless someone steps up.
12:59 Put your racist name on here ! We all know who is a drain on society haha !
Anon. 12:58:
Apparently you didn't read Anon.10:34's comment. That is what I was referring to.
Anon. 12:52
12:59 Thats because they have jobs ha ha !
12:59 PM - Please point me towards your statistics for this amazing insight.
joe, get a life, you got your pictures of the fire, who cares. you are a news reporter, do you think real news people do not go through this type of stuff all the time. No one cares(except you and your croneis) that you and this guy do not like each other. they go on here because of your news. stop airing your dirty little mess and just report. I do not know why i waste my time, you censor every other post i write.
10:49 He was there initially to help out his neighbor until the fire department could get there. Then he clearly states that he stepped back and let them take control. If there was a fire on my property, my neighbors would be there. Until Wayne opened his big stupid mouth, there wasn't a problem with Joe being there. Do you think that if 16 or 47 was there, he would have behaved in that manner? Hell no. He's pissed off at Joe and threatened him. We all can agree to disagree, but to threaten someone with an axe in your hand is something else. I believe it is due to a disability claim. He doesn't want pics taken of him because he knows that sooner or later he's going to get busted. He should be removed as a member of the Fire Department.
1:44 last time i check this blog was property of Joe dont like it, dont read it lol...guess u have nothing else to do but stay home read this and collect your welfare also!
Sounds like 2 peas in a pod.I think Delmar is in for changes starting with the next set of elections.
BTW Wayne lives and has on the Md side so why the del tags .Joe check into that.
1:44 shut up. This is Joe's blog after all, he can post whatever the hell he wants. If you don't like it, don't read it! Go over JT's blog or start your own so you can report whatever news you see fit.
I hope someone does file suit against one or ALL of the fire depts around here for their history of wrongful exclusions! We are all sooooo tired of the good old boy network, it's time to end it once and for all!!!!!
From what it sounds like all the fire departments are going to hell in a hand basket. Seems like the good ole boy system is alive and well within all the fire departments. Look at the different types of corruption that have been posted on this blog over the past few years. Paying to much for things, buying what is not needed, other departments that get on here to bash a neighboring department, people not having the correct license, people flying off the handle and acting like jerks and the latest is a Fire chief being charged with assault. WHAT IS GOING ON!
When we all were growing up firemen were our heros someone to look up to someone we learned from. They used to set a good example of things. Not anymore, where did it all go wrong? Could it just be the "good ole boys" who wont punish those that are wrong because their friends might be hurt. WISE UP PEOPLE AND DO THE RIGHT THING FOR THE DEPARTMENTS NOT just your friends. Peoples lives depend on you act like you have some sense.
I wanna know why his vehicle has DE tags and he lives in MD???? Another thing that could be checked itno.
I believe his Father lives in Delmar, DE. and I'm sure his tags are registered there. I do NOT see a problem with this at all.
All of this is just the tip of the iceberg with WB.
I wish he would have put that AXE in your CHEST......
I don't much care about the Wayne vs. Joe story, but I do have a question for Joe . . .
Why the belt around you connected to the blower while you are on the roof? Seems that if you slipped off the edge, it wouldn't save you but you'd pull the blower off with you. And if the blower went off first, well that wouldn't be good either. I wasn't' there so don't know the roof pitch, etc. but that photo begs the question.
3:16 You are obviously another wacko. If you don't like Joe, then click the X in the upper right hand corner. Then you won't have to be bothered with him any more.
Is there any fire dept. on the eastern shore left that does disapline thier people, and hold public trust?
SAm ER said...
I wish he would have put that AXE in your CHEST......
3:16 PM
You are a sick individual!
3:16 ie: JT, niether he nor you could muster enough energy to get an average axe over your head to do that fat man. Take your green team back to envy land and just stay off blogs where no-one cares to hear your right wing liberial, welfare based BS!
Joe it is simple,Md law is very clear on these things If you live in MD for more than 30 days ,You are a resident and must register your cars etc in md. You also must get the car insp. You must pay a tax.Belive it or not even Homeland security takes issue with this.I belive I saw Wayne go to vote in the MD election I'm not sure tho don't qoute me on it lol.
