Location: 10000 Block of Maury Avenue, Seaford, DE
Date of Occurrence: Friday, 3/5/10 at approximately 6:00 am
Antonio R. Bailey, 36 years old, of Seaford, DE
Sheena Ayers, 26 years old, of Seaford, DE
Patricia Uhey, 32 years old, of Seaford, DE
Resume: Early this morning the Delaware State Police Sussex County Drug Unit conducted a search warrant on the 10000 Block of Maury Avenue, Seaford, DE, in reference to an ongoing drug investigation. Upon executing the search warrant Troopers took the above suspects into custody without incident. Also in the home during the time of the search warrant were two small children, one of which was only 2 months old, and the other is a 1 year old.
The search warrant yielded, approximately 85.5 grams of crack cocaine, 2.4 grams of marijuana, an undisclosed amount of US currency, and various drug paraphernalia.
Antonio R. Bailey was formally charged with, Trafficking Cocaine (Felony), Possession with Intent to Deliver Narcotics (Felony), Possession with Intent to Deliver a Non-Narcotic (Felony), Maintaining a Dwelling for Keeping a Controlled Substance (Felony), Conspiracy 2nd (Felony), 2 Counts of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (Misdemeanor), 2 Counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child (Misdemeanor), and Criminal Nuisance (Misdemeanor). Antonio R. Bailey was arraigned and committed to Sussex Correction Institute in lieu of $98,000 cash bail.
Sheena Ayers was also formally charged with, , Trafficking Cocaine (Felony), Possession with Intent to Deliver Narcotics (Felony), Possession with Intent to Deliver a Non-Narcotic (Felony), Maintaining a Dwelling for Keeping a Controlled Substance (Felony), Conspiracy 2nd (Felony), 2 Counts of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (Misdemeanor), 2 Counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child (Misdemeanor), and Criminal Nuisance (Misdemeanor). Sheena Ayers was arraigned and committed to Sussex Correction Institute in lieu of $40,000 secured bail.
Patricia Uhey was formally charged with, 2 Counts of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (Misdemeanor), and Criminal Nuisance (Misdemeanor). Patricia L. Hoyle was then released pending trial. Patricia L. Hoyle’s photo is not available.
damn that one ugly 'female'
Does my hair look o.k. ?? Are you feeling me !!!!!!
So sad there were babies being raised by these fools! Hope they find good homes for them. A shame these people are able to reproduce. She is obviously high as a kite in this pic.
Good job to law enforcement! Keep it up! You all are cleaning up our streets and taking back our communities! God be with you!
she was on drugs. wow, sometimes is so hard to tell
Hope your independance card didnt pay for that Doo
Nice hair
Thats one hell of a do. Honey those drugs didnt do much for you.. Clean up your act.. You are a mess....
I always say make sure you look good when you leave the house- you never know when you're going to have your picture taken.
Is what I read correct? They were living together and not married? And she had children without being married? How scandalous!!!! Haha
and they say we profile them...
I dont think we payed for the hair do but you can bet your a-- we have payed for all those kids she has I am so SICK being a tax payer and working everyday and paying for all these LOSER I feel for the kids but most of them fall right into there mothers patterns when they are raised like this....
9:04 LOL! That's because they give us a reason to.
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