It's gangs like these that the people of Helena have to put up with..
A bit different from the problems in other cities...
It proves that every State has their own "unique" gang problems. They roam the streets and yards night and day.
They hang out in even the best neighborhoods!
..and you CANNOT (legally) stop them..
Just like Salisbury, You can see their butts as they walk down the street.
9:48 AM - Its adorable until they attack you in your own yard or you strike one with your car!
what do you expect when you are building developments on THEIR land?
I feel so for them. Beautiful and Scarey.
As humans we automatically assume that we have an inherant right to live wherever we like without intrusion... this is not accurate. I am sure these animals inhabited the area long before houses were built there and unless they are hunted down and killed off - which unfortunately they most likely will be - they will be there long after.
Sure survival of the fittest and all that but keep killing off all the wildlife because it interferes with where you choose to live and eventually all that was beautiful about our planet will be gone.
Sorry but I could accept these gangs with a lot more ease than any boxer showin' street thug wanna be around here. lol
Just looking at those homes and the well-manicured yards, I'm sure those residents are complaining about them destroying their property. I agree with previous posters...the wildlife were there first! That's like people moving next to a hog farm or chicken farm and then complaining about the smells and the noises. *rolls eyes*
1:00, I was thinking the same thing. LOL
the chick has a nice butt
Looks like Santa has a summer home in Helena, Montana! Those are raindeer. I wonder where Rudolph is?
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