BUt yes it is wrong and illeagal to do so.
How could you even sue a volunteer fire department for excluding someone? If you don't lose any monetary sum by being excluded, I find it hard to believe that a judge and jury would award you any monetary sum. Seriously, whats your case? Do you try to argue that you are so permanently emotionally and mentally scarred for life all because the Delmar FD didn't let you in that you deserve a few million dollars?
Rob S
wayne is definetly a red headed dork. lol a lazy red headed dork! for real wayne's a big puss!! he never has had any fight in him! lol..he'll get mad then take it out on ur vehicle. am i right wayne?
wow. sounds like 3:16 loves him sum wayne...
WOW ...Joe could you please tell me whats disabled about a man who can carry an ax and bend down to roll up these heavy hoses.I know people who have died trying to get disability, What is wrong with the system? People who are sick and crippled are fighting to get disability and cant.Than you have a man playing firefighter on disability..WHATS UP WITH THAT...
SAm ER get a life, sounds like you are just as disturbed as the subject of this post. Loser!
If you register it in DE you dont have to pay the state taxes. If you live in MD you are required to have your license and your registration transfered to Maryland if that is your residence. The only way around it is if you also have another home in another state.
Wayne shows up to fires and wants full access to take pictures. For once somebody is there to take a picture of him and he gets upset. What if all the fire companies told him to stay back 500 ft by law or have him removed ? Seems really strange that a photographer cant play by the rules he sets. Must be something fishy with him doing firefighting work.
I sure am glad that people are coming forward and exposing this guy for what he really is. He comes off as Mr Delmar with a squeaky clean image and he's not. Look at his history and you wont find a woman staying around long. He's a Swinger and I dont mean a ball player. Ive heard some wild stuff about his relationships from Delmar firemen. Stay on him Joe. He's trouble.
Wow 3:16 get a life. All of you are behaving like children. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
I worked construction for years until one day I was hurt on the job. The company I worked for paid their way out of their wrong doing so here I set disabled without a check. I would got back to construction in a second but I can't do the job because my body will not let me. I now work as a night watchman because of my back/leg injury. If anyone is disabled it should be me but no Wayne gets his check every month while I struggle to put food on my table. I earned $ 28 an hour in construction now I earn $ 10. Wayne you are wrong way wrong. It looks like fraud to me and it looks like Delmar has a paid firemen from the state!
I arm wrestled Wayne onetime and boy was he mad when I put him down ! As he walked away with a sore arm .
I hope you all can see what kind of people are out there voluneering for you. This guy is worthless and has no place anywhere near a fire ground. And here's the 411 people, most of your volunteers have issues just like this guy. That is why they are not professional firemen. Anybody who lives in a volunteer area should demand stricter policies on who can and can't volunteer. This guy is a joke and has no guts. If you people only knew the half of the stuff that goes on. To local're the best.
Hi Joe
Maybe you will post this, maybe not. I just want to try to clear up one small thing. Your "Friend" as you put it, while he may have put in an application, he was told he could either take pictures for you or fithp, if he is the person that I recal talking to wayne about, has no business in a fire department or shotting pictures at a scene for anyone. I have told wayne many times that no one at fithp should be sending pictures to you or jt. Just because of the PR nightmare that is the contstant bickering between the two of you.
Im pretty sure this is the same person as I only know of one person that was sending to both.
This same person was thrown out of his former department for be caught going in excess of 100MPH to another companys alarm on numerous occasions. However, while he will tell you a completely different story, this was a fact.
As far as stopping someone from getting into the fire department, you have to be voted in there, just like all of the other departments. you can damn well be sure that if someone I dont like is trying to get in, I will voice my opinion about that person, and then let the vote decide.
As far as the axe in his hand, he is a fireman on a fire call, getting out of a engine, he is supposed to have a tool with him, whether it be a haligan or an axe. I do agreee he shouldnt have approached Joe, however, people are making it sound like he grabbed an axe and ran at him, which is not the case.
