After I had received word Gary Comegys had cancer, it truly about knocked me down to my knees. After recently losing my Mother to bone cancer, I know the road ahead for Gary and his Family will not be an easy one.
However, Gary is much younger and has plenty of fight in him to beat this evil disease. That being said, I want to personally extend my thoughts, prayers and or services to the Comegys as this is the time to put everything aside and support a fellow American, a Firefighter, a Council Member and most of all a Husband and Father.
No, there are not just words from Joe Albero. I mean every single word published here and I never go against my word. In the same spirit of support for Brooke Mulford, we must all extend the same for Mr. Comegys.
Let me make something perfectly clear here.
If you think I'm going to publish nasty comments at this point and time, you're wrong!
Don't even waste your time because they will be rejected.
Especially you anonymous pansies.
Cancer is a terrible thing , having had it myself , I can relate. Our hearts go out to Gary and his family , he will need all the support he can get.
Prayers for the Comegys.
How could anyone think to say nasty things at a time like this? Joe your words are very touching.
I agree with you as well Joe and I must say that your words truly reflect that you are bigger than local political issues. I just hope that for Mr. Comegy's sake that he will also put the past behing and will accept your offer to help. Issues like these are not ones to be stubborn on nor a time to hold grudges of the past.
That being said, I don't exactly like Mr. Comegys either (as a council member), but I would never wish poor health on him. Let this City pull together to help an individual as we have helped others in the past. Perhaps this misfortune could lead to a better working relationships among the council members and other entities of the City. Let's be positive here-good things can come out of bad news. And let's be positive that Mr Comegys will overcome this disease.
Mr Comegys, good luck to you and I hope you triumph in your future fight.
Let's put politics aside for this -- get well soon, Gary
You tore the man down for years. You ought to just say you are sorry while you are at it, not just to Gary, but Louise, and the Mayor and Jim Rapp, and all of the other people you attacked personally for years. Turn over a new leaf, you might actually like a life where people don't dispise you so much.
Michele of Delmar
I will keep them in my prayers.
God bless.
My prayer go out to he and his family- God Bless. Keep your spirits high and your fight strong!
anonymous 12:08, I am not sorry for a single word I have ever said or printed, unless mentioned other wise.
Because Gary and I do not see eye to eye on matters doesn't make either one of us bad people. Heck, Gary and I have battled on issues far more serious and harsh than ANYTHING ever discussed with Chief Webster and you didn't see Gary trying to sue me, like Barrie and the Chiefy.
That being said, if he would allow it, I'd stand by Gary Comegys side from this day forward if he welcomed it. Trust me, after just going through this I know what's ahead and while we may not agree on political issues, Gary is just as deserving of support as anyone else that I know.
Let me close with this. At least Gary Comegys doesn't sit back anonymously and bitch and complain about Salisbury, like so many of you do. Gary has been fighting the fight towards what HE believes in and my hat will always be tipped to him for such.
I have always thought of you as a man of his word!
12:08, knock it off. There is a big difference between going after someone for their political views, or even personal behaviors, as a public figure and understanding a personal health crisis as a human being.
I'm with 12:03. I don't like what Gary Comegys has done to our town with his votes, campaigns, etc. but I would never wish him personally ill like this!
Wishes and prayers to both him and his family.
This may be the time for the Salisbury City Council to reconsider the prohibition of its members participating in work sessions, if not regular meetings, too, by telephone.
Gary Comegys has moxie -- the only one of the Dream Team to go the distance. I think and pray that he will do it again in this different arena.
I saw Gary at the Doctors last week. I sensed that something serious was going on. He appeared to be in a lot of pain. I have seldom agreed with Gary, but wish him all the medical miracles that God can provide to beat the beast.
farm boy
Gary, I wish you the best.
Wishing you a speedy recovery, Gary. Hang in there! cj
The cancer rates around here are staggering. Has anyone found info about why? I've never known so many ppl to have cancer. Hopefully Gary will beat it.
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