3:16 PM, what a terrible comment to make. How could you even think that way. You sound just as evil as WB himself.
I think its pretty pathetic that this loser, Joe Albero, thinks that by being a passive aggressive toddler and taking a pass at a man just trying to do his job and live his life that he's really "doing something" for journalism.
People like you are why abortion should be legal.
He clearly doesn't deserve to collect disability if he is able enough to be a volunteer fireman.
I am so tired of people who think they deserve something for nothing. Welfare, WIC, Disability, unemployment....good, hard working people are the ones struggling while other people sit home, drive nice cars, and take advantage of the system. There definitely needs to be some reform!!!
Anonymous 6:25 you are a idiot Salisbury’s local isn’t even a real union they are unrecognized so what’s the point so you can have the license plates and cool stickers. Just because of that does not make you a professional and I am glad for the good ole boy system it has kept my chiefs spot for some time now.
6:34 i completely agree with you. maybe it wasn't completely right for wayne to walk to joe(someone he's had issues with) with an axe but he's a fire fighter. they use them. he wasn't swinging it at you like an animal was he? no. stop playing the victim because you know damn well you are just as much at fault as he is. you irritate as much as you can to get someone going. you just happened to get wayne. and trust me, if i EVER see you, you will be wishing otherwise.
anonymous 8:18, another ball less firefighter hiding behind anonymous. Yeah tough guy, you've really scared me. By the way, I never said a word to Wayne yesterday until he started yelling demands at me. I was nowhere near him or any other firefighter at the time. Like I said, Wayne had to go way out of his way to confront me.
Funny how Wayne got snagged for being an a-hole once again in several different ways and some of you, (probably WB himself) try defending him. Try this out for size. I unconditionally went to the DFD to clear the snow off their roof AFTER Wayne had sent nasty letters to my friend. Wayne called ME two or three days ago demanding I not speak to the Chief ever again, I hung up on him. Wayne went to the Sheriff's Department with his tail between his legs because he knew he was already in trouble and he went to someone he knew would try to settle things between us, UNTIL that person learned what Wayne did to me at the fire yesterday. Then, I was at the fire FIRST and was nowhere near the firefighters or in their way from doing their job and Wayne confronted me.
Wayne screwed up several times, OWN IT!
Rob S: You most definitely can sue for exclusion when no monetary loss is involved. That's exactly how schools were finally desegregated! It's called discrimination and it's illegal in any form.
joe, no offense love your work but both of you need to take a step back on this one, technically law reads you cant take a pic and advertise it without consent of the person you are taking it of Supreme court ruled on this also if asked to leave a fire scene right wrong or in different it must be done so by request or charges can be filed criminally as per annoted code of MD I have never had any beef with neither you or Wayne but someone needs to be the bigger man here and Wayne definetly could use better terminology especially when he is representing Delmar FD
anonymous 8:31, with all due respect, you are absolutely wrong. If you're a lawyer you should quit your job.
As for the bigger and better man, my Wife and I dropped our case with Wayne Barrall after he assured us he would never harass us again. Wayne flatr out lied to get out of any criminal charges and we have proven twice to be the better people each time.
How many times do you people have to be told if you dont like whats being said, dont read the blog. Quit threatening Joe as anonymous , do you know how stupid that is?
some of these local fireman have such a puffed up image of themselves. sadly, you make yourselves look worse daily in the public eye by posting your vicious and threatening comments on Joe's blog. if you don't like him or don't agree with his point of view, it's simple...don't log on! the fact that you hate him so much only lends credibility to him. you are, in fact, doing him a favor.
grow up! Does it ever end? Is this a pissing contest? Get a life!
Who is going to give Joe the Axe,not Wayne the Barral.I told Joe HE should have called me. I will kick his Ass. Any Time. Wayne, Sign In. I like Kickin Red Headed Assholes.
Oh I,m sorry, Any time your ready Fat Boy Im sorry Wayne I forgot to Provoke you.
Who do we report that deadbeat to?
Is there a Disability Fraud Hotline?
Wayne is an ass hat. I know him from softball. He was a pain in the ass then, too.
Wayne Barrall Has the wright Name, Because He is as big as a Barrel. Oh Im sorry a big Red Barrel.
wanye is a gr8 guy and he won his law suits and is not on disablity so u cant bust him for anything.. get the hell off the fire department. please.. you guys would not belive what us vollys do. just waitr for ur house to be next or your mother be in a full arrest and we save her dose it freaking take that to see what we really do. u all stup down to levels and its childish and u broadcast it and make the fire department look bacd.. get a life
6:25, you must be one of those paid a holes who thinks the sun revolves around you and even though you do the same thing as the volunteers, you think somehow that you are more special even though they do what you do, for free, saving the taxpayers money. Well as a past volunteer, let me tell you something, you ain't worth the charcoal I scraped off my boots for all those years without collecting a dime from the town. typical gordy mentality.
Another blogger is saying they wrote those letters to you and they're fakes. They have pictures of it. I'm thinking you got played on this one Joe.
The "another blogger" is clearly a liar and clueless. You see, the letters weren't written to me. Nice try JT, or whomever it may be. Desperate people say desperate things.
JT has been sending in one comment after the other on here desperately wanting hits saying, who is JT and what is his Site. LMAO. You're so stupid JT.
Mr. Wannabe lawyer 8:31pm that would be the annotated code. If you knew what you were talking about you would know how it was spelled. By the way what is the Supreme Court case you are referring to? Also what is the 'annoted' code(LMFAO) you are referring to?
Hey 9:47 "volly" learn to spell, not easy to understand what you are saying.
No matter who owns the car, it must be tagged in the state in which it is housed. He's not the only fireman that is running illegal in Md and tagged in Del...check out the Salisbury Fire Dept idiots too!
His head is so big that he has to wear a different helmet than the other firemen. They wear leather and he wears plastic. That head sure aint filled with knowledge. I think its filled with anger from what I see.
I used to talk to Wayne everyday 15 yrs ago when he was a pepsi guy,
nice fun guy
I didn't know there is an ongoing dispute with Joe,
Wayne takes beautiful pictures but I wouldn't have even known that if they weren't posted on sbynews to begin with
so i guess im surprised there is a problem
on the outside it looks like you two help promote each other
Anon 9:47...I think now is a great time to consider attending 1st Grade English class. You have procrastinated WAY too long dude! LOL
Anon 2:34 Delaware Tags ~ Before Wayne split from his last marraige he used to live in DE down Line Rd it is the road on the right before pepperbox(I think Rum Ridge unclear of name) take that road and it was like the 3rd or 4th house on the right...If he can get away with fighting fire and collecting on disability then he can surely get away with keeping his DE tags...BTW does anyone know if WB is the Pepperbox Rd stalker??
Wayne I know you! And frankly sir your quite the embarrassment to the department just leave already and be done... you never do what you say you leave stuff half done and why the boys over there put up with your crap is beyond me...
I still got 5 bucks that says he set some of the fires that remain unsolved........ just wait people, you saw it here first. No-one in DFD wants to sy anything because they like the calls.
12:12, rum ridge is in MD, and they call it line rd for a reason, the south side is MD and the North side is DE!
Wayne Barrall ='s Multiple Personalities
Anon 12:12-
That is Rum Ridge Rd and it is also in MD. He now lives in town on Elizabeth St which is ALSO in MD.
Although you dont have a problem with his DE tags, I do. My parents also live in Delmar DE, but Im in MD. My vehicle is tagged in MD cause thats where I live. My understanding is that you have 30 days after moving to change the tags, so thats what I did......because I am a law-abiding citizen!!! I say Wayne should man-up and change his tags too.
Anonymous said...
6:25, you must be one of those paid a holes who thinks the sun revolves around you and even though you do the same thing as the volunteers, you think somehow that you are more special even though they do what you do, for free, saving the taxpayers money. Well as a past volunteer, let me tell you something, you ain't worth the charcoal I scraped off my boots for all those years without collecting a dime from the town. typical gordy mentality.
9:49 PM
Before you start criticizing the paid guys and making this a paid vs. volunteer I suggest you sign your name and post your credentials. Your claims that "they do the same thing for free" is total bullsh!t. Do the volunteers in Salisbury clean up after themselves? NO! Do the volunteers stay at the station 24 hours a day? NO! Do the Volunteers take ambulance Calls 24 hours a day every day? NO! Do the volunteers take the time to become licensed and certified paramedics? NO! Do the volunteers take hundreds of hours of continuing education to maintain their paramedic certification and skills? NO! Do the volunteers do daily training? NO! Do the volunteers conduct commercial inspections on a daily basis? NO! Do the volunteers conduct home inspections? NO! Do the volunteers take college classes to qualify for promotion? NO! Are the volunteers qualified to become fire officers? NO! Do the volunteers maintain the fire apparatus and the ambulances on a daily basis? NO! Do the volunteers maintain and clean the fire stations on a daily basis? NO! Do the volunteers complete the NFRIS reports after all alarms? NO! Do the volunteers fuel the apparatus after all alarms? NO! Do the volunteers prepare the fire department budget? NO! Do the volunteers have more training, education and certification than the paid guys? NO!
Please don't take this wrong there are some great volunteers and there are some a$$hole paid guys, but there is really no comparison in what they do for compensation and free.
There, to say the volunteers do the same as the paid guys for free it a fallacy and a pipe dream. Wake up Alice you are in Wonderland!
Anonymous said...
I still got 5 bucks that says he set some of the fires that remain unsolved........ just wait people, you saw it here first. No-one in DFD wants to sy anything because they like the calls.
4:28 PM
My bet is your statement is very accurate. It is a known fact that many "fire buffs" like Wayne are arsonists.
Anonymous 8:42 Those so called unsolved arsons you were talking about were solved months ago. They were two teenagers that set them.
Joe 8:41am makes some excellent points about the volunteers in Salisbury. Those comments are 100% true. There are some good vollies and some bad employees. Hopefully the new chief will resolve much of those problems that exist as we see it today.
annon. 8:41 Why do all that stuff when we have paid maids to do it for us...........lmao
FFFF said...
annon. 8:41 Why do all that stuff when we have paid maids to do it for us...........lmao
2:49 PM
Guess what buddy? I know who you are and your days of Fighting Fire For Free are numbered. As a matter of fact you Farmin rarely fight any fire and if presented the opportunity you would injure yourself due to the lack of training and education. BUH BYE!!
What's the deal with the Station 1 volunteers buying everyone brand new leather helmets?
dose the paid guys get paid to sleep yea. do the paid guys know how to wash the salt off of brand new engines NO. do the paid guys get paid to wash there vehicles at work yea. the vollys have to wash there own engines cause the duty crew seem to sleep all day yea. The duty crew know how to fill the engines back up on any day NO. Wait you paid guys are taken great care of the vollys right now. Who buys ur furniture that u lay ur butts on all day> US VOLLYS> If it wasnt for the volly side most of you pricks wouldnt be where your at today...You say the vollys dont stay the nite here either . Yea ok . We take care of these stations around here. This would be Great joe if you would start a new post about that post with what a paid guy said about the vollys how we dont do anything.
leather helmets yea sumthing they just mite need. Dont be mad cause you dont get stuff like that. We work hard for what we got. The vollys save the city more that a paid will ever do.
8:41 you must be one of the paid idiots. you think Salisbury is the only fire station in MD. all of the other stations in wicomico are Volunteer (except for a few paid staff here and there) and to all of your questions, YES! the volunteers at those stations do all of that, FOR FREE! I know of a number of volunteer paramedics who give their time for free and have to keep their certs up. get over yourself you blow hard! PS I never said i was with salisbury you ASSumed it!
8:41, I think it's evident that you are not only one of the paid a holes spoken of, but that you are also one of the holier that thou "officers" that you claim volunteers aren't qualified for. I pity the people who have to work for you. Salisbury doesn't need you or your inflated ego, close the door on your way out.
This is really funny considering this post is about Wayne and Joe not Salisbury Vs Vollys....Maybe all of the Salisbury "firefighters" should be locked away in the zoo since that's how they act...May bring more money to the zoo also to see a bunch of donkeys fighting all day long...ROTFLMAO
Anonymous said...
leather helmets yea sumthing they just mite need. Dont be mad cause you dont get stuff like that. We work hard for what we got. The vollys save the city more that a paid will ever do.
8:36 PM
Actually this is far from the truth because it is rare for the "vollies" to take calls any more.
Typical Vollie dispatch:
Central to Station 16 or any Station 16 units responding to the second call acknowledge?
Central Re-alerting Station 16 for the second call in Station 16's first due...
Central to Station 2 or any Station 2 units responding acknowledge?
Central re-alerting Station 2....
Engine 16 is responding with 20_ and 2 to Stations 2's first due...
Central to Station 1 or any Station 1 units responding acknowledge?
Engine 16 is responding with 20_ and 2 to Station 1's first due...
Anonymous said...
dose the paid guys get paid to sleep yea. do the paid guys know how to wash the salt off of brand new engines NO. do the paid guys get paid to wash there vehicles at work yea. the vollys have to wash there own engines cause the duty crew seem to sleep all day yea. The duty crew know how to fill the engines back up on any day NO. Wait you paid guys are taken great care of the vollys right now. Who buys ur furniture that u lay ur butts on all day> US VOLLYS> If it wasnt for the volly side most of you pricks wouldnt be where your at today...You say the vollys dont stay the nite here either . Yea ok . We take care of these stations around here. This would be Great joe if you would start a new post about that post with what a paid guy said about the vollys how we dont do anything.
8:35 PM
No Match for 8:41, go back to Elementary School!!
Anonymous said...
8:41 you must be one of the paid idiots. you think Salisbury is the only fire station in MD. all of the other stations in wicomico are Volunteer (except for a few paid staff here and there) and to all of your questions, YES! the volunteers at those stations do all of that, FOR FREE! I know of a number of volunteer paramedics who give their time for free and have to keep their certs up. get over yourself you blow hard! PS I never said i was with salisbury you ASSumed it!
8:51 PM
You have never been further from the truth. Just an educated and observant bystander. By the way most of my education on you wannabe firefighters came from the knowledge shared on this blog. Thanks for showing your ignorance.
8:51 PM could you please tell us who those volunteer paramedics in the county are? I will help you out with that one, there are none!
responce to 8:36 2/3 of your comment might have been true, sta 1 has only scratched 1 time and did cover the call and put engin 16 whare it belongs back at the station and that is because the pagers did not go off till the 1st re-alert. idiot.
all this is starting up cause the vollies at Salisbury got stickers and shirts that reconize them as vollies. The duty crews have done this for years with career t shirts and union stickers and tags on their vehicles, the vollies get the same and all hell breakes out, hey career guys if you cant take it dont dish it out. whats good for the goose is good for the gander, dont hate what you all have done for years to the vollies the tide is about to change in Salisbury you all have screwed this dept up for long enough time for the good ole days to return and it to be run as it was, a volunteer dept supplemented with career staff. get ready its comeing
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
dose the paid guys get paid to sleep yea. do the paid guys know how to wash the salt off of brand new engines NO. do the paid guys get paid to wash there vehicles at work yea. the vollys have to wash there own engines cause the duty crew seem to sleep all day yea. The duty crew know how to fill the engines back up on any day NO. Wait you paid guys are taken great care of the vollys right now. Who buys ur furniture that u lay ur butts on all day> US VOLLYS> If it wasnt for the volly side most of you pricks wouldnt be where your at today...You say the vollys dont stay the nite here either . Yea ok . We take care of these stations around here. This would be Great joe if you would start a new post about that post with what a paid guy said about the vollys how we dont do anything.
8:35 PM
To everyone reading this blog. This is more than likely Jeremy Gordy, Little Gordo, Acting Lieutenant appointed by daddy. After he reads this he will more than likely call Joe make excuses and be in denial. This is typical of his poor grammatical skills.
dose = does
yea = yes
there = their
taken = taking
vollys = volunteers or vollie for short
ur = your
u = you
Great = great
joe = Joe
wasnt = wasn't
wouldnt = wouldn't
ok = OK
your = you're
dont = don't
No punctuation
Poor sentences and sentence structure.
It is very sad that the boy didn't stay in school and make something out of his life. All the blame can be put on his daddy.
This person is an embarrassment to the Salisbury Fire Department and the good volunteers and career staff.
You are right Jeremy, I mean 12:34 PM. Changes are "comeing" and if we are fortunate enough you and your daddy will be a big part of those changes. Wink Wink!!
Here is a poll question to the readers of this blog. How many people would like to see Bill and Jeremy Gordy leave the Salisbury Fire Department?
Isn't it ironic that most of the career personel at the Salisbury Fire Dept. are vollies somewhare else. Hopefully someday you all will have a career staff at your house sucking up all the city budget in fact 98% of the citys fire budget goes to paychecks and benifits, look it up for yourselves . I have ! If not for the vollies and THEIR money you all would be sitting on the floor playin cards not in cinima chairs wathcing premium tv's and riding on old refurbished equipment. So stop looking a gift horse in the mouth.
ROTFLMAO! To the person who just wrote in a comment in all capital letters and four letter words, thanks for the laugh, I needed it.
Anonymous said...
Isn't it ironic that most of the career personel at the Salisbury Fire Dept. are vollies somewhare else. Hopefully someday you all will have a career staff at your house sucking up all the city budget in fact 98% of the citys fire budget goes to paychecks and benifits, look it up for yourselves . I have ! If not for the vollies and THEIR money you all would be sitting on the floor playin cards not in cinima chairs wathcing premium tv's and riding on old refurbished equipment. So stop looking a gift horse in the mouth.
3:37 PM
Dude... what is Vollies and their money???
Could you please explain that one?
Anonymous said...
Isn't it ironic that most of the career personel at the Salisbury Fire Dept. are vollies somewhare else. Hopefully someday you all will have a career staff at your house sucking up all the city budget in fact 98% of the citys fire budget goes to paychecks and benifits, look it up for yourselves . I have ! If not for the vollies and THEIR money you all would be sitting on the floor playin cards not in cinima chairs wathcing premium tv's and riding on old refurbished equipment. So stop looking a gift horse in the mouth.
3:37 PM
More grammatical errors by the retard farmin:
yourselves .
I have !
What an embarrassment to the fire service!!
9:15 grow up some is not correct however it is slang you reterd.
Isn't it nice to think that the firemen in this city are retards. Well it would be but, then again what kind of college degree do you have? I have one (not for english)and I am a fireman does that make me a retard. 75% of people do not proof read their comments either. Out of a typical college english class only 2% have no errors. But, then again how many college grads become fireman at least they know how to rescue people when it counts.
By the way it is not farmin that could be used for slang to refer to what farmers do it is fireman or to be politicaly correct it is fireperson
Another thing (9:15) check your grammer it is not and i quote, "More grammatical errors by the retard farmin:" it should be in fact, More grammatical errors by another retarded fireman or by the retarded firemen. But, in todays society "retard" or "retarded" are no longer accepted as correct. It is mentally challenged or mentally handicapped. 9:15 what a misinformed individual.
I had the misfortune of going to Delmar High School with Wayne Barrall. He was a moron and a failed bully then and it's clearly obvious that he has not changed one bit. I say he is a failed bully because as you pointed out, once you show that you're gonna stand your ground he backs down. Wayne has never been the brightest bulb in the bunch, and it seems he has no problem in pointing that fact out. He has the expressive force of a fence post and the intellect of a month old head of lettuce.I'm surprised he has maintained a position on the Delmar Fire Dept. In my past dealings with this severely intellectually handicapped individual, he has threatened me more times than I can remember and it always gives me a good laugh. Joe, I suggest you let what this moron says simply roll right off your back. He is not worth getting yourself worked up over. He will never raise his hand to you, his bark is far worse than his bite. I'm sure that I'm not the only person that feels this way or knows how Wayne truly is.
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